
A common-table-expression permits defining a result table with a table-identifier that can be specified as a table name in any FROM clause of the fullselect that follows. Multiple common table expressions can be specified following the single WITH keyword. Each common table expression specified can also be referenced by name in the FROM clause of subsequent common table expressions.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramtable-identifier (,column-name) NOT DETERMINISTICDETERMINISTIC AS(fullselect) search-clausecycle-clause
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSEARCH DEPTH FIRSTBREADTH FIRST BY,column-name SETseq-column-name
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCYCLE ,column-name SETcycle-column-name TOconstantDEFAULTconstant USINGusing-column-name

If a list of columns is specified, it must consist of as many names as there are columns in the result table of the fullselect. Each column-name must be unique and unqualified. If these column names are not specified, the names are derived from the select list of the subselect used to define the common table expression.

The table-identifier of a common table expression must be different from any other common table expression table-identifier in the same statement. A common table expression table-identifier can be specified as a table name in any FROM clause throughout the fullselect. A table-identifier of a common table expression overrides any existing table, view, or alias (in the catalog) with the same unqualified name or any table-identifier specified for a trigger.

If more than one common table expression is defined in the same statement, cyclic references between the common table expressions are not permitted. A cyclic reference occurs when two common table expressions dt1 and dt2 are created such that dt1 refers to dt2 and dt2 refers to dt1.

Specifies that the common table expression might return different results each time it is evaluated. This is the default.
When a common table expression is not deterministic, the query optimizer must use a temporary result set if the common table expression is referenced more than one time within the statement.
Specifies that the common table expression is expected to return the same results each time it is evaluated. For common table expressions used more than once in a statement, the query optimizer is permitted to implement each reference independent of the other references.

The table name of a common table expression can only be referenced in the select-statement, INSERT statement, or CREATE VIEW statement that defines it.

If a select-statement, INSERT statement, or CREATE VIEW statement refers to an unqualified table name, the following rules are applied to determine which table is actually being referenced:

  • If the unqualified name corresponds to one or more common table expression names that are specified in the select-statement, the name identifies the common table expression that is in the innermost scope.
  • If in a CREATE TRIGGER statement and the unqualified name corresponds to a transition table name, the name identifies that transition table.
  • Otherwise, the name identifies a persistent table, a temporary table, or a view that is present in the default schema.

A common-table-expression can be used:

  • In place of a view to avoid creating the view (when general use of the view is not required and positioned UPDATE or DELETE is not used)
  • To enable grouping by a column that is derived from a scalar-fullselect or function that is not deterministic
  • When the required result table is based on variables
  • When the same result table needs to be shared in a fullselect
  • When the result needs to be derived using recursion

If a fullselect of a common table expression contains a reference to itself in a FROM clause, the common table expression is a recursive table expression. Queries using recursion are useful in supporting applications such as bill of materials (BOM), reservation systems, and network planning.

The following restrictions must be true of a recursive common-table-expression:

  • Each fullselect that is part of the recursion cycle must start with SELECT or SELECT ALL. Use of SELECT DISTINCT is not allowed.
  • The UNION ALL set operator must be specified.
  • A list of column-names must be specified following the table-identifier of the common-table-expression.
  • The first fullselect of the first union (the initialization fullselect) must not include a reference to the common-table-expression itself in any FROM clause.
  • Each fullselect that is part of the recursion cycle must not include any aggregate functions, GROUP BY clauses, or HAVING clauses.
  • The FROM clauses of these fullselects can include at most one reference to a common-table-expression that is part of a recursion cycle.
  • The table being defined in the common-table-expression cannot be referenced in a subquery of a fullselect that defines the common-table-expression.
  • LEFT OUTER JOIN and FULL OUTER JOIN are not allowed if the common-table-expression is the right operand. RIGHT OUTER JOIN and FULL OUTER JOIN are not allowed if the common-table-expression is the left operand.
  • Each fullselect other than the initialization fullselect that is part of the recursion cycle must not include an ORDER BY clause.

If a column name of the common-table-expression is referred to in the iterative fullselect, the attributes of the result columns are determined using the rules for result columns. For more information see Rules for result data types.

The SEARCH clause in the definition of the recursive common-table-expression is used to specify the order in which the result rows are to be returned.
Each parent or containing item appears in the result before the items that it contains.
Sibling items are grouped before subordinate items.
BY column-name,…
Identifies the columns that associate the parent and child relationship of the recursive query. Each column-name must unambiguously identify a column of the parent. The column must not be a DATALINK or XML column. The rules for unambiguous column references are the same as in the other clauses of the fullselect. See Column name qualifiers to avoid ambiguity for more information.

The column-name must identify a column name of the recursive common-table-expression. The column-name must not be qualified.

SET seq-column-name
Specifies the name of a result column that contains an ordinal number of the current row in the recursive query result. The data type of the seq-column-name is BIGINT.

The seq-column-name may only be referenced in the ORDER BY clause of the outer fullselect that references the common-table-expression. The seq-column-name cannot be referenced in the fullselect that defines the common-table-expression.

The seq-column-name must not be the same as using-column-name or cycle-column-name.

The CYCLE clause in the definition of the recursive common-table-expression is used to prevent an infinite loop in the recursive query when the parent and child relationship of the data results in a loop.
CYCLE column-name,…
Specifies the list of columns that represent the parent/child join relationship values for the recursion. Any new row from the query is first checked for a duplicate value (per these column names) in the existing rows that lead to this row in the recursive query results to determine if there is a cycle.

Each column-name must identify a result column of the common table expression. It must not be an XML or DataLink column. The same column-name must not be specified more than once.

SET cycle-column-name
Specifies the name of a result column that is set based on whether a cycle has been detected in the recursive query:
  • If a duplicate row is encountered, indicating that a cycle has been detected in the data, the cycle-column-name is set to the TO constant.
  • If a duplicate row is not encountered, indicating that a cycle has not been detected in the data, the cycle-column-name is set to the DEFAULT constant.
The data type of the cycle-column-name is CHAR(1).

When cyclic data in the row is encountered, the duplicate row is not returned to the recursive query process for further recursion and that child branch of the query is stopped. By specifying the provided cycle-column-name is in the result set of the main fullselect, the existence of cyclic data can actually be determined and even corrected if that is wanted.

The cycle-column-name must not be the same as using-column-name or seq-column-name.

The cycle-column-name can be referenced in the fullselect that defines the common-table-expression.

TO constant
Specifies a CHAR(1) constant value to assign to the cycle-column if a cycle has been detected in the data. The TO constant must not be equal to the DEFAULT constant.
DEFAULT constant
Specifies a CHAR(1) constant value to assign to the cycle-column if a cycle has not been detected in the data. The DEFAULT constant must not be equal to the TO constant.
USING using-column-name
Identifies the temporary results consisting of the columns from the CYCLE column list. The temporary result is used by the database manager to identify duplicate rows in the query result.

The using-column-name must not be the same as cycle-column-name or seq-column-name.

When developing recursive common table expressions, remember that an infinite recursion cycle (loop) can be created. Ensure that recursion cycles will end. This is especially important if the data involved is cyclic. A recursive common table expression is expected to include a predicate that will prevent an infinite loop. The recursive common table expression is expected to include:
  • In the iterative fullselect, an integer column incremented by a constant.
  • A predicate in the WHERE clause of the iterative fullselect in the form "counter_col < constant" or "counter_col < :hostvar".

A warning is issued if this syntax is not found in the recursive common table expression.

Recursive common table expressions are not allowed if the query specifies:

  • a distributed table,
  • a table with a read trigger, or
  • a logical file built over multiple physical file members.