Special-character keyboard set

The special-character keyboard set is available with the enhanced keyboard on most display stations. It allows a user to enter special characters that otherwise might not be available (labeled) on the keyboard.

The following figure shows all the characters in the special keyboard set and the keys on the enhanced keyboard to which each character is assigned. A special character can be assigned to a lowercase, uppercase, or ALT position on a key.

You can order a special template package, SCX21-9950, that contains the special-character keyboard set.

An illustration of the special-character keyboard set

The special characters on the enhanced keyboard are used for this group of languages: Belgium, German, French, English, Icelandic, Italian, Spanish, Austrian, Danish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Swiss/French, Swiss/German, Spanish Speaking, and Netherlands (Dutch).

Creating a special character

The special-character keyboard function is active for only one special character at a time. To create a special character, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the ALT key, and then press the Shift key.
  2. Press the key to which a special character is assigned.

If a special character is assigned to an uppercase or ALT position, the shift or ALT key must be pressed in combination with the key assigned to the special character. The ALT and shift key sequence must be pressed before the entry of each special character.

The following figure highlights those special characters assigned to the lowercase positions.

An illustration of the special-characters assigned to the lowercase positions

The following figure highlights the special characters assigned to the uppercase position.

An illustration of the special-characters assigned to the uppercase positions

The following figure highlights the special characters assigned to the ALT key positions.

An illustration of the special-characters assigned to the ALT key positions

Example: Special character

For example, if you wanted to create the The A ring character for German on an English keyboard, you should follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the ALT key, and then press the Shift key.
  2. Press the Shift key with the An illustration of the Diacritic mode symbol key key. The diacritic mode symbol appears at the bottom of the screen and is waiting for the next keystroke to complete the character.
  3. You now press the Shift key and the An illustration of the standard A key key.

    This produces the The A ring character. If you press this key without also pressing the shift key, you will get a ring character. The system accepts only uppercase or lowercase A.