IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail, Data Protection for IBM Domino, Version 7.1

Domdsmc DB2rollforward

How to use the domdsmc db2rollforward command is described.


The domdsmc db2rollforward command rolls a DB2® database forward to the specified point in time and marks the rollforward as complete. The DB2 database can be an alternate DB2 database or the Domino® DB2 database. When the Domino DB2 database is enabled for rollforward recovery, the rollforward command must be executed after the restore. To recover a database to a time greater than the backup time, use the /applylogs parameter. The list of available DB2 databases to rollforward is obtained from the pending DB2 database file. To view the pending DB2 list, use the domdsmc query db2rollforward command. The db2rollforward command is only valid when the Domino DB2 database has been enabled for rollforward recovery.

When the /applylogs parameter is specified and the database is being rolled forward after a restore, it is not necessary to manually extract the logs.

If the DB2 database is being rolled forward after an inplace restore or an alternate database restore, the archived logs (required to roll forward the database) are automatically restored.

DB2 automatically archives the transaction log files when they become full. However, the user can also initiate an archive of the log to archive active log files and have them available for alternate database rollforward command.

Transaction log files that are stored on the Tivoli® Storage Manager server are automatically restored as needed for a database recovery.

When a DB2 database is enabled for rollforward recovery and the database is used for an inplace restore, the Domino server cannot connect to the DB2 database until after the rollforward operation completes. As a result, the command output displays this message text:
Starting Domino DB2 database rollforward...
Initializing Domino connection...
Restart Analysis (0 MB): 100%
04/21/2012 12:02:57 AM  A RM error occurred.: An error occurred accessing the db
2 datasource.

DB2 CONNECTION ERROR:  Domino unable to connect to DB2 database 'DOMDB2' as user
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1117N  A connection to or activation of database "DOMDB2" c
annot be made because of ROLL-FORWARD PENDING.  SQLSTATE=57019

DB2 CONNECTION ERROR:  set DEBUG_DB2CONNECT=0 to suppress this message.
04/21/2012 12:02:57 AM  Unable to initialize DB2 services.  DB2-based nsfs will
be unusable.: An error occurred accessing the db2 datasource.
There is no DB2 connection error and therefore, this message text can be ignored.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-DOMDSMC--DB2ROLLforward----database name--------------------->

   |                        .-,00:00:00-. |   

   |               .-domdsm.cfg--. |   

   |            .-domdsm.log--. |  |             .-60-. |   
   '-/LOGFile=--+-logfilename-+-'  '-/LOGPRUne=--+-n--+-'   

   |         .-SHOWACtive-. |  '-/Quiet-'   


Specifies the DB2 database to rollforward. If not specified, the default alternate DB2 database (DB2ALTDBNAME) is used.
Specifies that transaction log recovery for the restored databases is run if they are logged. The date and time values must be specified in the same date and time format defined in the Data Protection for IBM® Domino preferences file. The transaction logs are applied to a specified point in time or to the current date and time if no date and time values are specified.
Specify a date string in the active date format. When specified, transactions that are completed and committed before the specified date is applied to the restored database. The date that is specified must be after the backup date of the backup image that is being restored. The /pit option can be used with the restore command to automatically restore the most recent full backup image that is run before the specified point in time.

The date must be specified with the date format that is defined in the Data Protection for IBM Domino preferences file. See Domdsmc set for a list of available date formats.

Specify a time string in the active time format. If you specify a date without the time, 00:00:00 on a 24-hour clock is used.

The time must be specified with the same time format that is defined in the Data Protection for IBM Domino preferences file. See Domdsmc set for a list of available time formats.

Specifies the name of the Data Protection for IBM Domino preferences file. The file name can include a fully qualified path. If you do not specify a path, it is assumed the preferences file in the directory where Data Protection for IBM Domino is installed.

The default preferences file is domdsm.cfg.

Specifies the name of the activity log that is generated by Data Protection for IBM Domino. The log file name is used for the current command and does not update the default log file that is stored in the preferences file. You can use the set command to change the default log file name that is stored in the preferences file. The command-line parameter can be used to override the default for one command run. If the specified file does not exist, it is created. If it does exist, new log entries are appended to the file. The file name can include a fully qualified path. If you do not specify a path, the file is written to the directory where Data Protection for IBM Domino is installed.

The default log file is domdsm.log.

When you are using multiple simultaneous instances of Data Protection for IBM Domino to run operations, use the /logfile parameter to specify a different log file for each instance. Using this parameter directs logging for each instance to a different log file and prevents interspersed log file records. Failure to specify a different log file for each instance can result in unreadable log files.

Specifies whether to prune log entries. By default, log pruning is enabled and done daily. You can use the set command to do one of the following actions:
  • Change the defaults so that log pruning is disabled
  • Change the number of days log entries are saved
You can use the /logprune option to override these defaults for one command run. Note, when the value of /logprune is a number, the prune is done even if one is complete for the day.
You can specify:
Specifies that log entries are saved for 60 days before pruning.
Specifies the number of days to save log entries. The range of values is 0 - 9999. A value of 0 deletes all entries in the log except for the current command run entries.
Do not prune the log.
Changes to the value of the timeformat or dateformat parameter can result in an undesired pruning of the log file. If you are running a command that prunes the log file and the value of the timeformat or dateformat parameter changes, run one of the following to prevent pruning of the log file:
  • Make a copy of the existing log file.
  • Specify a new log file with the /logfile parameter or logfile setting.
Displays a list of database backups that match the dbname pattern that can be selected for restore. The pick list is displayed as a scrollable list from which you can select the database backups for restore.
You can specify:
Displays a list of active database backup versions.
Displays a list of both active and inactive database backup versions. All the backup versions that match the dbname pattern are shown.
Specifies that status information does not display. However, the information is written to the activity log.


This command sequence shows rollforward processing for a full inplace DB2 database restore:
Command 1: domdsmc query db2rollforward
Backup Date    				Size      Group     DB2 Database State   
-----------  					--------- ---------- -------   
01/26/12   05:34:22   57.00MB   DOMINO     Pending
Command 2: domdsmc db2rollforward DOMINO
Starting Domino DB2 database rollforward...
Rollforward DB2 database DOMINO. 
Rollforward of DOMINO completed successfully.
