Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBOS

These database file entries contain data specific to system jobs.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in local system time. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
DTCEN Century digit. C (1)
JBNAME Job name/workstation name. C (10)
JBUSER Job user. C (10)
JBNBR Job number. C (6)
JBTYPE Job type.
  • A:Autostart
  • B:Batch
  • I:Interactive
  • M:Subsystem monitor
  • R:Spool reader
  • S:System
  • V:SLIC task
  • W:Spool writer
  • X:SCPF job
C (1)
JBSTYP Job subtype.
  • T:MRT (System/36 environment only)
  • E:Evoke (communications batch)
  • P:Print driver job
  • J:Prestart job
  • F:M36 (Advanced/36 server job)
  • D:Batch immediate job
  • U:Alternative spool user
C (1)
JBSTSF Status flag: indicates job status relative to this interval. The values are:
  • 0 -- normal interval collection
  • 1 -- job started in interval
  • 2 -- job ended in interval
  • 3 -- job started and ended.
Note: Jobs that are rerouted or transferred will result in a termination record (JBSTSF = 2) and a new job record (JBSTSF = 1.)
PD (1,0)
JBSSYS Name of the subsystem the job is running in. C (10)
JBSLIB Name of the library the subsystem description is in. C (10)
JBROUT The routing entry index for the subsystem this job is in. PD (5,0)
JBACCO Job accounting code. Field cannot be displayed. C (15)
JBRSP Total transaction time (in seconds).
Note: Certain IBM® i functions support the concept of a transaction. The definition of a transaction and the characteristics of a transaction are different depending on the type of job or the specific function of the job. For interactive jobs, display I/O transactions are counted. The transaction starts on detection of enter from the workstation; the transaction ends when the keyboard is unlocked. For SNADS jobs, a transaction is the processing of a distribution.
PD (15,3)
JBNTR Number of transactions.
Note: Certain IBM i functions support the concept of a transaction. The definition of a transaction and the characteristics of a transaction are different depending on the type of job or the specific function of the job. For interactive jobs, display I/O transactions are counted. The transaction starts on detection of enter from the workstation; the transaction ends when the keyboard is unlocked. For SNADS jobs, a transaction is the processing of a distribution.
PD (11,0)
JBAIQT Total application input queuing time (in hundredths of a second). PD (15,1)
JBNAIQ Number of application input queuing transactions. PD (11,0)
JBRUT Total resource usage time (in seconds). PD (15,3)
JBNRU Number of resource usage transactions. PD (11,0)
JBPLN Number of print lines: Number of lines written by the program. This does not reflect what is actually printed. Spooled files can be ended, or printed with multiple copies. PD (11,0)
JBPPG Number of print pages. PD (11,0)
JBPFL Number of print files. PD (11,0)
JBLWT Number of database writes (logical): Number of times the internal database write function was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these numbers show each block of records written, not the number of individual records written. PD (11,0)
JBLRD Number of database reads (logical): Number of times the database module was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these numbers show each block of records read, not the number of individual records read. PD (11,0)
JBDBU Number of miscellaneous database operations: Updates, deletes, force-end-of-data, commits, rollbacks, and releases (logical). PD (11,0)
JBCPT Number of communications writes: These do not include remote workstation activity. They include only activity related to intersystem communications function (ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem communications function (ICF) device. PD (11,0)
JBCGT Number of communications reads (logical): These do not include remote workstation activity. They include only activity related to intersystem communications function (ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem communications function (ICF) device. PD (11,0)
JBSPD Total suspended time (in milliseconds.) PD (11,0)
JBRRT Total time job waited during reroutes (in milliseconds.) PD (11,0)
JBLND Line description: Name of the communications line this workstation and its controller are attached to. This is only available for remote workstations. C (10)
JBCUD Controller description: Name of the controller this workstation is attached to. C (10)
JB2LND Secondary line description (pass-through and emulation only.) C (10)
JB2CUD Secondary controller description (pass-through and emulation only). C (10)
JBIRN IOP resource name. C (10)
JBDRN Device resource name. C (10)
JBPORT Workstation port number. PD (3,0)
JBSTN Workstation number. PD (3,0)
JBPTSF Pass-through source flag. PD (1,0)
JBPTTF Pass-through target flag. PD (1,0)
JBEAF Emulation active flag. PD (1,0)
JBPCSF IBM i Access application flag. PD (1,0)
JBDDMF Target DDM job flag. PD (1,0)
JBMRTF MRT flag. PD (1,0)
JBS36E Is job running in System/36 environment? (Y/N) C (1)
JBQT Total queuing time to enter the MRT (in hundredths of seconds). PD (11,0)
JBMMT Total time spent at MRTMAX (in seconds). PD (11,0)
JBNEQT Total number of entries into the MRT. PD (11,0)
JBPUTN The number of times ACPUT was called to send user or control data. Calls that result in no data being sent are not counted. PD (11,0)
JBPUTA The total amount of user and control data that was sent by the user's program. This value does not include the LLID, MAPNAME, or FMH-7 data lengths. PD (11,0)
JBGETN The number of times ACGET was called to receive user or control data. Calls that result in no data being given to the user application will not be counted. PD (11,0)
JBGETA The total amount of user and control data that was received by the user's program. This value does not include the LLID, MAPNAME, or FMH-7 data lengths. PD (11,0)
JBPGIN The number of intervals that begin at the first put of a chain and end when CD is returned to the user. PD (11,0)
JBPGIL The amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in intervals that begin at the first put of a chain and end when CD is returned to the user. PD (11,0)
JBGGIL The amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in intervals that begin when the first get of a get chain completes and ends when the first get of a new chain is issued. PD (11,0)
JBRTI This is the number of request I/O commands (REQIOs) issued to transmit data of any kind (including FMH-7s.) PD (11,0)
JBRRI This is the number of REQIOs issued to receive data of any kind (including FMH-7s.) PD (11,0)
JBXSLR File system symbolic link reads. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
JBXDYR File system directory reads. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
JBDLCH File system directory lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
JBDLCM File system lookup cache misses. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
JBSJNM Submitter's job name. C (10)
JBSJUS Submitter's job user. C (10)
JBSJNB Submitter's job number. C (6)
JBSJFG Submitted job flag. This flag is designed to differentiate locally submitted jobs from jobs that are submitted from remote systems. Currently, this flag supports locally submitted jobs only. C (1)
JBRSYS Reserved. C (10)
JBDEVN Reserved. C (10)
JBRLNM Reserved. C (8)
JBLLNM Reserved. C (8)
JBMODE Reserved. C (8)
JBRMNT Reserved. C (8)
JBBUP Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBDL Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBFE Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBCO Database commit operations. PD (11,0)
JBBRO Database rollback operations. PD (11,0)
JBLBO The cumulative number of SQL cursors which have been full opened. PD (11,0)
JBLBC Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBI Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBS The cumulative number of SQL cursors which have been pseudo-opened. Pseudo-opens are also known as reused SQL cursors. PD (11,0)
JBDQS Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBDQR Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBNDA Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBNUS Full opens. The number of Native database (non-SQL) files and SQL cursors which have been full opened. Subtracting the value within field JBLBO from JBNUS will yield the number of non-SQL full opens. PD (11,0)
JBSIT1 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT3 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBGRUP Job group. C (3)
JBTDE System task identifier (task count). This field cannot be displayed. C (8)
JBFLAG Job flag (See notes.) Field cannot be displayed. C (2)
JBSVRT Server type. The type of server represented by the job. A value of blank (or blank space) indicates that the job is not part of a server.

For more information on server types, see Server jobs and Server table.

C (30)
JBFSOPN File system opens. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems. PD (11,0)
JBFSDC File system directory creates. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems. PD (11,0)
JBFSNDC File system non-directory creates. Count of create operations for non-directory objects such as files or symbolic links. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems. PD (11,0)
JBFSDD File system directory deletes. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems. PD (11,0)
JBFSNDD File system non-directory deletes. Count of delete operations for non-directory objects such as files or symbolic links. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems. PD (11,0)
JBSPLFC Number of spooled files created by this job. This includes those spooled files which are spooled or restored under this job as well as all spooled files that are spooled under QPRTJOBs by this job. B (18,0)
JBSBMJOBS Number of jobs submitted or spawned by this job. B (18,0)
JBSQLSTMT Number of SQL statements. This field contains a count of the number of SQL statements executed during the Collection Services time interval. This count includes user initiated SQL statements and DB2® for i internal SQL statements. The count includes SQL statements which failed to execute successfully. B (18,0)
JBLWTSQL Number of SQL related database writes (logical). This field can be compared to JBLWT to understand the portion of database writes which are attributed to SQL activity within the job during the Collection Services time interval. Subtracting JBLWTSQL from JBLWT will yield the number of non-SQL related database writes. B (18,0)
JBLRDSQL Number of SQL related database reads (logical). This field can be compared to JBLRD to understand the portion of database reads which are attributed to SQL activity within the job during the Collection Services time interval. Subtracting JBLRDSQL from JBLRD will yield the number of non-SQL related database reads. B (18,0)
JBDBUSQL Number of SQL related database miscellaneous operations (logical). This field can be compared to JBDBU to understand the portion of database miscellaneous operations which are attributed to SQL activity within the job during the Collection Services time interval. Subtracting JBDBUSQL from JBDBU will yield the number of non-SQL related database miscellaneous operations. B (18,0)
JBPASCMP Number of SQL PAS compressions across all threads in this job. The SQL Program Associated Space (SQL PAS) is a thread scoped internal work area used when SQL statements are dynamically prepared and executed. The SQL PAS spaces are managed by DB2 for i and may undergo a compression to maintain optimal performance. This field is simply the total number of SQL PAS compressions across all threads within the job during the Collection Services time interval. B (18,0)
JBPKGCMP Number of *SQLPKG compressions which were initiated by SQL activity in this job. *SQLPKG's are permanent objects which contain prepared SQL extended dynamic statements. These objects allow SQL statements to be prepared a single time for executions across many jobs. The spaces are managed by DB2 for i and may undergo a compression to maintain optimal performance. This field is simply the total number of *SQLPKG compressions initiated within this job, across all threads within the job during the Collection Services time interval. B (18,0)
JBCTHD Connected thread identifier. For server jobs, this field can be used to identify the client application job thread which last used this server connection. This is optional information that a server may or may not provide. The connected thread may refer to a client application job thread which no longer exists. This field will contain hex zeros if the job isn't a server, the server does not support this information, or the server is waiting for a connection to be established. One server that does provide this information is the QSQSRVR SQL server mode server. BINCHAR (8)
JBCJNAM Connected job name. For server jobs, this field can be used to identify the client application job that established the connection. This is optional information that a server may or may not provide. This field will contain blank characters if the job isn't a server, the server does not support this information, or the server is waiting for a connection to be established. One server that does provide this information is the QSQSRVR SQL server mode server. C (10)
JBCJUSR Connected job user. For server jobs, this field can be used to identify the client application job that established the connection. This is optional information that a server may or may not provide. This field will contain blank characters if the job isn't a server, the server does not support this information, or the server is waiting for a connection to be established. One server that does provide this information is the QSQSRVR SQL server mode server. C (10)
JBCJNBR Connected job number. For server jobs, this field can be used to identify the client application job that established the connection. This is optional information that a server may or may not provide. This field will contain blank characters if the job isn't a server, the server does not support this information, or the server is waiting for a connection to be established. One server that does provide this information is the QSQSRVR SQL server mode server. C (6)
DATETIME Interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in local system time. Timestamp
UTCTIME UTC interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Timestamp
Table 1. Job flags:
0 Pass-through service
1 Pass-through target
2 Emulation active
3 IBM i Access application
4 Target DDM job
6-15 not used