Real time server statistics

Real time server statistics provide information on IBM® HTTP Server for i performance.

Server statistics can be viewed with the Real Time Server Statistics tool available through the IBM Web Administration for i interface. Only statistics for running HTTP Servers can be viewed. Data is collected from the primary server job only.

The header information for the active server displays the following:

Server name
Displays the name of the active server. The user-defined name was specified during the creation of the server.
Displays the job name for the active server.
Server started
Displays the date and time the server was started.
Current time
Displays the date and time of the last manual or automatic refresh of the statistical information.

Statistical information can be refreshed manually by clicking Refresh or can be automatically refreshed by selecting a refresh rate from the Refresh Interval drop-down menu.

Note: Statistical information is cumulative. If a value is greater than 264-1 in any column, the value will reset to 0. All values will reset to 0 if the server is stopped and then started. The type of information displayed is dependent on the activity of the HTTP Server and what functions are enabled. Only statistical information for enabled or active functions are displayed. Each column heading identifies what enabled function or associated server is being surveyed for statistical information.

Each column heading identifies what enabled function or associated server is being surveyed for statistical information. Statistical information is obtained for the following functions:

Server handled
This column displays the number of completed server transactions by the HTTP Server since the server was started. For example, completed transactions for static HTML pages, HTML pages containing Server Side Include (SSI), and images.
This column displays the number of completed server transactions that used proxy since the server was started. Proxy statistics are only available if proxy is enabled. See Proxy server types and uses for HTTP Server for more information.
This column displays the number of completed server transactions that were handled as Common Gateway Interface (CGI) since the server was started. CGI statistics are only available if CGI is enabled. See Setting up CGI jobs for more information.
Using SSL
This column displays the number of completed server transactions that used Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) since the server was started. SSL statistics are only available if SSL is enabled. See JKL Toy company enables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protection on HTTP Server for more information.
This column displays the number of completed server transactions that used an associated application server since HTTP Server was started. If the associated application server is not running, the information will still be displayed but will equal '0'. WebSphere statistics are only available if a WebSphere Application Server is associated with an HTTP Server.
Customer module
This column displays the number of completed server transactions that used a customer or third-party module. A customer module is a user module incorporated as a service program into the HTTP Server. See Apache module programming for more information.
FRCA Stats
This column displays the number of completed server transactions that used Fast Response Cache Accelerator (FRCA) since the server was started. FRCA statistics are only available if FRCA is enabled. See Fast Response Cache Accelerator (FRCA) for HTTP Server for more information.
FRCA Proxy
This column displays the number of completed server transactions that used Fast Response Cache Accelerator (FRCA) proxy since the server was started. FRCA statistics are only available if FRCA is enabled. See Fast Response Cache Accelerator (FRCA) for HTTP Server for more information.


The general statistical information displays basic information about the active server since the server was started. Statistical information displayed includes the following:

Active threads
Displays the number of currently active threads on the server. A thread is an independent unit of work within a job that uses many of the jobs resources to complete work. The difference between jobs and threads is that threads run within the job helping it to finish its work. Every active job has at least one thread, which is called an initial thread. The initial thread is created as part of starting the job. The use of threads within a job allows many things to be done at once. For example, while a job is processing, a thread may retrieve and calculate data needed by the job to finish processing.
Idle threads
Displays the number of currently idle threads active on the server. An idle thread is a portion of a program that is waiting for either a response or a request before it can continue. Idle threads are most often waiting for an HTTP request to process.
Normal connections
Displays the number of total normal (non-secure) connections currently active.
SSL connections
Displays the number of total SSL (secure) connections currently active.
Displays the number of total requests to the server since the server was started.
Displays the number of total responses from the server since the server was started.
Requests rejected
Displays the number of total rejected requests issued by the server since the server was started.

Absolute and Delta

The absolute and delta information displays statistical information about currently enabled functions or associated servers. The absolute value is a measurement of the total transactions since the server was started. The delta value is a measurement of the total transactions since the server statistics were refreshed. The absolute and delta statistical information may be displayed separately or side by side for comparison. Connections are not the same thing as a request or response transaction. Connection are only recorded for new inbound connections to the server. Each column heading identifies what enabled function or associated server is being surveyed for statistical information. Each row identifies what statistical information is being retrieved. Statistical information displayed for each column includes:

Displays the number of requests to the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Displays the number of responses sent by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Error responses
Displays the number of error responses sent by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column. An error response example is the 404 "Page Not Found" response.
Non-cache responses
Displays the number of non-cached responses sent by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Cache responses
Displays the number of local memory cached responses sent by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Bytes received
Displays the number of bytes received by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Bytes sent
Displays the number of bytes sent by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Non-cache Processing (seconds)
Displays the number of seconds of non-cached processing activity completed by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Cache Processing (seconds)
Displays the number of seconds of cached processing activity completed by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.


The server averages information displays the average length of activity, in seconds, completed by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column. Each column heading identifies what enabled function or associated server is being surveyed for statistical information. Each row identifies what statistical information is being retrieved. Averages are not affected by end user response times. Factors such as internet and intranet traffic, firewalls, and connection speeds are not determined. Statistical information displayed for each column includes:

Total (seconds)
Displays the total time of activity completed by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Non-cached (seconds)
Displays the average length of time of non-cached activity completed by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.
Cached (seconds)
Displays the average length of time of cached activity completed by the enabled function or associated server identified at the top of the column.