CREATE TYPE (distinct)

The CREATE TYPE (distinct) statement defines a distinct type at the current server. A distinct type is always sourced on one of the built-in data types Start of changeand can be defined to use strong type or weak type rulesEnd of change.

Successful execution of the statement Start of changefor strong type rulesEnd of change also generates:

  • A function to cast from the distinct type to its source type
  • A function to cast from the source type to its distinct type
  • As appropriate, support for the use of comparison operators with the distinct type.


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared.


The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

  • For the SYSTYPES catalog table:
    • The INSERT privilege on the table, and
    • The USAGE privilege on schema QSYS2
  • Database administrator authority

If SQL names are specified and a user profile exists that has the same name as the library into which the distinct type is created, and that name is different from the authorization ID of the statement, then the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

  • The system authority *ADD to the user profile with that name
  • Database administrator authority

For information about the system authorities corresponding to SQL privileges, see Corresponding System Authorities When Checking Privileges to a Table or View.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCREATETYPEdistinct-type-nameASbuilt-in-typeWITH STRONG TYPE RULESWITH WEAK TYPE RULES
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSMALLINTINTEGERINTBIGINTDECIMALDECNUMERICNUM(5,0)(integer,0, integer)FLOAT(53)(integer)REALDOUBLEPRECISIONDECFLOAT(34)(16)CHARACTERCHAR(1)(integer)CHARACTERCHARVARYINGVARCHAR(integer)allocate-clauseFOR BIT DATAFOR SBCS DATAFOR MIXED DATAccsid-clauseCHARACTERCHARLARGE OBJECTCLOB(1M)(integerKMG)allocate-clauseFOR SBCS DATAFOR MIXED DATAccsid-clauseGRAPHIC(1)(integer)GRAPHIC VARYINGVARGRAPHIC(integer)allocate-clauseDBCLOB(1M)(integerKMG)allocate-clauseccsid-clauseNATIONAL CHARACTERNATIONAL CHARNCHAR(1)(integer)NATIONAL CHARACTERNATIONAL CHARNCHARVARYINGNVARCHAR(integer)allocate-clauseNATIONAL CHARACTERNCHARLARGE OBJECTNCLOB(1M)(integerKMG)allocate-clausenormalize-clauseBINARY(1)(integer)BINARY VARYINGVARBINARY(integer)allocate-clauseBLOBBINARY LARGE OBJECT(1M)(integerKMG)allocate-clauseDATETIME(0)TIMESTAMP(6)(integer)DATALINK(200)(integer)allocate-clauseccsid-clauseROWIDXMLallocate-clauseccsid-clause
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCCSIDintegernormalize-clause
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNOT NORMALIZEDNORMALIZED


Names the distinct type. The name, including the implicit or explicit qualifier, must not be the same as a distinct type or array type that already exists at the current server.

If SQL names were specified, the distinct type will be created in the schema specified by the implicit or explicit qualifier.

If system names were specified, the distinct type will be created in the schema that is specified by the qualifier. If not qualified:
  • If the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register is *LIBL, the distinct type will be created in the current library (*CURLIB).
  • Otherwise, the distinct type will be created in the current schema.

If the distinct type name is not a valid system name, Db2® for i will generate a system name. For information about the rules for generating a name, see Rules for Table Name Generation.

distinct-type-name must not be the name of a built-in data type, or any of the following system-reserved keywords even if you specify them as delimited identifiers.

If a qualified distinct-type-name is specified, the schema name cannot be QSYS, QSYS2, QTEMP, or SYSIBM.

Specifies the built-in data type used as the basis for the internal representation of the distinct type. See CREATE TABLE for a more complete description of each built-in data type.

For portability of applications across platforms, use the following recommended data type names:

  • DOUBLE or REAL instead of FLOAT.
  • DECIMAL instead of NUMERIC.

If a specific value is not specified for the data types that have length, precision, or scale attributes, the default attributes of the data type as shown in the syntax diagram are implied.

If the distinct type is sourced on a string data type, a CCSID is associated with the distinct data type at the time the distinct type is created. For more information about data types, see CREATE TABLE.

Start of changeWITH STRONG TYPE RULESEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies that strong typing rules are used for operations where this data type is an operand including assignments and comparisons. This is the default.End of change
Start of changeWITH WEAK TYPE RULESEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies that weak typing rules are used for operations where this data type is an operand including assignments, comparisons, and function resolution. When values of a weakly typed distinct type are used, the data type is effectively treated as the specified built-in-type when processing the operation.End of change


Additional generated functions: Start of changeWhen a strongly typed distinct type is created,End of change the following functions are generated to convert to and from the source type:

  • The distinct type to the source type
  • The source type to the distinct type
  • INTEGER to the distinct type if the source type is SMALLINT
  • DOUBLE to the distinct type if the source type is REAL
  • VARCHAR to the distinct type if the source type is CHAR
  • VARGRAPHIC to the distinct type if the source type is GRAPHIC

These functions are created as if the following statements were executed (except that the service programs are not created, so you cannot grant or revoke privileges to these functions):

CREATE FUNCTION source-type-name (distinct-type-name)
  RETURNS source-type-name

CREATE FUNCTION distinct-type-name (source-type-name)
  RETURNS distinct-type-name

Names of the generated cast functions: Table 1 contains details about the generated cast functions Start of changefor strongly typed distinct typesEnd of change. The unqualified name of the cast function that converts from the distinct type to the source type is the name of the source data type.

In cases in which a length, precision, or scale is specified for the source data type in the CREATE TYPE statement, the unqualified name of the cast function that converts from the distinct type to the source type is simply the name of the source data type. The data type of the value that the cast function returns includes any length, precision, or scale values that were specified for the source data type on the CREATE TYPE statement.

The name of the cast function that converts from the source type to the distinct type is the name of the distinct type. The input parameter of the cast function has the same data type as the source data type, including the length, precision, and scale.

The cast functions that are generated are created in the same schema as that of the distinct type. A function with the same name and same function signature must not already exist in the current server.

For example, assume that a distinct type named T_SHOESIZE is created with the following statement:


When the statement is executed, the database manager also generates the following cast functions. VARCHAR converts from the distinct type to the source type, and T_SHOESIZE converts from the source type to the distinct type.



Notice that function VARCHAR returns a value with a data type of VARCHAR(2) and that function T_SHOESIZE has an input parameter with a data type of VARCHAR(2).

A generated cast function cannot be explicitly dropped. The cast functions that are generated for a distinct type are implicitly dropped when the distinct type is dropped with the DROP statement.

For each built-in data type that can be the source data type for a Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type, the following table gives the names of the generated cast functions, the data types of the input parameters, and the data types of the values that the functions returns.

Table 1. CAST Functions on Start of changeStrongly TypedEnd of change Distinct Types
Source Type Name Function Name Parameter Type Return Type
SMALLINT distinct-type-name SMALLINT distinct-type-name
  distinct-type-name INTEGER distinct-type-name
  SMALLINT distinct-type-name SMALLINT
INTEGER distinct-type-name INTEGER distinct-type-name
  INTEGER distinct-type-name INTEGER
BIGINT distinct-type-name BIGINT distinct-type-name
  BIGINT distinct-type-name BIGINT
DECIMAL distinct-type-name DECIMAL(p,s) distinct-type-name
  DECIMAL distinct-type-name DECIMAL(p,s)
NUMERIC distinct-type-name NUMERIC(p,s) distinct-type-name
  NUMERIC distinct-type-name NUMERIC(p,s)
REAL or FLOAT(n) where n <= 24 distinct-type-name REAL distinct-type-name
  distinct-type-name DOUBLE distinct-type-name
  REAL distinct-type-name REAL
DOUBLE or DOUBLE PRECISION or FLOAT(n) where n > 24 distinct-type-name DOUBLE distinct-type-name
  DOUBLE distinct-type-name DOUBLE
DECFLOAT distinct-type-name DECFLOAT(n) distinct-type-name
  DECFLOAT distinct-type-name DECFLOAT(n)
CHAR distinct-type-name CHAR(n) distinct-type-name
  CHAR distinct-type-name CHAR(n)
  distinct-type-name VARCHAR(n) distinct-type-name
VARCHAR distinct-type-name VARCHAR(n) distinct-type-name
  VARCHAR distinct-type-name VARCHAR(n)
CLOB distinct-type-name CLOB(n) distinct-type-name
  CLOB distinct-type-name CLOB(n)
GRAPHIC distinct-type-name GRAPHIC(n) distinct-type-name
  GRAPHIC distinct-type-name GRAPHIC(n)
  distinct-type-name VARGRAPHIC(n) distinct-type-name
VARGRAPHIC distinct-type-name VARGRAPHIC(n) distinct-type-name
  VARGRAPHIC distinct-type-name VARGRAPHIC(n)
DBCLOB distinct-type-name DBCLOB(n) distinct-type-name
  DBCLOB distinct-type-name DBCLOB(n)
BINARY distinct-type-name BINARY(n) distinct-type-name
  BINARY distinct-type-name BINARY(n)
  distinct-type-name VARBINARY(n) distinct-type-name
VARBINARY distinct-type-name VARBINARY(n) distinct-type-name
  VARBINARY distinct-type-name VARBINARY(n)
BLOB distinct-type-name BLOB(n) distinct-type-name
  BLOB distinct-type-name BLOB(n)
DATE distinct-type-name DATE distinct-type-name
  DATE distinct-type-name DATE
TIME distinct-type-name TIME distinct-type-name
  TIME distinct-type-name TIME
TIMESTAMP distinct-type-name TIMESTAMP(p) distinct-type-name
  TIMESTAMP distinct-type-name TIMESTAMP(p)
DATALINK distinct-type-name DATALINK distinct-type-name
  DATALINK distinct-type-name DATALINK
ROWID distinct-type-name ROWID distinct-type-name
  ROWID distinct-type-name ROWID

NUMERIC and FLOAT are not recommended when creating a distinct type for a portable application. DECIMAL and DOUBLE should be used instead.

Built-in functions: The functions described in the above table are the only functions that are generated automatically when a Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type is defined. Consequently, none of the built-in functions (AVG, MAX, LENGTH, and so on) are automatically supported for the Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type. A built-in function can be used on a Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type only after a sourced user-defined function, which is based on the built-in function, has been created for the distinct type. See Extending or overriding a built-in function:.

The schema name of the distinct type must be included in the distinct type for successful use of these operators and cast functions in SQL statements.

Distinct type attributes: A distinct type is created as a *SQLUDT object.

Distinct type ownership: If SQL names were specified:

  • If a user profile with the same name as the schema into which the distinct type is created exists, the owner of the distinct type is that user profile.
  • Otherwise, the owner of the distinct type is the user profile or group user profile of the thread executing the statement.

If system names were specified, the owner of the distinct type is the user profile or group user profile of the thread executing the statement.

Distinct type authority: If SQL names are used, distinct types are created with the system authority of *EXCLUDE on *PUBLIC. If system names are used, distinct types are created with the authority to *PUBLIC as determined by the create authority (CRTAUT) parameter of the schema.

If the owner of the distinct type is a member of a group profile (GRPPRF keyword) and group authority is specified (GRPAUT keyword), that group profile will also have authority to the distinct type.

Syntax alternatives: The WITH COMPARISONS clause, which specifies that system-generated comparison operators are to be created for comparing two instances of the distinct type, can be specified as the last clause of the statement Start of changeif WITH WEAK TYPE RULES is not specified.End of change Use WITH COMPARISONS only if it is required for compatibility with other products in the Db2 family.

For compatibility with previous versions of Db2:
  • CREATE DISTINCT TYPE can be specified in place of CREATE TYPE.


Example 1: Create a Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type named SHOESIZE that is sourced on the built-in INTEGER data type.


The successful execution of this statement also generates two cast functions. Function INTEGER(SHOESIZE) returns a value with data type INTEGER, and function SHOESIZE(INTEGER) returns a value with distinct type SHOESIZE.

Example 2: Create a Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type named MILES that is sourced on the built-in DOUBLE data type.

           AS DOUBLE

The successful execution of this statement also generates two cast functions. Function DOUBLE(MILES) returns a value with data type DOUBLE, and function MILES(DOUBLE) returns a value with distinct type MILES.

Example 3: Create a Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type T_DEPARTMENT that is sourced on the built-in CHAR data type.


The successful execution of this statement also generates three cast functions:

  • Function CLAIRE.CHAR takes a T_DEPARTMENT as input and returns a value with data type CHAR(3).
  • Function CLAIRE.T_DEPARTMENT takes a CHAR(3) as input and returns a value with distinct type T_DEPARTMENT.
  • Function CLAIRE.T_DEPARTMENT takes a VARCHAR(3) as input and returns a value with distinct type T_DEPARTMENT.
Start of change

Example 4: Create a weakly typed distinct type named BONUS that is based on an INTEGER data type.


Because it is defined with weak type rules, cast functions are not generated for the weakly typed distinct type called BONUS.

End of change