Enabling the secondary language

You must ensure that secondary languages can be used after they have been installed on the system.

To enable the secondary language, follow these steps:
  1. Add the secondary language library to the beginning of the user's system part of the library list.
    To do this, use one of the following ways:
    • Use the Change System Library List (CHGSYSLIBL) command to add the national language library you want to the top of the library list.

      The command can be in an initial program specified in the user profile so that the user does not have to enter the command at every sign-on.

      The authority included with the CHGSYSLIBL command does not allow all users to run the command. To enable a user to run the CHGSYSLIBL command without granting the user rights to the command, you can write a CL program containing the command. The program is owned by the security officer and adopts the security officer's authority when the program is created. Any user with authority to run the program can use it to change the system part of the library list in the user's job.

    • Use a separate subsystem for a secondary language. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Create a subsystem description for secondary language users (for example, QGPL/DANISH).
      2. Specify the secondary language library for the Subsystem library (SYSLIBLE) attribute (for example, QSYS2926).
      3. Specify the sign-on display file from the secondary language library for the Sign-on display file (SGNDSPF) attribute (for example, QSYS2926/QDSIGNON).
      4. Use the Remove Work Station Entry (RMVWSE) command to remove the appropriate display devices from the interactive subsystem, and then use the Add Work Station Entry (ADDWSE) command to add these devices to the secondary language subsystem.

        When you use these commands, no one can be signed on to the devices that you are removing.

      5. If you want to use separate job queues (JOBQ) and output queues (OUTQ) for a secondary language, you can create these queues in the secondary language library (for example, QSYS2926). Attach the job queue to the secondary language subsystem (for example, QGPL/DANISH).
    • You might have licensed programs that have secondary language libraries and that are not on the IBM i secondary language tape. You should add those secondary language libraries to the library list before the primary language product libraries. Use the Change System Library List (CHGSYSLIBL) command to add the secondary language libraries to the library list if the product libraries are in the system part of the library list.
  2. Specify the keyboard ID for the secondary language in the device description for the display station.
    1. Turn off your device.
    2. Use the Change Device Description Display (CHGDEVDSP) command to specify the keyboard ID for the secondary language in the device description.
    3. Use the Vary Configuration (VRYCFG) command to turn on the device.
  3. Change the date format to reflect the date format of your language.
    The date format, date separator, and time separator can only be changed using the CHGJOB command for secondary language users. If you use the CHGSYSVAL command to change these values, all primary language users and all secondary language users have this information changed. The following table illustrates this and shows the ways the date and other NLS-related job attributes should be specified for secondary language users.
    Date X X X    
    Date format X        
    Date separator X        
    Time separator X        
    Character set identifier X     X X
    Language identifier X     X X
    Sort sequence X     X X
    Country or region identifier X     X X
    Note: The following commands are used in this table:
    • Change Job (CHGJOB) command
    • Create Job Description (CRTJOBD) command
    • Change Job Description (CHGJOBD) command
    • Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) command
    • Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command
  4. Change the CCSID value to reflect the CCSID of the secondary language that you want to use.
    You can set the CCSID value for all jobs to run under your user profile by using the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command. This change takes effect for any jobs that enter the system using your profile after you have made the change.

    You can set the CCSID value for a batch job to be run using the CCSID parameter on the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command. You can change the CCSID of a job that is running by using the Change Job (CHGJOB) command.

  5. Ensure that your data in objects other than database files and message files prints correctly.
    To do this, you might want to direct all of your printed output to a print queue that contains printer output only for the character identifier of your language.
    1. Use the Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command to create a printer queue.
    2. Use the OUTQ parameter of the Change Job (CHGJOB) command to change your job output queue.
      CHGJOB OUTQ(output_queue)
      Note: You can use the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command instead to make a more permanent change to the OUTQ parameter. Then, each time you sign on to the system, the correct output queue is used.

      If the printer supports changing the code page, you can use the *JOBCCSID value in the printer file.

  6. Change other cultural- and language-dependent values to the secondary language you want to use if you do not want to use the system values.
    Use the Change Job (CHGJOB) command to change the cultural- and language-dependent values.