Top racks

The TS4500 top racks provide extra rack space on any frame in a library without requiring more floor space. They also simplify cabling by providing extra rack space above the library for power distribution units, Fibre Channel switches, tape data movers, or IBM® Linear Tape File System (LTFS) nodes.

Both Top Rack models (TR1, and TR2) are installed in the field by an IBM service representative or service partners on one or more frames. The top racks, and any components that are housed in the racks, are supported and serviced independently of the TS4500 tape library.

Feature code 1750, top rack end covers, is required for the left and right ends of one or more adjacent top racks. This feature is only required for the first top rack that is ordered when multiple top racks are ordered for adjacent frames.

3584 Model TR2:

The TR2 provides an extra 5U of rack space on any frame. The lower overall size of Model TR2 compared to Model TR1 enables you to install TR2 where overhead space prevents TR1 from being installed. The components that are placed into the top rack should not exceed 30 lbs. per U, which is a maximum of 150lbs for the TR2.

Figure 1. TS4500 with TR2 installed
TS4500 with top rack TR2 installed

Feature codes 1755 (Front Door) and 1756 (Rear Door) are optional.

Rack Configurations
  1. Standard 19” Rack (Feature code 1754)

    The TR2 is configured in conformance with industry standard 19" racks. This provides 5U of 19" rack space

  2. Olympus Rack (Feature code 1753)

    The TR2 rack is configured in conformance with the Open Compute Project Olympus Rack Specification.

Feature code 1752, Enhanced PDU, can optionally be ordered for the TR2. Each PDU uses 1U of rack space. Up to two of FC 1752 can be ordered. Each Enhanced PDU provides six C13 outlets and three C19 outlets

Power Cords
  • For single phase input power, for each PDU ordered you must order one power cord feature codes, 9954 thru 9958.
  • For 3-phase (wye) input power, each PDU ordered you must order one power cord feature code 9948.
3584 Model TR1:

The optional top rack, 3584 Model TR1 (Figure 2), provides an extra 10U of rack space on any frame. The components that are placed into the top rack should not exceed 30 lbs. per U, which is a maximum of 300 lbs for the TR1.

Figure 2. Installed TR1
TS4500 with top rack TR1 installed.

Feature code 1751 power distribution unit (PDU), or 1752 Enhanced PDU can optionally be ordered. Up to two PDUs can be ordered for the TR1. The first PDU does not use any of the 10U rack space. A second PDU, for redundancy, uses 1U of rack space.

One power cord feature, 9954 through 9959 or 9966, is required for each 1751 feature that is ordered. See below for the Enhanced PDU (1752) power cords.