Backup Recovery and Media Services (5770-BR1)

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Prior to upgrading BRMS

It is important to ensure no user created dependencies exist on BRMS files in QUSRBRM before upgrading BRMS. Use DSPDBR on all physical and logical files in QUSRBRM to ensure only IBM® BRMS files are listed. If any other non-IBM dependencies exits, they need to be removed before starting an upgrade.

SQL can be used to potentially find user created files in QUSRBRM:
select * from table(qsys2.object_statistics('QUSRBRM', 'FILE')) x
           where OBJOWNER <> 'QBRMS';

If using OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) on any BRMS commands, it is recommended that the current outfiles be deleted prior to upgrading or after upgrading to a new release. Changes to files may have occurred and new fields added or changed.

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It is important to ensure that no temporary PTF objects exist in library QBRM before upgrading BRMS. All BRMS PTFs must be permanently applied before the upgrade using the following command:
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BRMS client changes

The BRMS client has converted some client panels for better performance and appearance. Because of this, the BRMS client is only supported through IBM Navigator for i.

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SAVLIBBRM command changes

The Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) command default for the Journaled objects (OBJJRN) parameter has changed to *YES.

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Initialize BRMS graphical interface

The Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) command parameter OPTION(*SECUREDDM) with ACTION(*SET) has been disabled and will fail with message BRM412B. BRMS encourages using the alternate method of implementing the Add Server Authentication Entry (ADDSVRAUTE) command parameter SERVER(QDDMDRDASERVER).


The Work with Media Policies (WRKPCYBRM *MED) command interface to create or change a media policy with a Media Class special value of *ADSM has been disabled and will fail with message BRM1174.