Uninstalling the Metering service

The Metering service is no longer available starting from version 3.7.x. If you previously installed Metering, then it is still available, but will not receive future updates. You can uninstall this service if you confirm that it is no longer needed.

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator

Important: Do not uninstall the Metering service unless you are certain that it is no longer needed. Removing the Metering service when it is still required can damage or break your environment. Some IBM Cloud Paks and components might rely on the Metering service.

Scripted uninstall of the Metering service

  1. Create a script, for example, uninstall_metering_operator.sh and add the following code.

     # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
     # Copyright IBM Corporation 2021. All Rights Reserved
     # US Government Users Restricted Rights -
     # Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
     # This is an internal component, bundled with an official IBM product. 
     # Please refer to that particular license for additional information. 
     # This script intends to clean up the resources installed by the obsolete metering operator
     # - ibm-metering-operator
     # Main operand request namespace
     # Main operand request name
     # Check for arguments
     if [[ ( -z "${NAMESPACE}" || -z "${OPERANDREQUEST_NAME}" ) ]]; then
         echo "Uninstall obsolete metering operator."
         echo ""
         echo "Parameters:"
         echo "NAMESPACE              the main operandrequest namespace"
         echo "OPERANDREQUEST_NAME    the name of the main operandrequest"
         exit 1
     # Ensure the operators are not in operandregistry
     DEFINED_IN_REGISTRY=$(oc -n ibm-common-services get operandregistry common-service -o jsonpath='{.spec}   ' --ignore-not-found | grep 'ibm-metering-operator')
     if [[ ! -z "${DEFINED_IN_REGISTRY}" ]]; then
         CS_OPERATOR=$(oc -n ibm-common-services get csv | grep ibm-common-service-operator | awk '{print $1}')
         echo "[ERROR] This script cannot be used with ${CS_OPERATOR}"
         exit 1
     # Ensure main operandrequest is present
     if [[ -z "$(oc -n ${NAMESPACE} get operandrequest ${OPERANDREQUEST_NAME} --no-headers --ignore-not-found)" ]]; then
         echo "[ERROR] main operandrequest '${OPERANDREQUEST_NAME}' not found in namespace '${NAMESPACE}'"
         exit 1
     echo "Start uninstalling obsolete metering operator ..."
     echo "-------------------------------------------------"
     # Delete main operand request
     echo "[INFO] Deleting from main operand request ..."
     MAIN_OPERANDREQUEST=$(oc -n ${NAMESPACE} get operandrequest ${OPERANDREQUEST_NAME} -o jsonpath='{.spec.requests}' --ignore-not-found)
     OBSOLETE_OPERATORS=$(echo "${MAIN_OPERANDREQUEST}" | grep -E "ibm-metering-operator")
     if [[ ! -z "${OBSOLETE_OPERATORS}" ]]; then
         if [[ ! -z "$(oc -n ${NAMESPACE} apply view-last-applied operandrequest ${OPERANDREQUEST_NAME})" ]]; then
             oc -n ${NAMESPACE} apply view-last-applied operandrequest ${OPERANDREQUEST_NAME} \
                 | sed -E "/ibm-metering-operator/d" | oc apply -f -
             oc -n ${NAMESPACE} get operandrequest ${OPERANDREQUEST_NAME} -o yaml --export \
                 | sed -E "/ibm-metering-operator/d" | oc apply -f -
     # Delete custom resources
     echo "[INFO] Deleting custom resources ..."
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringmulticlouduis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc -n ibm-common-services delete meteringmulticlouduis.operator.ibm.com meteringmcmui --ignore-not-found
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringreportservers.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc -n ibm-common-services delete meteringreportservers.operator.ibm.com meteringreportserver --ignore-not-found
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meterings.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc -n ibm-common-services delete meterings.operator.ibm.com metering --ignore-not-found
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringsenders.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc -n ibm-common-services delete meteringsenders.operator.ibm.com meteringsender --ignore-not-found
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringuis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc -n ibm-common-services delete meteringuis.operator.ibm.com meteringui --ignore-not-found
     # Delete operand requests
     echo "[INFO] Deleting operand requests ..."
     oc -n ibm-common-services delete operandrequest ibm-metering-request --ignore-not-found
     # Delete install plans
     echo "[INFO] Deleting install plans ..."
     oc -n ibm-common-services get installplan --no-headers --ignore-not-found  \
         | grep ibm-metering-operator | awk '{print $1}' \
         | xargs oc -n ibm-common-services delete installplan
     # Delete subscriptions
     echo "[INFO] Deleting subscriptions ..."
     oc -n ibm-common-services delete sub ibm-metering-operator --ignore-not-found
     # Delete cluster service versions
     echo "[INFO] Deleting cluster service versions ..."
     oc -n ibm-common-services get csv --no-headers --ignore-not-found -o name \
         | grep ibm-metering-operator | xargs oc -n ibm-common-services delete
     # Delete custom resources
     echo "[INFO] Deleting custom resources ..."
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringmulticlouduis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc delete crd meteringmulticlouduis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     # Force delete custom resources
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringmulticlouduis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         echo "[INFO] Force Deleting custom resources ..."
         oc -n ibm-common-services patch crd meteringmulticlouduis.operator.ibm.com --type=merge --patch '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
         oc delete crd meteringmulticlouduis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringreportservers.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc delete crd meteringreportservers.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     # Force delete custom resources
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringreportservers.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         echo "[INFO] Force Deleting custom resources ..."
         oc -n ibm-common-services patch crd meteringreportservers.operator.ibm.com --type=merge --patch '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
         oc delete crd meteringreportservers.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meterings.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc delete crd meterings.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     # Force delete custom resources
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meterings.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         echo "[INFO] Force Deleting custom resources ..."
         oc -n ibm-common-services patch crd meterings.operator.ibm.com --type=merge --patch '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
         oc delete crd meterings.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringsenders.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
     oc delete crd meteringsenders.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     # Force delete custom resources
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringsenders.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         echo "[INFO] Force Deleting custom resources ..."
         oc -n ibm-common-services patch crd meteringsenders.operator.ibm.com --type=merge --patch '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
         oc delete crd meteringsenders.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringuis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         oc delete crd meteringuis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     # Force delete custom resources
     if [[ ! -z "$(oc get crd meteringuis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --no-headers)" ]]; then
         echo "[INFO] Force Deleting custom resources ..."
         oc -n ibm-common-services patch crd meteringuis.operator.ibm.com --type=merge --patch '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
         oc delete crd meteringuis.operator.ibm.com --ignore-not-found --timeout=30s
     echo "----------------------------------------------"
     echo "[INFO] Done"
  2. Set the permissions on the script and run it by specifying the namespace and main operand request name. For example,

     ./uninstall_metering_operator.sh ibm-common-services common-service