IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail, Data Protection for IBM Domino, Version 7.1

Domdsmc set

How to use the domdsmc set command is described.


The Domdsmc set command sets the configuration options and values in the Data Protection for IBM® Domino® preferences file. The value that is saved in the preferences file is used as the default value when a parameter is not specified on a command invocation.

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   |               .-domdsm.cfg--. |   


Specifies the parameter and value to save in the preferences file. You can set only one value with the domdsmc set command run.
The parmname=value is one of the following strings:
ADSMLOGDir=directory path
Specify the full path name to where the Tivoli® Storage Manager API error log file (dsierror.log) is stored. The default directory is the Data Protection for IBM Domino installation directory. Specify adsmlogdir in the Data Protection for IBM Domino preferences file (domdsm.cfg) when you are using the web client GUI.
Specifies the Tivoli Storage Manager options file name. The file name can include a fully qualified path name. If you do not specify a path, the installation directory and then the current directory are searched for the specified file. The default is dsm.opt.
/BUFFers=numbuffers, buffersize
Use this parameter to specify the number of data buffers and the size of data buffers that transfer data between the Domino server and the Tivoli Storage Manager API. Increasing the number and size of the data buffers can improve throughput.

You can specify 2 - 8 buffers, the default value is 3. The size of the buffers can be from 64 to 8192 kb. The default value is 1024.

If the /buffers parameter is not specified on the command line or defined in the preferences file, Data Protection for IBM Domino uses the default values.

Specifies the size of the buffers. The size can be 64 - 8192 kilobytes. The default is 1024.
Specifies the total number of minutes that the server continues trying to restart a session. The valid range is 1 - 9999 and the default is 60.
Specifies the number of seconds the server waits between attempts to restart a session. The valid range is 1 - 9999 and the default is 15.
Specifies the format that you want to use to display dates.

The default value is defined in the message file. As a result, each language has a different default value.

The formatnumber variable displays the date in one of the formats listed, select the number that corresponds to the format you want to use:
The format is MM/DD/YYYY.
The format is DD–MM–YYYY.
The format is YYYY–MM–DD.
The format is DD.MM.YYYY.
The format is YYYY.MM.DD.
Changes to the value of the dateformat parameter can result in an undesired pruning of the Data Protection for IBM Domino log file (tdpdom.log by default). You can avoid losing existing log file data by doing one of the following actions:
  • After changes are made to the value of the dateformat parameter, make a copy of the existing log file before you run Data Protection for IBM Domino.
  • Specify a new log file with the /logfile parameter.
DB2ALtdbname=name of alternate database
Specifies the name of the different DB2® database. The default value is DOM_ALT.
DB2CONTainerpath=directory path
Specifies the default path for table space containers that are used on DB2 redirected restores. Redirected DB2 restores are selected automatically by Data Protection for IBM Domino when running an alternate DB2 database restore. If this option is not specified, the target path for the table space container is defined relative to the value of the db2restoreintopath option.
Note: db2containerpath is required when the DB2DIRECTORY option is specified in the Domino server notes.ini file. Otherwise, the restore fails. That is because DB2 attempts to place the alternate DB2 database data in the directory that is specified by the DB2DIRECTORY option, which is already used by the Domino DB2 database.
DB2LOGPath=directory path
Specifies the absolute path name of a directory that will be used for active log files after a restore operation.
DB2LOGTarget=directory path
Specifies the location for the logs from the backup image during a restore operation.
Specifies whether to replace the existing alternate DB2 database when you are running a restore operation. This parameter defines the default behavior if the db2replace parameter is not specified during the db2restore command. The default value is Yes.
Specifies the target DB2 database directory drive letter when you are restoring to an alternate DB2 database. The specified drive must be local. The default is the value of the DB2 instance default database path configuration option.
Specifies the number of sessions to be created between DB2 and the Tivoli Storage Manager server. This parameter is used by the Tivoli Storage Manager DB2 agent to back up DB2 data. You can specify 1-64 sessions. The default is one session.
DB2USER=user name
Specifies the DB2 user name.
Specifies the number of bytes sent between Data Protection for IBM Domino and the Tivoli Storage Manager server in a single transaction. The default value is 0 (which indicates no limit) and the maximum value is 2097152. This number is multiplied by 1024 to calculate the limit in bytes. This parameter is useful when you are backing up NSF databases to tape storage for these reasons:
  • Processing for each transaction causes the tape to stop and start. Considerable time can be lost during the stop and start when you are using high speed tapes. This time loss is true in a LAN-free environment.
  • Errors that are encountered during backup processing are automatically tried again if domtxnbytelimit is set.
  • When a failure occurs during a backup, all of the backups in the transaction are tried again, not just the NSF database in error. Each backup is tried in a separate transaction, and the domtxnbytelimit parameter is used to control the number of bytes per transaction.
Stopping and starting tape storage for large NSF databases is small when compared to data transfer time. Use the domtxnbytelimit parameter to adjust the behavior for large database backups.
Specifies the number of individual objects sent to the Tivoli Storage Manager server in a single transaction. Two objects are sent to the Tivoli Storage Manager server for each database backup. The default value of 2 specifies that there is one database per transaction and that each database is stored as two objects on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The maximum value is 65000. This parameter can be overridden by the Tivoli Storage Manager server TXNGRPMAX option. However, when domtxngroupmax is set, the minimum of the two values is used. This parameter is useful when you are backing up NSF databases to tape storage for these reasons:
  • Processing for each transaction causes the tape to stop and start. Considerable time can be lost during the stop and start when you are using high speed tapes. This is true in a LAN-free environment.
  • Errors that occur during backup processing are automatically tried when domtxngroupmax is set.
  • When a failure occurs during a backup, all of the backups in the transaction are tried again, not just the NSF database in error. Each backup is tried in a separate transaction. After all backups are tried, the domtxngroupmax parameter is used to control the number of individual objects per transaction.
The domtxngroupmax parameter must be used when you are backing up small NSF databases.
Specifies the language that you want to use to display messages.
The language variable displays messages in one of the languages that are listed. Select the entry that corresponds to the language you want to use.
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Standard German
English (United States). This language is the default .
Standard Spanish
Standard French
Standard Spanish
Standard Italian
Brazilian Portuguese
Specifies the name of the activity log that is generated by Data Protection for IBM Domino. The log file name is used for the current command and does not update the default log file that is stored in the preferences file. You can use the set command to change the default log file name that is stored in the preferences file. The command-line parameter can be used to override the default for one command run. If the specified file does not exist, it is created. If it does exist, new log entries are appended to the file. The file name can include a fully qualified path. If you do not specify a path, the file is written to the directory where Data Protection for IBM Domino is installed.

The default log file is domdsm.log.

When you are using multiple simultaneous instances of Data Protection for IBM Domino to run operations, use the /logfile parameter to specify a different log file for each instance used. This parameter directs logging for each instance to a different log file and prevents interspersed log file records. Failure to specify a different log file for each instance can result in unreadable log files.

Specifies whether to prune log entries. By default, log pruning is enabled and run daily. You can use the set command to do the following actions:
  • Change the defaults so that log pruning is disabled
  • Change the number of days log entries are saved
You can use the /logprune option to override these defaults for one command run. Note, when the value of /logprune is a number, the prune is done even if one is completed for the day.
You can specify:
Specifies that log entries are saved for 60 days before pruning.
Specifies the number of days to save log entries. The range of values is 0 - 9999. A value of 0 deletes all entries in the log except for the current command run entries.
Do not prune the log.
Changes to the value of the timeformat or dateformat parameter can result in an undesired pruning of the log file. If you are running a command that prunes the log file and the value of the timeformat or dateformat parameter changes, do one of the following to prevent pruning of the log file:
  • Make a copy of the existing log file.
  • Specify a new log file with the /logfile parameter or logfile setting.
If the Tivoli Storage Manager server is configured to store transaction log backup data on removable media, then the Tivoli Storage Manager server indicates to Data Protection for IBM Domino that it is waiting for a required storage volume to be mounted. The mount command is used to specify whether Data Protection for IBM Domino waits for the media mount or stops the current operation. Removable media is media such as tapes or DVDs.
You can specify:
Wait for tape mounts. This value is the default.
Do not wait for tape mounts.
Specifies the directory path where the notes.ini file is stored for the target Domino server. In a multiple Domino server partition environment, the notesinipath parameter must be specified for each partition to identify the Domino server for Data Protection for IBM Domino.
The numberformat parameter specifies the format that you want to use to display numbers.

The default value is defined in the message file. As a result, each language has a different default value.

The fmtnum variable displays numbers by using one of the formats that are listed. Select the format number that corresponds to the format you want to use.
The format is n,nnn.dd.
The format is n,nnn,dd.
The format is n nnn,dd.
The format is n nnn.dd.
The format is n.nnn,dd.
The format is n'nnn,dd.
Specifies whether to replace existing databases or log files on the target system when you are running a restore operation. This parameter defines the default behavior if the /replace parameter is not specified on the restore command.
If the target path name for a database or log file to be restored exists, you can specify:
A Yes value activates the restore procedure and replaces the existing database or log file on the target system. This value is the default.
A No value prevents the existing database or log file to be replaced, so the restore of that database or log file is skipped.
Specifies the number of sessions to open to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. This option applies to NSF database backups only. You can specify a 1 - 64 sessions. The default value is 1.
Specifies whether to log backup and restore performance statistics about an individual database at the backup or restore level. Statistics are logged to the Data Protection for IBM Domino log file (domdsm.log by default). The statistics contain information such as the database read/write time and transfer rate, the send/receive time and transfer rate, and the Domino server data transfer time and transfer rate. This information can help tuning Data Protection for IBM Domino for optimal performance.
You can specify:
A No value results in no collection of log backup and restore performance statistics for an individual database. This value is the default.
A Yes value results in the collection of log backup and restore performance statistics for an individual database.
Specifies whether subdirectories within the specified file path are searched for databases that match the file pattern.
You can specify:
Do not search the subdirectories within the specified file path for databases that match the file pattern. This value is the default unless reset in the Data Protection for IBM Domino preferences file.
Search the subdirectories within the specified file path for databases that match the file pattern.
Specifies the format in which you want system time that is displayed.

The default value is defined in the message file. As a result, each language has a different default value.

The formatnumber variable displays time in one of the formats that are listed. Select the format number that corresponds to the format you want to use.
The format is HH:MM:SS.
The format is HH,MM,SS.
The format is HH.MM.SS.
The format is HH:MM:SSA/P.
Changes to the value of the timeformat parameter can result in an undesired pruning of the log file (tdpdom.log by default). You can avoid losing existing log file data by running one of the following actions:
  • After you change the value of the timeformat parameter, make a copy of the existing log file before you run Data Protection for IBM Domino.
  • Specify a new log file with the /logfile parameter.
Specifies the name of the Data Protection for IBM Domino preferences file. The file name can include a fully qualified path. If you do not specify a path, it is assumed the preferences file that is stored in the directory where Data Protection for IBM Domino is installed.

The default preferences file is domdsm.cfg.


Example: The following example sets the number of buffers to 8.
domdsmc set buffers=8
Output example:
ACD5217I The preference has been set successfully.
