Application templates

Two templates are available for creating an application: the Form template and the Learning template.

When you create an application, the Application Wizard prompts you to select either the Form or the Learning template. You must start with one, and you can add elements of the other.

The Form template

The Form template is used to process structured images, such as account opening forms, tax forms, and other documents that contain a recognizable layout. Choose this template when you know the types of data that you want to capture and where the data is on each page type. Typically, the data on these forms is in a consistent location.

The Learning template

The Learning template is used for unstructured documents. It is ideal in situations where you know the types of documents that you will process but the location of the data on the pages is unknown. For example, you might be processing an expense receipt and know which fields you need to extract but not know where these fields are located. With the Learning template, you can add rules. For example, you can add “locate” rules to dynamically find the data on the page. Datacap learns these new document formats when the documents are processed.