Change CC Server Attributes (CHGCCSA)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Control Server Attributes (CHGCCSA) command allows you to change the attribute values defined to control the operation of the change control server function. This function provides the software distribution support for locally attached change control clients using the Managed System Services product.

All parameters are optional.

Note: If you change the change control server attributes while the managed system functions are active, you must end the program (ENDMGDSYS command) and then start the program again (STRMGDSYS command) before the changes take effect.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
MSGLOGLVL Message log level *SAME, *MIN, *NORM, *DIAG Optional
LOGSIZE Log file size 1-2097152, *SAME Optional
RBATRCSIZE RBAPI trace size 1-2097152, *SAME Optional
TRCSIZE Trace space size 1-16383, *SAME Optional
MAXTGT Maximum targets 1-65335, *SAME Optional
MAXCNN Maximum connections 1-512, *SAME Optional
MAXUSRIFC Maximum user interfaces 1-65435, *SAME Optional
TCPPORT TCP/IP port 1-32767, *SAME Optional
AUTMODE Authorize mode *SAME, *ALL, *NONE Optional
MAXRQS Maximum requests 1-65536, *SAME Optional
MAXLCLTGT Maximum local targets 1-2000, *SAME Optional
IDLETIME DACA idle time 1-32767, *SAME Optional
RTYTIME DACA retry time 1-32767, *SAME Optional
MAXLOGIN Maximum login attempts 1-5, *SAME Optional
AUTOTGTREG Automatic target registration Element list Optional
Element 1: Automatic registration *SAME, *YES, *NO
Element 2: Registration mode *SAME, *PULL, *PUSH, *NOMODE
CCSWRKSTN CCS workstation name Character value, *SAME, *LCLSNA, *LCLTCP Optional
DFTUSRPRF Default user profile Simple name, *SAME, *SBM Optional
ENBNTFCLT Enable NetFinity clients *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
CODEPAGE Client code page Integer, *SAME, *DFT Optional

Message log level (MSGLOGLVL)

Message log level defines the log level that should be used by change control clients before they establish a connection to the change control server and discover the level configured for them there.

The current value does not change.
This log level includes both errors and messages about the main or normal events such as the acceptance of a change management request.
The value should only be selected if there are problems with excess logging on the system. AT this level, error messages are logged, with a minimal amount of information. Fatal errors are always logged.
Select this value if a collection of logs is being done to help solve a problem. When you specify this value, detailed information about the change control server process is reported.

Log file size (LOGSIZE)

Specify the maximum size of the log file in K-bytes. When the log file is full, a backup file is automatically made and a new log file is started.

The current value does not change.
Specify the size of the amount of data in kilobytes (1 kilobyte equals 1024 bytes).


Specify the size of the Request Block API (RBAPI) trace file. The RBAPI trace file contains the trace of the Request Block API (RBAPI) operation. When the trace file is full, a backup operation is automatically performed and a new trace file is started. The Request Block API provides the change control server function to change control clients.

The current value does not change.
Specify the size of the amount of data in kilobytes (1 kilobyte equals 1024 bytes).

Trace space size (TRCSIZE)

Specify the maximum size of the internal trace space size. The trace space contains a trace of the processing of executable programs. Use this trace value for debugging or diagnostic purposes.

The current value does not change.
Specify the size of the amount of data in kilobytes (1 kilobyte equals 1024 bytes).

Maximum targets (MAXTGT)

Specify the maximum number of targets allowed. This number should include the local and remote target systems.

The current value does not change.
Specify a value corresponding to the number of targets allowed. You can have from 1 to 65335 targets.

Maximum connections (MAXCNN)

Specify the maximum number of connected local targets that exist at the same time. Connected means that the target is in the process of performing a distribution and change control request.

The current value does not change.
Specify a numeric value for the maximum number of connections. You can have from 1 to 512 connections. This value cannot be greater than the maximum number of targets.

Maximum user interfaces (MAXUSRIFC)

Specify the maximum number of connected user interfaces that exist at the same time. A user interface may or may not be configured for each one of the attached change control clients. Change control clients with no user interface configured are not considered. The number you specify here should correspond to the maximum number of user interfaces that are simultaneously supported by the server.

The current value does not change.
Specify the maximum number of user interfaces allowed. You can have from 1 to 65435 interfaces.


The TCP/IP port number of the change control server. The value must be a decimal number. The value should match the port specified for the i5/OS change control server service entry. You can use the Work with Service Table Entries (WRKSRVTBLE) command to verify this value.

The current value does not change.
Specify the port number identifying the port of the change control server. Valid values are from 1 through 32767.

Authorize mode (AUTMODE)

The authorization mode associated with the system.

The current value does not change.
No target is authorized to install a change file or to start a data file unless it is explicitly authorized using the auth command. The auth command is a NetView for AIX command. You can use this command to authorize a change file for installation on a target group or to authorize a data file for execution by a target or group. This command must be issued before a change file can be installed. For more information about this command, see the Software Distribution for AIX Reference book.
Any target is authorized to install a change file or to start a data file unless it is explicitly unauthorized using the unauth command. The unauth command is a NetView for AIX command. You can use this command to remove authorization of a catalog entry on a target or group. When you use this command the target systems cannot view or use the catalog entry. For more information about this command, see the Software Distribution for AIX Reference book.

Maximum requests (MAXRQS)

The maximum number of outstanding requests on the change control server system.

The current value does not change.
Specify a value from 1 to 65536.

Maximum local targets (MAXLCLTGT)

The maximum number of local target systems.

The current value does not change.
Specify a value from 1 to 2000.

DACA idle time (IDLETIME)

The time in seconds after which an idle NetView/DM Agent (change control client agent) connection is considered failed.

The current value does not change.
Specify a value from 1 to 32767 seconds.

DACA retry time (RTYTIME)

The time in seconds before a failed NetView/DM Agent(change control client) connection is tried again.

The current value does not change.
Specify a value from 1 to 32767 seconds.

Maximum login attempts (MAXLOGIN)

Specifies the maximum number of failed attempts to connect to the server before the system temporarily disconnects the access to the server.

The current value does not change.
Specify a value from 1 to 5.

Specify if the change control server functions must be enabled for this system. When you specify STRMGDSYS, the change control server functions are started when the Start Managed System Services (STRMGDSYS) command runs. With this command you can perform managed system functions such as receiving objects, running programs, running commands, and applying program temporary fixes (PTFs).

The current value does not change.
Enable change control server functions.
Do not enable change control server functions.

Automatic target registration (AUTOTGTREG)

This is the automatic target registration value. This field is composed of two values: the Automatic Registration and the Registration Mode.

This keyword enables clients to automatically register themselves in the server database as one of the server's local targets. The registration is performed the first time a client connects to the server, if the client is not already configured.
The current value does not change.
Does not enable targets to be registered at the server.
Enables a target to be registered at the server.
Specify the default mode assigned to targets that are registered automatically, when the Automatic target registration parameter is YES.
The current value is not changed.
Target is a pull mode target. Change control operations on a pull mode target are controlled by the administrator at a change control server or from a focal or manager target.
Target is a push mode target. Change control operations on a push mode target are controlled by the administrator at a change control server or from a focal or manager target.
There is no mode defined for the target. The target is only used as user interface. This means that the workstation is used by an administrator to do administrative functions on the change control servers in the network or to schedule distributions to targets. A user-interface-only target can be used only to run the software distribution user interfaces. This type of target is useful when you have an environment with more than one change control server. No mode can be configured for user-interface-only targets because these targets cannot receive change control instructions from the same change control server they are defined as a user interface for.

CCS workstation name (CCSWRKSTN)

The name of the system where the change control server is running. When using TCP/IP as the connection media, the value specified for this parameter must match the local host and domain names specified in the TCP/IP configuration information.

The current value is not changed.
Local control point name and network ID. Control point name and network ID for the local change control server are concatenated to form the change control server (CCS) workstation name. Control point name and network ID values are taken from the system's local SNA configuration (Network Attributes).
Local host and domain names. Host and domain names for the local change control server are concatenated to form the change control server (CCS) workstation name. Host and domain names are taken from the system's local TCP configuration.
Specify the change control server's workstation name. This workstation name can be up to 64 characters.

Default user profile (DFTUSRPRF)

The default user profile used for the change request activity to the change control server. This profile is used to check the authority on the change control server and is also the owner of distributed objects.

The default user profile is used to process the activity.

The current value is not changed.
Specify a default user profile name. This profile is used for object distribution requests.
Specify the user profile of the submitter of the object distribution requests.

Enable NetFinity clients (ENBNTFCLT)

Specifies if the change control server can support NetFinity clients.

The current value is not changed.
The change control server can support connections from NetFinity clients.
The change control server is not enabled to support connections from NetFinity clients.

Client code page (CODEPAGE)

Specifies the number of the change control client's codepage for this change control server's domain.

The current value is not changed.
The default code page number is used. The program uses the code page associated with the ASCII CCSID that is the most like the EBCDIC CCSID of the system. If the QCCSID system value is 65535, then the EBCDIC CCSID is taken from the CCSID that corresponds to the QLANGID system value. If the QCCSID system value is other than 65535, then the EBCDIC CCSID is taken from the QCCSID system value.
The number of the client's code page.


Example 1: Changing the Maximum Connections, the Maximum Targets and the Registration Mode of the Attributes for Change Control Server


This example indicates 300 targets, 312 connections, and that the registration is in push mode and automatic.

Example 2: Changing the Starting of the Change Control Server


This command specifies that the user does not want the change control server jobs to be started, so there will be no change control server functions running when the user runs the STRMGDSYS command.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Unable to change the change control server attributes.
MAXCNN cannot be greater than MAXTGT nor MAXLCLTGT.
*LCLTCP for parameter CCSWRKSTN cannot be specified.
Value &1 not valid for parameter CCSWRKSTN.
Client code page parameter value was not changed.
Error on the CC Server database.
Number of registered targets has been reached.
&3 not valid for parameter &2.
Object not found. Object is &1.