Configure Geographic Mirror (CFGGEOMIR)

The Configure Geographic Mirror (CFGGEOMIR) command when used with the *CREATE action will perform the configuration steps necessary to take an existing standalone independent auxiliary storage pool (ASP) and create a geographic mirror copy.

If specified, upon successfully creating of a mirror copy, ASP copy descriptions will be created if they do not already exist and an ASP session will be started.

If geographic mirroring is already configured and additional sites exist in the cluster resource group recovery domain, this command will create an additional mirror copy of the independent ASP.

This command will initiate the configuration and then display the progress status of the configuration. The status of the configuration process may also be viewed using the Display ASP Status (DSPASPSTS) command on the mirror copy node.

When this command is called with the *DELETE action, if an ASP session is started, the session will be suspended, then ended, the copy description for the ASP copy being deleted will also be deleted.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
ASPDEV ASP device Name Required, Positional 1
ACTION Action *CREATE, *DELETE Required, Positional 2
SRCSITE Source site Name, * Optional
TGTSITE Target site Name, * Optional
SSN Session Single values: *NONE
Other values: Qualified job name
Qualifier 1: Session Name
Qualifier 2: Source ASP copy description Name
Qualifier 3: Target ASP copy description Name
DELIVERY Transmission delivery *SYNC, *ASYNC Optional
UNITS Disk units Single values: *SELECT
Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Simple name
CONFIRM Confirm *YES, *NO Optional
CLUSTER Cluster Name, * Optional
CRG Cluster resource group Name, * Optional
MODE Mirroring mode *SYNC, *ASYNC Optional
PRIORITY Synchronization priority *HIGH, *MEDIUM, *LOW Optional
SSPTIMO Suspend timeout 60-3600, 120 Optional
TRACKSPACE Tracking space 0-100, 100 Optional

ASP device (ASPDEV)

Specifies the name of the existing independent ASP.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the name of the existing independent ASP.

Action (ACTION)

Specifies the desired action to be taken on the independent ASP.

This is a required parameter.

A mirror copy of the independent ASP will be created.
The mirror copy of the independent ASP will be deleted.

Source site (SRCSITE)

Specifies the name of the cluster resource group site that identifies the source of the mirror copy.

If only two sites exist in the cluster resource group recovery domain, this special value will indicate the named site of the primary node.

If more than two named sites exist in the cluster resource group recovery domain, the command will fail indicating the user is required to specify a named site.

Specify the site name within the cluster resource group of the node that owns the source ASP copy.

Target site (TGTSITE)

Specifies the name of the cluster resource group site that identifies where action will be performed.

If only two sites exist in the cluster resource group recovery domain, this special value will indicate the named site that is different than the site where the primary node is defined.

If more than two named sites exist in the cluster resource group recovery domain, the command will fail indicating the user is required to specify a named site.

Specify the site name within the cluster resource group where the action is to be performed.

Session (SSN)

Specifies the name of the session to be started after the mirror copy of the ASP is created.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *CREATE.

If this special value is selected, a session will not be started as a result of running this command. A session can be started at a later time using the Start ASP Session (STRASPSSN) command.
Specify the name for the ASP session.

Element 1: Source ASP copy description

Specify the name of the source ASP copy description to be used to start the session. This parameter can be specified even if *NONE is specified for the session name. In either case, the copy description will be created if it does not already exist for the the ASP device. If an ASP copy description does already exist for the ASP device by a different name, another copy description will not be created.

Specify the name of the source ASP copy description.

Element 2: Target ASP copy description

Specify the name of the target ASP copy description to be used to start the session. This parameter can be specified even if *NONE is specified for the session name. In either case, the copy description will be created if it does not already exist for the the ASP device. If an ASP copy description does already exist for the ASP device by a different name, another copy description will not be created.

Specify the name of the target ASP copy description.

Transmission delivery (DELIVERY)

Specifies the type of delivery to the mirror system. This parameter refers to the type of communication to the mirror system. This parameter can be changed at a later time using the Change ASP Session (CHGASPSSN) command.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *CREATE.

The mirroring uses synchronous communication between the production and mirror copy systems. This delivery method is best for low latency environments.
The mirroring uses asynchronous communication between the production and mirror copy systems. This delivery method is best for high latency environments and will consume more system resources on the production copy node than *SYNC delivery.

Disk units (UNITS)

Specifies the disk units to be used to create the mirror copy of the independent ASP. Disk units can be entered manually, or if *SELECT is specified, the user will be prompted to select from a list of non-configured disk units. The total capacity of the mirror copy needs to be 95% or greater of the production copy.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *CREATE.

The user will be prompted to select from a list of non-configured disk units. This special value is not allowed when run in batch mode.
Specify the ten character disk unit.

Confirm (CONFIRM)

Specifies whether the request should be confirmed before the mirror copy is deleted.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *DELETE.

A confirmation panel is displayed when the CFGGEOMIR command is issued in an interactive job. An inquiry message is sent to QSYSOPR when the CFGGEOMIR command is issued in an non-interactive job.
There is no confirmation before the mirror copy is deleted.

Cluster (CLUSTER)

Specifies the cluster in which the geographic mirror is to be configured.

The cluster that has previously been configured on this system is used.
Specify the name of the cluster in which the geographic mirror is to be configured.

Cluster resource group (CRG)

Specifies the cluster resource group in which the ASP device is configured.

The cluster resource group that has the specified ASP device configured will be used.

If the ASP device is not a unique name in the cluster and the name of the cluster resource group cannot be determined with a matter of certainty, the command will fail indicating a named cluster resource group is required.

Specify the name of the cluster resource group in which the ASP device is configured.

Mirroring mode (MODE)

Specifies the mirroring mode for the mirror system. This parameter refers to the way the data is written to the target system after it arrives. This parameter can be changed at a later time using the Change ASP Session (CHGASPSSN) command.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *CREATE.

The mirroring uses synchronous writes to save the data to disk on the mirror copy. Synchronous mode is the only mode that allows the mirror copy to be upgraded to a production copy and used after a crash of the mirror copy node. This mode is best for most environments.
The mirroring uses asynchronous writes to save the data to disk on the mirror copy. This mode is best for environments where the mirror copy node is significantly slower than the production copy node.

Synchronization priority (PRIORITY)

Specifies the geographic mirroring synchronization priority. This parameter designates the priority at which the synchronization process occurs. Using a higher priority may impact system runtime performance depending on your system configuration. Using a higher priority assumes that returning the mirror to a synchronized state takes priority over runtime performance. This parameter can be changed at a later time using the Change ASP Session (CHGASPSSN) command.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *CREATE.

Use high priority. This priority completes synchronization as quickly as possible, but consumes the most resources.
Use medium priority. This priority provides a balance between resource usage and time to synchronization completion.
Use low priority. This priority uses the fewest resources, but synchronization will take longer to complete.

Suspend timeout (SSPTIMO)

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response before suspending the mirror due to a lack of response.

For example, if communication is interrupted due to a network outage, when delivery is set to *SYNC, this is the length of time that the system will suspend writes to the production and mirror copy before suspending the mirror and continue writes to the production copy.

In the same example, if delivery was set to *ASYNC, this value would indicate the length of time that the system will suspend writes to the mirror copy before suspending the mirror. In this example, the production will not be waiting for the writes to continue, however during this timeout period the mirror copy writes will be buffered on the production side which may cause performance degradation.

This parameter can be changed at a later time using the Change ASP Session (CHGASPSSN) command.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *CREATE.

The suspend timeout value will be set to 120 seconds.
Specify the number of seconds to wait before suspending.

Tracking space (TRACKSPACE)

Specifies the percent of the maximum assignable tracking space to use. The maximum assignable tracking space is one percent of the total space within an independent auxiliary storage pool. For example, a 100 gigabyte independent auxiliary storage pool has a maximum tracking space of 1 gigabyte. A value of 5 for this parameter, when the total size of the independent auxiliary storage pool is 100 gigabytes, would reserve approximately 50 megabytes for tracking changes.

The amount of tracking space used does not equal the amount of changed data. Only the address of the changed memory is tracked. If the tracking space becomes exhausted, changes will no longer be tracked and a full synchronization will be required to return the mirror to a synchronized status.

This parameter is only used when the ACTION parameter is set to *CREATE.

The amount of tracking space will be set to 100 percent of the allowed value. This means one percent of the independent ASP will be reserved for tracking changes.
Specify the percent of the maximum assignable tracking space to reserve for tracking changes.


Start of change

Error messages for CFGGEOMIR

End of change

*ESCAPE Messages

Operation canceled by user.
Device &1 not found.
Not authorized to device &1.
Error occurred during processing of command.
Cluster &1 does not exist.
Cluster node &1 in cluster &2 not active.
Cluster resource group &1 does not exist in cluster &2.
Cluster Resource Services not active or not responding.
Job submission failed for cluster resource group &1 in cluster &2.
&1 command failed.
Unable to complete the geographic mirroring configuration request.
Unable to complete the geographic mirroring configuration request.