Starting dedicated service tools

To start dedicated service tools (DST), follow these steps.

If the initial program load (IPL) or Install the System menu is already displayed, start with step 5.

  1. Ensure that the keystick is in the system unit control panel.
  2. Place the system in manual mode.
  3. Power off the system:
              RESTART(*YES) IPLSRC(B)

    If you are sure that no jobs are running on your system, you can specify OPTION(*IMMED) when you power off the system. Otherwise, specify a delay time that is sufficient to allow jobs to end normally.

  4. When the IPL completes, the IPL or Install the System menu appears.
                              IPL or Install the System
       Select one of the following:
                1. Perform an IPL
                2. Install the operating system
                3. Use dedicated service tools (DST)
                4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
                5. Save Licensed Internal Code
  5. Select option 3 (Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)) and press the Enter key. The Dedicated Service Tools (DST) Sign On display is shown.
                         Dedicated Service Tools (DST) Sign On
    Type choice, press Enter.
         Service tools user . . . . . . . . . .   _______
         Service tools password . . . . . . . .   _______
  6. In the Service tools user field, type QSECOFR.
    In the Service tools password field, type your service tools password. On a new system, the password is QSECOFR. The password is case sensitive; use all capital letters. The service tools profile QSECOFR password is expired after the first use. At the Change Service Tools User Password display, enter in all uppercase letters the current password QSECOFR and a new password, along with the verification password. Record the new password for future reference.

    The Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST) menu is shown.

                           Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)         
     Select one of the following:                                    
          1. Perform an IPL                                          
          2. Install the operating system                            
          3. Work with Licensed Internal Code                        
          4. Work with disk units                                    
          5. Work with DST environment                               
          6. Select DST console mode                                 
          7. Start a service tool                                    
          8. Perform automatic installation of the operating system  
         10. Work with remote service support                        
         13. Work with system security                               
         14. End batch restricted state