difftime64() — Compute Time Difference


#include <time.h>
double difftime64(time64_t time2, time64_t time1);

Language Level

ILE C Extension




The difftime64() function computes the difference in seconds between time2 and time1.

Return Value

The difftime64() function returns the elapsed time in seconds from time1 to time2 as a double precision number. Type time64_t is defined in <time.h>.


This example shows a timing application that uses difftime64(). The example calculates how long, on average, it takes to find the prime numbers from 2 to 10 000.
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define RUNS 1000
#define SIZE 10000
int mark[SIZE];
int main(void)
   time64_t start, finish;
   int i, loop, n, num;
   /*  This loop finds the prime numbers between 2 and SIZE   */
   for (loop = 0; loop < RUNS; ++loop)
      for (n = 0; n < SIZE; ++n)
         mark [n] = 0;
      /*  This loops marks all the composite numbers with -1  */
      for (num = 0, n = 2; n < SIZE; ++n)
         if ( ! mark[n])
            for (i = 2 * n; i < SIZE; i += n)
                mark[i] = -1;
   printf("Program takes an average of %f seconds "
                  "to find %d primes.\n",
                   difftime64(finish,start)/RUNS, num);
/********************  Output should be similar:  *****************
The program takes an average of 0.106000 seconds to find 1229 primes.

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