Valid entries for display files

These entries are valid for display files.

Entry keyboard shifts Meaning Data type permitted
Blank Default  
X Alphabetic only Character
A Alphanumeric shift Character
N Numeric shift Character or numeric
S Signed numeric Numeric
Y Numeric only Numeric
W Katakana (for Japan only) Character
I Inhibit keyboard entry Character or numeric
D Digits only Character or numeric
M Numeric only character Character
Data type (see note)    
F Floating point Numeric
L Date  
T Time  
Z Timestamp  
Note: The data types J (only), E (either), O (open), and G (graphic) support DDS display files that use DBCS. The G (graphic) data type also supports DDS display files that use UTF-16 and UCS-2.

The examples in Defining a display file for DDS and Date (L), Time (T), and Timestamp (Z) show how to specify the keyboard shift attribute.

The keyboard shift attributes are defined in detail in the following topics.