
A task profile is made up of several rulesets that are arranged in a particular sequence to produce the wanted processing results. They can be thought of as processing building blocks that you apply to particular objects in the document hierarchy.

The Datacap workflow moves batches through the workflow from task to task. Task profiles are implemented as rulesets, which are constructed from rules and actions.

For example, a task profile that is called Extract can be set up to include all the functions to capture data from the batch in one high-level task. However, the capture process within that task must be completed in a logical order:
  1. To get good recognition results, you must first clean up the images. To clean up the images, assemble a ruleset that is called Enhance that works at page level. The Enhance ruleset applies image-processing rules to deskew and remove smears and borders, and might adjust contrast on all the images of the batch.
  2. You then can set up a ruleset that is called Identify to run at batch level to determine the types of pages and how they should be separated into documents and to drive recognition.
  3. Next, you can set up a ruleset that is called Recognize that runs optical character recognition at page level and populates the fields that are associated with the pages.
  4. Finally, you require a Validate ruleset to apply validation rules at field level against the data that is extracted.

Each ruleset defines one or more rules that you can run on specific documents, pages, or fields, or on the entire batch. The task profile specifies only that certain rulesets are associated with that profile. Nothing runs until you actually associate a specific rule with specific document, page, or field, or with the batch.

Multiple task profiles can reference the same ruleset. For example, the Profiler and Verify profiles both reference the Validate ruleset because you typically run validation rules after data recognition, and run the same rules again after verification by the operator.