Working with output of the RTVDIRINF and PRTDIRINF commands

The Retrieve Directory Information (RTVDIRINF) command is used to collect attributes for objects in the integrated file system. The collected information is stored in database files (tables) that are named using the information file prefix specified by the INFFILEPFX parameter. The tables are created in the library specified by the INFLIB parameter.

Three tables are created as a result of the RTVDIRINF command. One table stores object attributes, one is for directories, and the last table is used to determine which files were used to store object attributes.

Starting in V6R1, you can also create these three tables with System i® Navigator. See Collecting and analyzing folder attributes with IBM Navigator for i for more information.

The following table describes the fields that are provided for the table that stores the object attributes. If *GEN is specified in the information file prefix (INFFILEPFX) parameter, the database files are created with a unique prefix generated by this command. The prefix begins with QAEZD followed by four digits. The files created to store the collected information are named using this prefix followed by either the letter D (for the file that contains directory information) or the letter O (for the file that contains information about objects in directories). For example, the first time that the command is run with *GEN specified, files QAEZD0001D and QAEZD0001O are created in the library specified by the Information library (INFLIB) parameter. Users can specify a file prefix to use for naming this database, which can be up to nine characters long.

Table 1. QAEZDxxxxO (store object's attributes)
Field name Field type Field description
QEZDIRIDX INTEGER Relational identifier between directory and object tables. It can be used to join the tables to get complete path name information. The QEZDIRIDX field value in the object table matches the QEZDIRIDX value in the directories table for the object's parent directory.
Note: When the "root" directory ( /) is specified as input to RTVDIRINF, the QEZDIRIDX value will be 1 even though the "root" directory (/) does not have a parent directory.
QEZOBJNAM 1 VARGRAPHIC (1024) The object name. 2
QEZOBJLEN INTEGER Number of bytes contained in the object name (field QEZOBJNAM).
QEZNMCCSID INTEGER The CCSID in which the object name (field QEZOBJNAM) is represented.
QEZREGION GRAPHIC (2) A two-character ID representing the country of the object name (field QEZOBJNAM). This ID affects actions that tend to be defined by the location of the action, such as collating sequence.
QEZLANGID GRAPHIC (3) A three character ID representing the language that the object name (field QEZOBJNAM) is in.
QEZMODE INTEGER The file access mode and type. For more information about mode, see Open file open() API.
QEZOBJTYPE 1 GRAPHIC (10) The object type.
QEZCCSID INTEGER The CCSID of the data and extended attributes of the object.
QEZALCSIZE 1 BIGINT The number of bytes that have been allocated for this object.
QEZDTASIZE BIGINT The size in bytes of the data in this object. This size does not include object headers or the size of extended attributes associated with the object.
QEZEAS BIGINT Number of extended attributes associated with this object.
QEZCEAS BIGINT Number of critical extended attributes associated with this object.
QEZEXTATRS BIGINT Total number of bytes for all the extended attribute data.
QEZCRTTIM TIMESTAMP The date and time at which the object was created.
QEZACCTIM TIMESTAMP The date and time that the object's data was last accessed.
QEZCHGTIMA 1 TIMESTAMP The date and time that the object's attributes were last changed.
QEZCHGTIMD TIMESTAMP The date and time that the object's data was last changed.
QEZSTGFREE 1 SMALLINT Whether the object's data has been moved offline, freeing its online storage. Valid values are:

0 - The object's data is not offline.

1 - The object's data is offline.

QEZCHKOUT 1 SMALLINT An indicator as to whether an object is checked out. Valid values are:

0 - The object is not checked out.

1 - The object is checked out.

QEZCHKOWN GRAPHIC (10) The user who has the object checked out. This field is blank if it is not checked out.
QEZCHKTIM TIMESTAMP The date and time the object was checked out. If the object is not checked out, this field will have NULL as its value.
QEZLOCAL SMALLINT Whether an object is stored locally or stored on a remote system. The decision of whether an object is local or remote varies according to the respective file system rules. Objects in file systems that do not carry either a local or remote indicator are treated as remote. Valid values are:

1 - The object's data is stored locally.

2 - The object's data is on a remote system.

QEZOWN 1 GRAPHIC (10) The name of the user profile that is the owner of the object or the following special value:

*NOUSRPRF - This special value is used by the Network File System to indicate that there is no user profile on the local iSeries server with a user ID (UID) matching the UID of the remote object.

QEZUID INTEGER Each user on the system must have a unique numeric user identification number (UID).
QEZOWNPGP GRAPHIC (10) The name of the user profile that is the primary group of the object or the following special values:

*NONE - The object does not have a primary group

*NOUSRPRF - This special value is used by the Network File System to indicate that there is no user profile on the local server with a group ID (GID) matching the GID of the remote object.

QEZGID INTEGER Group profiles are identified by a unique numeric group identification number (GID).
QEZAUTLST GRAPHIC (10) The name of the authorization list that is used to secure the named object. The value *NONE indicates that no authorization list is used in determining authority to the object.
QEZASP SMALLINT The auxiliary storage pool in which the object is stored.
QEZJRNSTS 1 SMALLINT Current journaling status of the object. This field will be one of the following values:

0 (NOT_JOURNALED) - The object is currently not being journaled.

1 (JOURNALED) - The object is currently being journaled.

QEZJSUBTRE SMALLINT When this flag is returned, this object is a directory with integrated file system journaling subtree semantics.

0 - The object is not journaled with subtree semantics.

1 - The object is journaled with subtree semantics. New objects created within this directory's subtree will inherit the journaling attributes and options from this directory.

QEZJOPTENT SMALLINT When journaling is active, entries that are considered optional are journaled. The list of optional journal entries varies for each object type.

0 - Object is not journaled with optional entries.

1 - Object is journaled with optional entries.

QEZJAFTERI SMALLINT When journaling is active, the image of the object after a change is journaled.

0 - Object is not journaled with after images.

1 - Object is journaled with after images.

QEZJBEFORI SMALLINT When journaling is active, the image of the object before a change is journaled.

0 - Object is not journaled with before images.

1 - Object is journaled with before images.

QEZJRNID GRAPHIC (10) This field associates the object being journaled with an identifier that can be used on various journaling-related commands and APIs. This field is blank if the object has never been journaled.
QEZJRNNAM GRAPHIC (10) If the value of the journaling status is JOURNALED, then this field contains the name of the journal currently being used. If the value of the journaling status is NOT_JOURNALED, then this field contains the name of the journal last used for this object. All bytes in this field will be set to binary zero if this object has never been journaled. This field is blank if the object has never been journaled.
QEZJRNLIB GRAPHIC (10) If the value of the journaling status is JOURNALED, then this field contains the name of the library containing the currently used journal. If the value of the journaling status is NOT_JOURNALED, then this field contains the name of the library containing the last used journal. All bytes in this field will be set to binary zero if this object has never been journaled. This field is blank if the object has never been journaled.
QEZJRNSTR TIMESTAMP The number of seconds since the Epoch that corresponds to the last date and time for which the object had journaling started for it. This field will be set to binary zero if this object has never been journaled. This field has NULL as its value if the object has never been journaled.
QEZAUDT GRAPHIC (10) The auditing value associated with the object. Valid values are:

*NONE - No auditing occurs for this object when it is read or changed regardless of the user who is accessing the object.

*USRPRF - Audit this object only if the current user is being audited. The current user is tested to determine if auditing should be done for this object. The user profile can specify if only change access is audited or if both read and change accesses are audited for this object.

*CHANGE - Audit all change access to this object by all users on the system.

*ALL - Audit all access to this object by all users on the system. All access is defined as a read or change operation.

*NOTAVL - The user performing the operation is not allowed to retrieve the current object auditing value.

QEZBLKSIZ INTEGER The block size of an object.
QEZNLNK INTEGER The number of hard links to the object.
QEZFILEID 1 GRAPHIC (16) The file ID for the object. An identifier associated with the object. A file ID can be used with Qp0lGetPathFromFileID() to retrieve an object's path name.
QEZFILEIDS INTEGER The 4 byte file ID of the file. This number uniquely identifies the object within a file system. This number cannot identify the object in the whole system.
QEZGENID BIGINT The generation ID associated with the file ID.
QEZFSID BIGINT The file system ID to which the object belongs. This number uniquely identifies the file system to which the object belongs.
QEZRDEV BIGINT If the object represents a device special file, the real device it represents.
QEZDOM GRAPHIC (10) The domain of the object. Valid values are:

*SYSTEM - Object exists in system domain.

*USER - Object exists in user domain.

QEZCRTAUD GRAPHIC (10) The auditing value associated with an object created in this directory. Valid values are:

*NONE - No auditing occurs for this object when it is read or changed regardless of the user who is accessing the object.

*USRPRF - Audit this object only if the current user is being audited. The current user is tested to determine if auditing should be done for this object. The user profile can specify if only change accesses are audited or if both read and change accesses are audited for this object.

*CHANGE - Audit all change accesses to this object by all users on the system.

*ALL - Audit all accesses to this object by all users on the system. All accesses are defined as a read or change operation.

*NOTAVL - The user performing the operation is not allowed to retrieve the current create object auditing value.

*SYSVAL - The object auditing value for the objects created in the directory is determined by the system auditing value (QCRTOBJAUD).

QEZSCN GRAPHIC (1) Whether the object will be scanned when exit programs are registered with any of the integrated file system scan-related exit points.

Valid values are:

x'00' (SCANNING_NO) - The object will not be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs.

Note: If the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) value *NOPOSTRST is not specified when an object with this attribute is restored, the object will be scanned at least once after the restore.

x'01' (SCANNING_YES) - The object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs if the object has been modified or if the scanning software has been updated since the last time the object was scanned.

x'02' (SCANNING_CHGONLY) - The object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs only if the object has been modified since the last time the object was scanned. It will not be scanned if the scanning software has been updated. This attribute only takes effect if the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) system value has *USEOCOATR specified. Otherwise, it will be treated as if the attribute is SCANNING_YES.

Note: If the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) value *NOPOSTRST is not specified when an object with this attribute is restored, the object will be scanned at least once after the restore.
QEZINHSCN GRAPHIC (1) Whether the objects created in a directory will be scanned when exit programs are registered with any of the integrated file system scan-related exit points.

Valid values are:

x'00' - After an object is created in the directory, the object will not be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs.
Note: If the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) value *NOPOSTRST is not specified when an object with this attribute is restored, the object will be scanned at least once after the restore.

x'01' - After an object is created in the directory, the object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs if the object has been modified or if the scanning software has been updated since the last time the object was scanned.

x'02' - After an object is created in the directory, the object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs only if the object has been modified since the last time the object was scanned. It will not be scanned if the scanning software has been updated. This attribute only takes effect if the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) system value has *USEOCOATR specified. Otherwise, it will be treated as if the attribute is SCANNING_YES.
Note: If the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) value *NOPOSTRST is not specified when an object with this attribute is restored, the object will be scanned at least once after the restore.
QEZSSTATUS GRAPHIC (1) The scan status associated with this object. This field will be one of the following values:

x'00' (SCAN_REQUIRED) - A scan is required for the object either because it has not yet been scanned by the scan-related exit programs, or because the objects data or CCSID has been modified since it was last scanned. Examples of object data or CCSID modifications are: writing to the object, directly or through memory mapping; truncating the object; clearing the object; and changing the objects CCSID attribute.

x'01' (SCAN_SUCCESS) - The object has been scanned by a scan-related exit program, and at the time of that last scan request, the object did not fail the scan.

x'02' (SCAN_FAILURE) - The object has been scanned by a scan-related exit program, and at the time of that last scan request, the object failed the scan and the operation did not complete. Once an object has been marked as a failure, it will not be scanned again until the object's scan signature is different than the global scan key signature or independent ASP group scan key signature as appropriate. Therefore, subsequent requests to work with the object will fail with a scan failure indication. Examples of requests which will fail are opening the object, changing the CCSID of the object, copying the object.

x'05' (SCAN_PENDING_CVN) - The object is not in a *TYPE2 directory, and therefore will not be scanned until the directory is converted.

x'06' (SCAN_NOT_REQUIRED) - The object does not require any scanning because the object is marked to not be scanned.

QEZSSIGDF GRAPHIC (1) The scan signatures give an indication of the level of the scanning software support.

When an object is in an independent ASP group, the object scan signature is compared to the associated independent ASP group scan signature. When an object is not in an independent ASP group, the object scan signature is compared to the global scan signature value. This field will be one of the following values:

x'00' - The compared signatures are not different.

x'01' - The compared signatures are different.

QEZSBINARY GRAPHIC (1) This indicates if the object has been scanned in binary mode when it was previously scanned. This field will be one of the following values:

x'00' - The object was not scanned in binary mode.

x'01' - The object was scanned in binary mode. If the object scan status is SCAN_SUCCESS, then the object was successfully scanned in binary. If the object scan status is SCAN_FAILURE, then the object failed the scan in binary.

QEZSCCSID1 INTEGER This indicates if the object has been scanned in the listed CCSID when it was previously scanned. If the object scan status is SCAN_SUCCESS, then the object was successfully scanned in this CCSID. If the object scan status is SCAN_FAILURE, then the object failed the scan in this CCSID. A value of 0 means this field does not apply.
QEZSCCSID2 INTEGER This indicates if the object has been scanned in the listed CCSID when it was previously scanned. If the object scan status is SCAN_SUCCESS, then the object was successfully scanned in this CCSID. If the object scan status is SCAN_FAILURE, then this field will be 0. A value of 0 means this field does not apply.
QEZUDATE TIMESTAMP The number of seconds since the Epoch that corresponds to the date the object was last used. This field is zero when the object is created. If usage data is not maintained for theIBM i type or the file system to which an object belongs, this field is zero.
QEZUDCOUNT INTEGER The number of days an object has been used. Usage has different meanings according to the specific file system and according to the individual object types supported within a file system. Usage can indicate the opening or closing of a file or can refer to adding links, renaming, restoring, or checking out an object. This count is increased each day that an object is used and is reset to zero by calling the Qp0lSetAttr() API.
QEZURESET INTEGER The number of seconds since the Epoch that corresponds to the date the days used count was last reset to zero (0). This date is set to the current date when the Qp0lSetAttr() API is called to reset the Days used count to zero.
QEZPRMLNK SMALLINT When an object has several names, this field will be set only for the first name found.
QEZALWCKPW SMALLINT Whether a stream file (*STMF) can be shared with readers and writers during the save-while-active checkpoint processing. Valid values are:

0 - The object can be shared with readers only.

1 - The object can be shared with readers and writers.

QEZSIG 1 SMALLINT Whether an object has anIBM i digital signature. Valid values are:

0 - The object does not have anIBM i digital signature.

1 - The object does have anIBM i digital signature.

QEZSYSSIG SMALLINT Whether the object was signed by a source that is trusted by the system. Valid values are:

0 - None of the signatures came from a source that is trusted by the system.

1 - The object was signed by a source that is trusted by the system. If the object has multiple signatures, at least one of the signatures came from a source that is trusted by the system.

QEZMLTSIG SMALLINT Whether an object has more than oneIBM i digital signature. Valid values are:

0 - The object has only one digital signature.

1 - The object has more than one digital signature. If the QEZSYSSIG field has the value 1, at least one of the signatures is from a source trusted by the system.

QEZDSTGOPT SMALLINT This option should be used to determine how auxiliary storage is allocated by the system for the specified object. This option can only be specified for stream files in the "root" (/), QOpenSys and user-defined file systems. This option will be ignored for *TYPE1 byte stream files. Valid values are:

0 - The auxiliary storage will be allocated normally. That is, as additional auxiliary storage is required, it will be allocated in logically sized extents to accommodate the current space requirement, and anticipated future requirements, while minimizing the number of disk I/O operations.

1 - The auxiliary storage will be allocated to minimize the space used by the object. That is, as additional auxiliary storage is required, it will be allocated in small sized extents to accommodate the current space requirement. Accessing an object composed of many small extents may increase the number of disk I/O operations for that object.

2 - The system will dynamically determine the optimum auxiliary storage allocation for the object, balancing space used versus disk I/O operations. For example, if a file has many small extents, yet is frequently being read and written, then future auxiliary storage allocations will be larger extents to minimize the number of disk I/O operations. Or, if a file is frequently truncated, then future auxiliary storage allocations will be small extents to minimize the space used. Additionally, information will be maintained on the stream file sizes for this system and its activity. This file size information will also be used to help determine the optimum auxiliary storage allocations for this object as it relates to the other objects sizes.

QEZMSTGOPT SMALLINT This option should be used to determine how main storage is allocated and used by the system for the specified object. This option can only be specified for stream files in the "root" (/), QOpenSys and user-defined file systems. Valid values are:

0 - The main storage will be allocated normally. That is, as much main storage as possible will be allocated and used. This minimizes the number of disk I/O operations since the information is cached in main storage.

1 - The main storage will be allocated to minimize the space used by the object. That is, as little main storage as possible will be allocated and used. This minimizes main storage usage while increasing the number of disk I/O operations since less information is cached in main storage.

2 - The system will dynamically determine the optimum main storage allocation for the object depending on other system activity and main storage contention. That is, when there is little main storage contention, as much storage as possible will be allocated and used to minimize the number of disk I/O operations. And when there is significant main storage contention, less main storage will be allocated and used to minimize the main storage contention. This option only has an effect when the storage pool's paging option is *CALC. When the storage pool's paging option is *FIXED, the behavior is the same as STG_NORMAL. When the object is accessed through a file server, this option has no effect. Instead, its behavior is the same as STG_NORMAL.

QEZDIRTYP2 SMALLINT The format of the specified directory object. Valid values are:

0 - The directory format is *TYPE1.

1 - The directory format is *TYPE2.

QEZFILTYP2 1 SMALLINT The format of the stream file (*STMF). Valid values are:

0 - The stream file format is *TYPE1.

1 - The stream file format is *TYPE2.

QEZUDFTYP2 SMALLINT The default file format of stream files (*STMF) created in the user-defined file system. Valid values are:

0 - The stream file format is *TYPE1.

1 - The stream file format is *TYPE2.

QEZNONSAV SMALLINT Whether the object can be saved or not. Valid values are:

0 - Object will be saved.

1 - Object will not be saved. Additionally, if this object is a directory, none of the objects in the directory's subtree will be saved unless they were explicitly specified as an object to be saved. The subtree includes all subdirectories and the objects within those subdirectories.

QEZCLSTRSP SMALLINT The object is the storage which was allocated for Integrated xSeries servers to use as virtual disk drives for the xSeries servers. From the perspective of the iSeries server, virtual drives appear as byte stream files within the integrated file system.

0 - Object is not virtual disk storage.

1 - Object is virtual disk storage.

QEZCASE SMALLINT Indicates the Case Sensitivity of the file system that contains this object.

0 - File system is not case sensitive.

1 - File system is case sensitive.

QEZOFLOW SMALLINT Indicates if the object has overflowed the auxiliary storage pool it resides in. Valid values are:

0 - Auxiliary storage pool is not overflowed.

1 - Auxiliary storage pool is overflowed.

QEZPCREAD SMALLINT Whether the object can be written to or deleted, have its extended attributes changed or deleted, or have its size changed. Valid values are:

0 - The object can be changed.

1 - The object cannot be changed.

QEZPCHID 1 SMALLINT Whether the object can be displayed using an ordinary directory listing.

0 - The object is not hidden.

1 - The object is hidden.

QEZPCSYS SMALLINT Whether the object is a system file and is excluded from normal directory searches.

0 - The object is not a system file.

1 - The object is a system file.

QEZPCARC SMALLINT Whether the object has changed since the last time the object was examined.

0 - The object has not changed.

1 - The object has changed.

QEZSYSARC SMALLINT Whether the object has changed and needs to be saved. It is set on when an object's change time is updated, and set off when the object has been saved.

0 - The object has not changed and does not need to be saved.

1 - The object has changed and does need to be saved.

QEZJRCVNAM GRAPHIC(10) The oldest journal receiver needed to successfully apply journal changes. When the Apply information field is set to PARTIAL_TRANSACTION the journal receiver contains the start of the partial transaction. Otherwise; the journal receiver contains the start of the save operation. This field is blank if the object has never been journaled.
QEZJRCVLIB GRAPHIC(10) The name of the library that contains the journal receiver needed to successfully apply journal changes. This field is blank if the object has never been journaled.
QEZJRCVASP GRAPHIC(10) The name of the ASP that contains the journal receiver needed to successfully apply journal changes. The valid values are:

*SYSBAS - The journal receiver resides in the system or user ASP.

ASP device - The name of the ASP device that contains the journal receiver.

QEZJTRNI GRAPHIC(1) This field describes information about the current state of the object as it relates to commitment control boundaries. The valid values are:

x'00' (NONE) - There are no partial transactions.

x'01' (PARTIAL_TRANSACTION) - The object was restored with partial transactions. This object cannot be used until the Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG) or Remove Journaled Changes (RMVJRNCHG) command is used to complete or rollback the partial transactions.

x'02' (ROLLBACK_ENDED) - The object had a rollback operation ended using the "End Rollback" option on the Work with Commitment Definition (WRKCMTDFN) screen. It is recommended that the object be restored as it cannot be used. As a last option, the Change Journaled Object (CHGJRNOBJ) command can be used to allow the object to be used. Doing this, however, can leave the object in an inconsistent state.

Whether the object is a temporary object. Possible values are:
  • 0 - The object is a permanent object.
  • 1 - The object is a temporary object.
Whether the objects in the user-defined file system (UDFS) are temporary objects. Possible values are:
  • 0 - The objects in the UDFS are permanent objects.
  • 1 - The objects in the UDFS are temporary objects.
The preferred storage media for the objects in the UDFS. Possible values are:
  • *SSD - Storage should be allocated from solid state drive storage media, if available.
  • *ANY - Storage will be allocated from any available storage media.
  • *NOTAVL - The storage media preference can not be determined.
Whether new stream file objects created or linked within a directory should inherit the save-while-active checkpoint processing options of its parent directory. Possible values are:
  • 0 - New stream file objects created within this directory will not inherit the save-while-active checkpoint processing options of the parent directory.
  • 1 - New stream file objects created within this directory will inherit the save-while-active checkpoint processing options of the parent directory.
Whether the system prevents the object from being saved. Possible values are:
  • 0 - The system does not prevent the object from being saved.
  • 1 - The system prevents the object from being saved.
Start of changeQEZAUTCOLEnd of change GRAPHIC(10)
The authority collection value used for the object when authority collection for objects is active on the partition. Possible values are:
  • *NONE - No authority information will be collected for this object when authority collection for objects is active on the partition.
  • *OBJINF - Authority information will be collected for this object when authority collection for objects is active on the partition. The authority checking information is collected for each unique instance of the object level information associated with the authority check.
  1. This field is included in the subset of fields used by the PRTDIRINF command.
  2. In this field, only the object name is stored. The rest of the path name is stored in field QEZDIRNAM1 if the length of the directory name is below 1 KB or in QEZDIRNAM2 if the directory names are above 1 KB.

The following table is an example of a table that lists the directories processed by the RTVDIRINF command.

Table 2. QAEZDxxxD (store directory's attributes)
Field name Field type Field description
QEZDIRIDX INTEGER Relational identifier between directory and object tables. It can be used to join the tables to get complete path name information. The QEZDIRIDX field value in the object table matches the QEZDIRIDX value in the directories table for the object's parent directory.
QEZDIRNAM1 1 VARGRAPHIC (1024) The parent directory path. Only used when path length is below 1 KB (1024 bytes).
QEZDIRNAM2 1 DBCLOB (16M) The parent directory path. Only used when path length is above 1 KB (1024 bytes) long. Can store paths up to 16 MB long.
QEZDREGION GRAPHIC (2) The directory path region ID.
QEZLANGID GRAPHIC (3) The directory path language ID.
QEZDIRLEN 1 INTEGER Length of directory's path name.
QEZDIRFID GRAPHIC (16) The file ID of the directory. An identifier associated with the object. A file ID can be used with Qp0lGetPathFromFileID() to retrieve an object's path name.
QEZDFID INTEGER The file ID of the directory.
QEZDIRFSID BIGINT The file system ID of the directory.
QEZPARDIR INTEGER The parent directory index.
  1. This field is included in the subset of fields used by the PRTDIRINF command.

The following table shows the information that the RTVDIRINF command stores regarding the files it has created when it runs. If the file that contains this information does not exist, the RTVDIRINF command creates it; when the command runs on subsequent occasions, the information is appended to the existing file. The PRTDIRINF command uses this information to determine which database files were used to store information that was retrieved by different instances of the RTVDIRINF command.

Table 3. QUSRSYS/QAEZDBFILE (store files created)
Field name Field type Field description
QEZDIRSRC VARGRAPHIC (5000) Path specified in DIR parameter (RTVDIRINF).
QEZPREGION GRAPHIC (2) The path region ID.
QEZPLANGID GRAPHIC (3) The path language ID
QEZOBJFILE 1 VARGRAPHIC (20) The name of the file generated to store the object's attributes.
QEZDIRFILE 1 VARGRAPHIC (20) The name of the file generated to store the directory's indexes.
QEZLIB 1 VARGRAPHIC (20) Library where both generated files reside.
QEZSTRTIME TIMESTAMP Date/Time when RTVDIRINF was submitted.
QEZENDTIME TIMESTAMP Date/Time when RTVDIRINF was completed.
  1. This field is included in the subset of fields used by the PRTDIRINF command.