Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)

The Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA) command changes values and options used by the IBM i SNMP agent. The command also is used to specify which SNMP managers receive traps generated by the local system.

The SNMP agent is shipped with the following values for the SNMP attributes.

Start of change
*NO for the Start local trap manager element and *NO for the Forward traps element.
End of change
1024 for disk units. For storage pools, the size is determined by the system.
Start of change
End of change



End of change
Keyword Description Choices Notes
SYSD System description Character value, *SAME, *NONE, *SYSGEN Optional
SYSCONTACT System contact Character value, *SAME, *NONE, *CNTINF Optional
SYSLOC System location Character value, *SAME, *NONE, *CNTINF Optional
SNDAUTTRP Send authentication traps *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
AUTOSTART Automatic start *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
OBJACC Object access *SAME, *READ, *WRITE, *NONE Optional
LOGSET Log set requests *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
LOGGET Log get requests *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
LOGTRP Log traps *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
Start of changeTRPMGREnd of change Trap managers Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list
Start of changeOptionalEnd of change
Element 1: Manager internet address Character value
Element 2: Manager internet address mask Character value
Start of changeElement 3: Community or user nameEnd of change Character value
Element 4: Translate community name *YES, *NO
Start of changeElement 5: Message typeend of change Start of change *TRAPV1, *TRAPV3, *INFORMV3end of change
Start of changeLCLTRPMGRend of change Start of changeLocal trap managerend of change Start of changeSingle values: *SAME
Other values: Element listend of change
Start of changeOptionalend of change
Start of changeElement 1: Start local trap managerend of change Start of change *YES, *NOend of change
Start of changeElement 2: Forward trapsend of change Start of change *YES, *NOend of change
Start of changeElement 3: User nameend of change Start of change Character value, *NONEend of change
Start of changeElement 4: Inform IP addressend of change Start of change Character value, *NONEend of change
ALWSNMPV3 Allow SNMPv3 support Start of change*SAME, *YES, *NO, *V3ONLYEnd of change Optional
DFTTIMEOUT Default sub-agent timeout 1-3600, *SAME, *DFT Optional
MAXTIMEOUT Maximum sub-agent timeout 1-3600, *SAME, *DFT Optional
ALWDUPID Allow duplicate identifiers *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
SNMPENGID SNMP engine identifier Character value, *SAME, *SYSGEN Optional
SNMPENGB SNMP engine boots 0-2147483647, *SAME, *DFT Optional
BLKSIZE Block size Single values: *SAME
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Storage pool Start of change*DFT, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1M, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576
Element 2: Disk unit *DFT, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768
Start of changeADLINFend of change Additional information Single values: *SAME, *DFT
Other values (up to 2 repetitions): *ASPNBR, *SYSD

System description (SYSD)

Start of change

Specifies a textual description of the IBM i. If the Additional information (ADLINF) parameter of this command specifies *SYSD, the specified text is added to the end of the system generated text. The system description is also known by SNMP managers and agents as sysDescr.End of change

The value does not change.
Start of change
The system generated text is returned for the sysDescr value for a get, get-bulk, or get-next request. No additional information is returned when ADLINF(*SYSGEN) is specified.End of change
Start of change
The system generated text is returned for the sysDescr value for a get, get-bulk, or get-next request. No additional information is returned when ADLINF(*SYSGEN) is specified.End of change
Start of change
Specify the text that is added to the end of the system generated text returned for the sysDescr value for a get, get-bulk, or get-next request. This text is only added to the system generated text when ADLINF(*SYSD) is also specified. If ADLINF does not specify *SYSD, only the system generated text is returned for the sysDescr value for a get, get-bulk, or get-next request.End of change

System contact (SYSCONTACT)

Specifies the name of the contact person for this IBM i, along with information on how to contact this person. This value is used only by SNMP-specific functions. This value also may be read or modified by an authorized SNMP manager.

The value does not change.
No system contact exists.
The value is obtained from the service contact information specified by using the Work with Contact Information (WRKCNTINF) command. The value obtained consists of the contact person and the contact telephone numbers.
Specify the name of the contact person and other contact information.

System location (SYSLOC)

Specifies the physical location of this IBM i. This value is used only by SNMP-specific functions. This value also may be read or modified by an authorized SNMP manager.

The value does not change.
No system location information exists.
The value is obtained from the service contact information specified by using the Work with Contact Information (WRKCNTINF) command. The value obtained consists of the mailing address.
Specify the physical location of the system.

Send authentication traps (SNDAUTTRP)

Specifies whether the SNMP agent may send any authenticationFailure traps to any defined SNMP managers. An authenticationFailure trap is sent by the SNMP agent if a request is received from an SNMP manager that contains a community name that is not recognized by the SNMP agent. This trap is only sent when SNDAUTTRP is *YES and when at least one trap manager has been defined. This value may also be read or modified by an authorized SNMP manager.

The value does not change.
authenticationFailure traps may be sent.
authenticationFailure traps are not sent.

Automatic start (AUTOSTART)

Specifies whether the SNMP agent is started when the STRTCP command or STRTCPSVR SERVER(*AUTOSTART) command runs.

The value does not change.
The SNMP agent is started when the STRTCP command or STRTCPSVR SERVER(*AUTOSTART) command runs.
The SNMP agent is not started when the STRTCP command runs.

Object access (OBJACC)

Specifies the default object access for SNMP communities.

The value does not change.
Allow SNMP managers that are part of a community to read all management information base (MIB) objects. Modification of MIB objects by SNMP managers is not permitted.
Allow SNMP managers that are part of a community to modify all MIB objects that can be modified. Specifying *WRITE implies *READ access.
Do not allow SNMP managers that are part of a community to modify any MIB objects.

Log set requests (LOGSET)

Start of change

Specifies the default value for whether set requests from SNMP managers are logged in journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS.End of change

The value does not change.
Set requests are logged.
Set requests are not logged.

Log get requests (LOGGET)

Start of change

Specifies the default value for whether get, get-bulk, and get-next requests from SNMP managers are logged in journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS. The value specified for this paramater also determines whether SNMPv3 engine identifier discovery requests are logged.End of change

The value does not change.
Start of change
Get, get-bulk, and get-next requests are logged. SNMPv3 engine identifier discovery packets are logged.End of change
Start of change
Get, get-bulk, and get-next requests are not logged. SNMPv3 engine identifier discovery packets are not logged.End of change

Log traps (LOGTRP)

Start of change

Specifies whether trap and inform messages are logged in journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS.End of change

The value does not change.
Start of change
Trap and inform messages are logged.End of change
Start of change
Trap and inform messages are not logged.End of change

Trap managers (TRPMGR)

Start of change

Specifies which SNMP managers receive trap and inform messages generated by the IBM i SNMP agent.End of change

The value does not change.
Start of change
No trap or inform messages are sent by the IBM i SNMP agent.End of change

Element 1: Manager internet address

Specify the internet address of the SNMP manager. The internet address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. An IPv4 internet address is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An IPv4 internet address is not valid if it has a value of all binary ones or all binary zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the address. An IPv6 internet address is specified in the form x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where x is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0 through X'FFFF'. "::" may be used once in the IPv6 address to indicate one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros. The "::" may be used to compress leading, imbedded, or trailing zeros in the address. This address is independent of the manager internet address specified on the ADDCOMSNMP and CHGCOMSNMP commands. Start of change

Element 2: Manager internet address maskEnd of change

If the associated manager address is an IPv6 address, then the internet address mask is either an IPv6 address mask (for example, FFFF:FFFF::) or an integer from 0 to 128 specifying the number of IPv6 address prefix bits used to construct an IPv6 address mask. If the manager internet address is an IPv4 address, then internet address mask is either an IPv4 address mask (for example, or an integer from 0 to 32 specifying the number of IPv4 address prefix bits used to construct an IPv4 address mask. Start of change

Element 3: Community or user nameEnd of change

Start of change
Specify the SNMP community name or SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3) user name to be used when sending a trap or inform message to this SNMP manager. The community name specified does not have to exist on the system. The name may contain characters that cannot be displayed. However, if an SNMPv3 user name is specified, it must exist on the system. Use the Configure TCP/IP SNMP (CFGTCPSNMP) command to add, change, and remove communities or users.End of change

Element 4: Translate community name

Start of change
The community or user name is translated to ASCII characters when a trap or inform message is sent to the SNMP manager. This value should be specified when the name consists entirely of characters that can be displayed. An error message is sent if the name cannot be translated to ASCII characters.End of change
Start of change
The community name is not translated to ASCII characters when a trap is sent to the SNMP manager. This value should be specified when the community name contains one or more characters that cannot be displayed. This does not apply to an SNMPv3 user name because they are always translated to ASCII.

Element 5: Message type

End of change
Start of change
An SNMPv1 trap message is sent to the SNMP manager.
An SNMPv3 trap message is sent to the SNMP manager.
An SNMPv3 inform message is sent to the SNMP manager.
End of change
Start of change

Local trap manager (LCLTRPMGR)

Specifies which SNMP managers receive trap and inform messages generated by the IBM i SNMP agent.

The value does not change.

Element 1: Start local trap manager

The local trap manager is not started when the SNMP server is started. The Start Trap Manager (STRTRPMGR) command must be used to start the local trap manager. The local trap manager is not ended when the SNMP server is ended. The End Trap Manager (ENDTRPMGR) command must be used to end the local trap manager.
The local trap manager is started when the SNMP server is started and ended when the SNMP server is ended.

Element 2: Forward traps

The local trap manager does not forward any trap or inform messages that it receives.
The local trap manager forwards trap and inform messages that it receives. If an SNMPv1 trap is received, the trap will be forwarded to all trap managers that are configured to receive SNMPv1 traps (TRPMGR parameter). If an SNMPv3 trap is received, the trap will be forwarded to all trap managers that are configured to receive SNMPv3 traps (TRPMGR parameter). If an inform message is received, the inform message will only be forwarded to the inform manager specified by the Inform IP address and User name elements of this parameter. In addition, SNMPv3 trap and inform messages will only be forwarded if the configured SNMPv3 user specifies at least the same authority level as the message that was received.

Element 3: User name

An SNMPv3 user is not specified. Inform messages will not be forwarded.
Specify the SNMPv3 user name to used for forwarding inform messages. The specified user must exist on the system in order to send the inform message, and it must specify at least the same authority level as the inform message that was received.

Element 4: Inform IP address

An IP address for inform messages is not specified. Inform messages will not be forwarded.
Specify the internet address of the SNMP manager. The internet address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. An IPv4 internet address is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An IPv4 internet address is not valid if it has a value of all binary ones or all binary zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the address. An IPv6 internet address is specified in the form x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where x is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0 through X'FFFF'. "::" may be used once in the IPv6 address to indicate one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros. The "::" may be used to compress leading, imbedded, or trailing zeros in the address.
End of change

Allow SNMPv3 support (ALWSNMPV3)

Specifies if SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3) support is enabled. The primary goal of SNMPv3 is to define a secure version of the SNMP by protecting the system from common threats such as modification of information, masquerade, disclosure, and message stream modification. SNMPv3 allows the configuration of SNMP users and access control to the managed objects based on the user trying to access them. SNMPv3 also facilitates remote configuration of the SNMP entities, which make remote administration of SNMP entities a much simpler task. In order to configure the list of SNMP users, the CFGTCPSNMP option 3 command can be used. The SNMPD.CONF file located in /QIBM/UserData/OS/SNMP/ is the SNMPv3 configuration file and is where all the users and their associated views are added.

The value does not change.
SNMPv3 support is enabled.
SNMPv3 support is not enabled.

Default sub-agent timeout (DFTTIMEOUT)

Specifies the default timeout (in seconds) that this agent waits for a response from a Subagent. This value is used if a timeout value is not specified for the subtree nor for the subagent that exports.

The value does not change.
The default timeout value of 5 seconds is used.
Specify the number of seconds to be used for the default sub-agent timeout value. NOTEThis value should be equal or less than the value specified for MAXTIMEOUT.

Maximum sub-agent timeout (MAXTIMEOUT)

Specifies the maximum timeout (in seconds) that this agent allows for timeout values for Sub-agents. When you try to set any other timeout value it must be between 1 and this maximum value.

The value does not change.
The default timeout value of 60 seconds is used.
Specify the number of seconds to be used for the maximum sub-agent timeout value.

Allow duplicate identifiers (ALWDUPID)

Specifies if multiple instances of a sub-agent (as identified by the sub-agent Identifier) are allowed. Setting this parameter to the value *NO will prevent (new) duplicate sub-agent identifiers. However, if any duplicates exist when the parameter value is set to *NO, the agent will not remove them, that is considered a manager responsibility. This parameter must be set to *YES in order to allow multiple Distributed Program Interface (DPI) version 1 sub-agents.

The value does not change.
Duplicate sub-agent identifiers are allowed.
Duplicate sub-agent identifiers are not allowed.

SNMP engine identifier (SNMPENGID)

Uniquely identifies the agent within an administrative domain. By default, the engine identifier is created using a vendor-specific formula and incorporates the IP address of the agent. However, any engine identifier that is consistent with the snmpEngineID definition in RFC 3411 and that is also unique within the administrative domain can be specified.

The value does not change.
The engine identifier is generated by the IBM i SNMP agent.
Specify the engine identifier to be be used for the IBM i SNMP agent.

SNMP engine boots (SNMPENGB)

Specifies the number of times the agent has been restarted since the SNMP engine identifier was last changed.

The value does not change.
The default value of 0 is used.
Specify the number of times the IBM i SNMP agent has been restarted since the last change of the engine identifier. Note that a value of 2147483647 is used to indicate that the SNMP agent was unable to determine its latest SNMP engine boots value or that it has reached the maximum number of boots. In order for the SNMP server to start, this value should be set to a value different from 2147483647 either by reseting the value of the SNMP engine boots or by changing the SNMP engine identifier.

Block size (BLKSIZE)

Specifies the block size that will be used when returning information in the hardware resources Management Information Base (MIB). Specifying a block size that is too small can have unpredictable results when retrieving the size of large storage pools or disk units since the size is returned as the number of blocks instead of the number of bytes. Changes to this parameter will take effect the next time the SNMP server starts.

Single values

The value does not change.

Element 1: Storage pool

The default value is determined by the system.
Start of change
4K (4096), 8K (8192), 16K (16384), 32K (32768), 64K (65536), 128K (131072), 256K (262144), 512K (524288), 1M (1048576)
Specify the block size to be used when retrieving storage pool information. Either the special value or the equivalent numerical value may be specified. Changing this value affects information retrieved for both auxiliary storage pools and memory pools.End of change

Element 2: Disk unit

The default value of 1024 is used.
1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768
Specify the block size to be used when retrieving disk unit information. Using a disk unit block size larger than 1024 causes the disk unit capacity information to no longer be compliant with RFC 1514, however, it can be changed to avoid issues with SNMP Managers receiving negative capacity values for high capacity disk units.
Start of change

Additional information (ADLINF)

Specifies whether information in addition to the default system generated information is returned for selected SNMP object identifiers.

Single values

The value does not change.
Default system generated information is returned for all get, get-bulk, and get-next requests.

Other values

The text specified by the System description (SYSD) parameter of this command is added to the end of the default system generated text when returning the value of the system description. The system description is also known by SNMP managers and agents as sysDescr.
The number assigned to the storage pool is added to the end of the storage pool description text when returning the value of the storage pool description. The storage pool description is also known by SNMP managers and agents as hrStorageDescr.
End of change


Example 1: Changing System Description, System Contact and Automatic Start

CHGSNMPA SYSD('Software Test System')
         SYSCONTACT('Jane Doe, Phone 555-1212') AUTOSTART(*YES)

Start of change

This command changes the system description and system contact information. It specifies that the SNMP agent should start when the STRTCP command runs. It specifies that additional information will be returned by the IBM i SNMP agent when an SNMP manager requests the system description (sysDescr). The sysDescr value returned will consist of the default system generated text followed by the text "Software Test System." All other values are unchanged.End of change

Example 2: Changing Trap Managers

                  ('2001:db8::10f' 64 'TRAPCOMMUNITY2'))

Start of change

This command causes any traps generated by the local system to be sent to SNMP managers that have internet protocol addresses and 2001:db8::10f. Community name TRAPCOMMUNITY is placed in traps sent to, and community name TRAPCOMMUNITY2 is placed in traps sent to 2001:db8::10f. For both managers the community name is translated to ASCII characters before being placed in the trap.End of change

Start of change

Example 3: Enabling SNMPv3, changing the Default and Maximum Sub-agent Timeout, allowing Duplicate Sub-agent IDs, regenerating the SNMP engine ID and resetting the SNMP engine boots value End of change

Start of changeSNMPENGID(*SYSGEN) SNMPENGB(0) LOGGET(*YES)End of change

Start of change

This command allows SNMPv3 to be enabled in the system and changes the default sub-agent timeout to 10 and the maximum sub-agent timeout to 3600. This command also allows multiple instances of sub-agent identifiers, indicates the IBM i agent to generate the SNMP engine and resets the SNMP engine boots count. Get, get-bulk , get-next, and SNMPv3 engine identifier discovery requests are logged by default to journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS unless specified otherwise by the specific community or SNMPv3 user. All other values are unchanged.

Example 4: Configuring the Local Trap Manager


This command configures the IBM i local trap manager to start when SNMP starts. The local trap manager will also forward trap and inform messages. If an SNMPv3 inform message is received, it will forward it to the trap manager application at IP address The SNMPv3 user v3User will be used for sending the inform message to IP address of change

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Error occurred accessing SNMP configuration information.
*IOSYSCFG authority required to use &1.