Example: Controlling information written in a job log

This example shows how the logging level affects the information that is stored in the job message queue and, therefore, written to the job log, if one is requested.

The example also shows that when the command is run interactively, filtering occurs after each command is run when the next request is received.
Note: Both high-level and detailed message logging levels are included in the examples. High-level messages start with the text of Message; detailed messages start with the text of Detailed Message.
  1. The CHGJOB command specifies a logging level of 2 and a message severity of 50, and that only messages are to be written to the job log (*MSG).
                                   Command Entry                         SYSTEM1
                                                              Request level:   1
    Previous commands and messages:
         > CHGJOB LOG(2 50 *MSG)
  2. PGMA sends three informational messages with severity codes of 20, 50, and 60 to its own call message queue and to the caller or the previous call message queue, for example, *PRV, which would be QCMD in this example using the command entry display. The messages that PGMA sends to its own call message queue are called detailed messages. Detailed messages are those messages that are sent to the call message queue of the lower-level program call.

    PGMB sends two informational messages with severity codes of 40 and 50 to its own call message queue. These are detailed messages. PGMB also sends one informational message with a severity code of 10 to *PRV, which is a high-level message.

    Note in the following display, after PGMA and PGMB are called, that the CHGJOB command no longer appears on the display. According to logging level 2, only requests for which a high-level message has been issued with a severity equal to or greater than that specified are saved for the job log, and no messages were issued for this request. CHGJOB was removed, or filtered from the job log, when the next request CALL PGMA was received. When a new request is received, the previous request is filtered according to the log level. If such a high-level message had been issued, any detailed messages that had been issued would be saved for the job log and could be displayed by pressing F10.

                                  Command Entry                         SYSTEM1
                                                              Request level:   1
    Previous commands and messages:
          > CALL PGMA
            Message sev 20 - PGMA
            Message sev 50 - PGMA
            Message sev 60 - PGMA
          > CALL PGMB
            Message sev 10 - PGMB
    Type command, press Enter.
    ===> _________________________________________________________________________
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F10=Include detailed messages
     F11=Display full      F12=Cancel    F13=Information Assistant   F24=More keys

    Request CALL PGMA results in a high-level message equal to or greater than the current log severity, so when request CALL PGMB is entered, no messages from PGMA are filtered.

  3. When F10=Include detailed messages is pressed from the Command Entry display, all the messages associated with the request CALL PGMA are displayed. All messages for request CALL PGMB are also shown because no filtering for the request has occurred yet.
                                  Command Entry                         SYSTEM1
                                                              Request level:   1
    All previous commands and messages:
       > CALL PGMA
         Detailed message sev  20 - PGMA
         Detailed message sev  50 - PGMA
         Detailed message sev  60 - PGMA
         Message sev 20 - PGMA
         Message sev 50 - PGMA
         Message sev 60 - PGMA
       > CALL PGMB
         Detailed message sev  40 - PGMB
         Detailed message sev  50 - PGMB
         Message sev 10 - PGMB
    Type command, press Enter.
    ===> _________________________________________________________________________
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F10=Exclude detailed messages
     F11=Display full      F12=Cancel    F13=Information Assistant    F24=More Keys
  4. When another command is entered (in this example, another CHGJOB), the CALL PGMB command and all messages (including detailed messages) are removed. They are removed because the severity code for the high-level message associated with this request was not equal to or greater than the severity code specified in the CHGJOB command. The CALL PGMA command and its associated messages remain because at least one of the high-level messages issued for that request has a severity code equal to or greater than that specified. Press F10 again to exclude detailed messages.

    On the following display, the CHGJOB command specifies a logging level of 3, a message severity of 40, and that both the first- and second-level text of a message are to be written to the job log. When another command is entered, the CHGJOB command remains on the display because logging level 3 logs all requests.

    PGMC sends two messages with severity codes of 30 and 40 to the call message queue of its caller (*PRV).

    PGMD sends a message with a severity of 10 to *PRV.

                                   Command Entry                         SYSTEM1
                                                              Request level:   1
    Previous commands and messages:
         > CALL PGMA
           Message sev 20 - PGMA
           Message sev 50 - PGMA
           Message sev 60 - PGMA
         > CHGJOB LOG(3 40 *SECLVL)
         > CALL PGMC
           Message sev 30 - PGMC
           Message sev 40 - PGMC
         > CALL PGMD
           Message sev 10 - PGMD
    Type command, press Enter.
    ===> _________________________________________________________________________
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F10=Include detailed messages
     F11=Display full      F12=Cancel    F13=Information Assistant    F24=More Keys
  5. When another command (CALL PGME) is entered after the CALL PGMD command was entered, the CALL PGMD command remains on the display, but its associated message is deleted. The message is deleted (filtered from the job log) because its severity code is not equal to or greater than the severity code specified on the LOG parameter of the CHGJOB command.

    The command SIGNOFF *LIST is entered to end the job and print the job log.

                                    Command Entry                         SYSTEM1
                                                              Request level:   1
    Previous commands and messages:
         > CHGJOB LOG(3 40 *SECLVL)
         > CALL PGMC
           Message sev 30 - PGMC
           Message sev 40 - PGMC
         > CALL PGMD
         > CALL PGME
    Type command, press Enter.
    ===> SIGNOFF *LIST____________________________________________________________
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F10=Include detailed messages
     F11=Display full      F12=Cancel    F13=Information assistant    F24=More Keys

The job log, which follows, contains all the requests and all the messages that have remained on the Command Entry display. In addition, the job log contains the message help associated with each message, as specified by the last CHGJOB command. Notice that the job log contains the message help of any message issued during the job, not just for the messages issued since the second CHGJOB command was entered.

 5770SS1 V7R1M0 100416                           Job Log                             SYSAS727 01/16/11 07:13:35          Page    1
  Job name . . . . . . . . . . :   QPADEV000C      User  . . . . . . :   JOHNDOE      Number . . . . . . . . . . . :   038518
  Job description  . . . . . . :   QDFTJOBD        Library . . . . . :   QGPL
MSGID      TYPE                    SEV  DATE      TIME             FROM PGM     LIBRARY     INST     TO PGM      LIBRARY     INST
CPF1124    Information             00   01/16/11  07:13:19.570504  QWTPIIPP     QSYS        0613     *EXT                    *N
                                     Message . . . . :   Job 038518/JOHNDOE/QPADEV000C started on 01/16/11 at
                                       07:13:19 in subsystem QINTER in QSYS. Job entered system on 01/16/11 at
*NONE      Request                      01/16/11  07:13:24.318144  QMHGSD       QSYS        0010     QCMD        QSYS        0178
                                     Message . . . . :  -CALL PGMA
MSG1001    Information             20   01/16/11  07:13:24.361064  PGMA         JOHNDOE     0029     PGMA        JOHNDOE     0029
                                     From User . . . . . . . . . :   MARYJANE
                                     Message . . . . :   Detailed message sev 20 - PGMA
                                     MSG1001 second level text - PGMA
MSG1002    Information             50   01/16/11  07:13:24.361416  PGMA         JOHNDOE     0032     PGMA        JOHNDOE     0032
                                     Message . . . . :   Detailed message sev 50 - PGMA
                                     MSG1002 second level text - PGMA
MSG1003    Information             60   01/16/11  07:13:24.361592  PGMA         JOHNDOE     0036     PGMA        JOHNDOE     0036
                                     Message . . . . :   Detailed message sev 60 - PGMA
                                     MSG1003 second level text - PGMA
MSG1004    Information             20   01/16/11  07:13:24.361776  PGMA         JOHNDOE     003A     QCMD        QSYS        01A6
                                     Message . . . . :   Message sev 20 - PGMA
                                     MSG1004 second level text - PGMA
MSG1005    Information             50   01/16/11  07:13:24.362192  PGMA         JOHNDOE     0043     QCMD        QSYS        01A6
                                     From User . . . . . . . . . :   MARYJANE
                                     Message . . . . :   Message sev 50 - PGMA
                                     MSG1005 second level text - PGMA
MSG1006    Information             60   01/16/11  07:13:24.362552  PGMA         JOHNDOE     004C     QCMD        QSYS        01A6
                                     Message . . . . :   Message sev 60 - PGMA
                                     MSG1006 second level text - PGMA
*NONE      Request                      01/16/11  07:13:24.370240  QMHGSD       QSYS        0018     QCMD        QSYS        0178
                                     Message . . . . :  -CHGJOB LOG(3 40 *SECLVL)
*NONE      Request                      01/16/11  07:13:24.370672  QMHGSD       QSYS        001C     QCMD        QSYS        0178
                                     Message . . . . :  -CALL PGMC
MSG100F    Information             30   01/16/11  07:13:24.379256  PGMC         JOHNDOE     *STMT    QCMD        QSYS        01A6
                                     From User . . . . . . . . . :   MARYJANE
                                     From module . . . . . . . . :   PGMC
                                     From procedure  . . . . . . :   PGMC
                                     Statement . . . . . . . . . :   8000
                                     Message . . . . :   Message sev 30 - PGMC
                                     MSG100F second level text - PGMC
MSG1010    Information             40   01/16/11  07:13:24.379608  PGMC         JOHNDOE     *STMT    QCMD        QSYS        01A6
                                     From module . . . . . . . . :   PGMC
                                     From procedure  . . . . . . :   PGMC
                                     Statement . . . . . . . . . :   8200
 5770SS1 V7R1M0 100416                           Job Log                             LPAR3TLM 01/16/11 07:13:35          Page    2
  Job name . . . . . . . . . . :   QPADEV000C      User  . . . . . . :   JOHNDOE      Number . . . . . . . . . . . :   038518
  Job description  . . . . . . :   QDFTJOBD        Library . . . . . :   QGPL
MSGID      TYPE                    SEV  DATE      TIME             FROM PGM     LIBRARY     INST     TO PGM      LIBRARY     INST
                                     Message . . . . :   Message sev 40 - PGMD
                                     MSG1010 second level text - PGMC
*NONE      Request                      01/16/11  07:13:24.379928  QMHGSD       QSYS        0020     QCMD        QSYS        0178
                                     Message . . . . :  -CALL PGMD
*NONE      Request                      01/16/11  07:13:24.383568  QMHGSD       QSYS        0024     QCMD        QSYS        0178
                                     Message . . . . :  -CALL PGME
*NONE      Request                      01/16/11  07:13:35.166408  QMHGSD       QSYS        073E     QCMD        QSYS        0178
                                     Message . . . . :  -signoff *list
CPF1164    Completion              00   01/16/11  07:13:35.173496  QWTMCEOJ     QSYS        00BD     *EXT                    *N
                                     Message . . . . :   Job 038518/JOHNDOE/QPADEV000C ended on 01/16/11 at
                                       07:13:35; 1 seconds used; end code 0 .
                                     Cause . . . . . :   Job 038518/JOHNDOE/QPADEV000C completed on 01/16/11 at
                                       07:13:35 after it used 1 seconds processing unit time.  The job had ending
                                       code 0. The job ended after 1 routing steps with a secondary ending code of
                                       0.  The job ending codes and their meanings are as follows:  0 - The job
                                       completed normally. 10 - The job completed normally during controlled ending
                                       or controlled subsystem ending. 20 - The job exceeded end severity (ENDSEV
                                       job attribute). 30 - The job ended abnormally. 40 - The job ended before
                                       becoming active. 50 - The job ended while the job was active. 60 - The
                                       subsystem ended abnormally while the job was active. 70 - The system ended
                                       abnormally while the job was active. 80 - The job ended (ENDJOBABN command).
                                       90 - The job was forced to end after the time limit ended (ENDJOBABN
                                       command). Recovery  . . . :   For more information, see the Work Management
                                       topic in the Information Center, http://www.iseries.ibm.com/infocenter.

The headings at the top of each page of the printed job log identify the job to which the job log applies and the characteristics of each entry:

  • The product ID, version, and date of the operating system
  • The system name
  • The date and time the job log was printed.
  • The fully qualified name of the job (job name, user name, and job number).
  • The name of the job description used to start the job.
  • The section number. This is printed if the job log is printed in multiple sections because the job log wrapped and *PRTWRAP was specified for the job message queue full action.
  • Headings for the information in the first line of each message entry.

The following information is printed for each message entry in the job log:

  • The first line for each message contains the following information:
    • The message identifier or *NONE.
    • The message type.
    • The message severity. This is blank for request messages.
    • The date and time each message was sent.
    • The program name, library name, and instruction number of the program that sent the message.
    • The program name, library name, and instruction number of the program to which the message was sent. *EXT indicates that the message was sent to the external message queue of the job.
  • If the message was sent by a user other than the user identified as the user in the qualified job name, the name of the user that sent the message is printed on a separate line. This can indicate one of the following situations:
    • The message was sent while the job was running under a different user profile. In the previous sample job log , messages MSG1001, MSG1005, and MSG100F were sent while the job was running under a different user profile.
    • An inquiry message was replied to by another user.
    • A batch job was submitted by a user other than the user profile that the batch job runs under. In this case the name of the submitting user is included for each request message.
    • Another user changed the job attributes and auditing was not active so a message was sent to the job to notify it of the change by another user.
  • If the sender is an Integrated Language Environment® (ILE) procedure, additional lines are printed to identify the module, procedure, and statement number. In the previous sample job log, for message MSG100F, PGMC is an ILE program.
  • If the job is a multithreaded job, and messages were sent from more than one thread, the thread identifier is printed for each message.
  • The message is printed on one or more lines.
  • If the logging level indicates that the second-level text is to be included, the second level text appears on subsequent lines following the message.