Integrating connector actions into applications

Datacap provides actions that you can use to integrate Datacap applications with supported content repositories. You can automate data capture, index documents, and process forms as a front end that stores document images and associated index values in the repository.

Before you begin

Verify that Datacap connectors are installed.

About this task

Datacap Connector actions are associated with objects in the document hierarchy through rulesets. Datacap Connector actions can be associated with batch, document, page, or field objects. For example, to export objects from a Datacap application to IBM® Content Manager, you configure rules on the IBMCM Export ruleset to upload Datacap scanned images to IBM Content Manager.

You can use the IMail or EWSMail input actions to scan incoming email messages for attachments that can then be imported into document batches. You can use the Email output actions to send email messages. The Fax actions can import the content of incoming faxes from a specified fax source into document batches. You can process email and fax-based batches by using the Datacap standard Recognition or Verify tasks.

To integrate Datacap connector actions into Datacap applications, you add actions to ruleset functions. The Datacap applications are unique, so you can do some general steps to incorporate connector actions into an application. You must connect the rules to the appropriate levels in the DCO.


To integrate connector actions into an application:

  1. In Datacap Studio, click the Rulemanager > Actions tab.
  2. Select the ruleset to which you want to add the connector action and click Lock ruleset for editing.
    For example, you might select the Export To P8 ruleset.
  3. Click Sync DCO view with Ruleset view to expand the Document Hierarchy.
  4. Highlight the objects to which the ruleset is bound and note the object names and their object levels, such as Connect or Upload.
  5. Select the function into which you want to incorporate the connector action in the Rulesets tab.
    For example, select Logon.
  6. Select the Page or Fieldlevel action on the Actions Library tab and click Add to Function to add the action to the function.
    If you selected the Logon function, add the Logon action for your content repository. For example, for IBM Content Manager, you add the IBMCM_Logon action.
  7. If needed, move the action by clicking Move Up or Move Down then change the action Properties as needed.
  8. Click Save to save the changes to the ruleset.
  9. Display the Connector Settings by clicking the Zones tab, then clicking the Connector tab.
  10. On the Document Hierarchy tab, click Lock DCO for editing and select the objects that you highlighted in a previous step.
  11. Change the appropriate Connector settings for the selected objects on the Connector tab,
  12. On the Document Hierarchy tab, click Save Changes and then click Unlock DCO.
  13. Test your changes, then click the Rulesets tab and click Publish ruleset.