Enabling and accessing disk units

You must follow these procedures before you can perform any disk management tasks using IBM® Navigator for i.

Before you can perform any disk management tasks using IBM Navigator for i you need to set up the proper authorizations for dedicated service tools (DST).
  1. The user profile that is used to access disk units in IBM Navigator for i must have at least these authorities:
    • *ALLOBJ – All object authority
    • *SERVICE
  2. From the IBM i command line, type STRSST and press enter to start System service tools.
  3. Sign on to SST with your service tools user ID and password, or use the QSECOFR service tools user ID and password.
  4. Select option 8 (Work with service tools server security and devices).
  5. Select option 4 to change the service tools password level to PWLVL 2.
  6. Select option 1 (Work with service tools user IDs) to work with service tools user IDs.
  7. Create a service tools user ID or change the password of an existing user profile to apply the new password level.
  8. Give this service tools user ID at least these authorities:
    • Disk units – operation
    • Disk units – administration
  9. Press Enter to enable these changes.