Relationship between runtime batch and document hierarchy

To know which APIs to use for specific objects, you need to understand how a runtime batch and a document hierarchy are related. For example, when the page types are identified in a runtime batch, you can insert document objects into the batch by referencing the DCO setup object.

At the beginning of a workflow, Datacap scans a collection of pages. Because the page types are initially unknown, Datacap assigns the type Other to the pages when it adds them to the runtime batch hierarchy. The following diagram shows that the document hierarchy includes four pages. At run time, the four pages are initially assigned the type Other when Datacap adds the pages to a batch.

Adding pages with type OTHER to the runtime batch hierarchy

Datacap identifies each page type by referencing the types that are defined in the document hierarchy, and assigns the appropriate TYPE attribute to each page object. For example, the four pages in the runtime batch hierarchy are identified as P1, P2, P3, and P4, as shown in the following diagram:

Assigning appropriate TYPE attributes to pages in the document hierarchy

Datacap gets the document type that is associated with each page type and inserts the appropriate document objects into the runtime hierarchy. Previously, the batch included the four pages without the associated document type. The following diagram shows that P1 and P2 are associated with D1, and P3 and P4 are associated with D2. The page and document type association is based on the document hierarchy that is defined in the DCO Setup object:

Inserting the appropriate document objects that are based on page TYPE attributes