
A WPAR can have one or more network addresses assigned to support network login and network services.

You must have the following information to configure networking:
  • The name of the global network interface (for example, en0, en1, et0, or et1) to associate with the address. In the global environment, the IP address assigned to a WPAR appears as an alias address associated with this interface.
  • The IPv4 or IPv6 address to assign to the partition.
  • The network mask for IPv4 addresses or prefix length for IPv6 addresses to apply to define the local subnet.

If the name of the WPAR resolves to a network address, that address is used as the default network address for the WPAR. You can create a WPAR with no network addresses assigned. In this case, the only external mechanism to access the partition is the clogin command from the global environment. The clogin command provides a limited function terminal to access the WPAR. It is suggested that WPARs be configured to at least have a private network configured from the global environment so that a network login function such as rlogin or telnet can be used to access the WPAR.