Manually identifying pages and restructuring batches (ProtoId)

You use the ProtoId web client (ProtoId.aspx) to do manual page identification. You can use the list beneath each thumbnail to change the current page type. Additionally, the small toolbar above each thumbnail image provides batch restructuring functions.

The following table lists the batch restructuring controls.
Control Description Control Description
Plus sign (+) Enlarges all thumbnails Left arrow (<) Moves the page to the left (ALT+U)
Minus sign () Shrinks all thumbnails Check mark () Indicates that the page was copied to the clipboard
keys Displays hot key list Copy Copies the page to the clipboard (CTRL+C)
Question mark (?) Runs document integrity check Paste Inserts the page from the clipboard* (CTRL+V)
    Curved arrow Rotates the page thumbnail by 90 degrees (CTRL+G)
    Right arrow (>) Moves the page to the right (ALT+N)
When you copy a page, Datacap adds a page-level variable to the runtime hierarchy with the ID of the source page. For example, if you copy page 1, Datacap adds <V n="Copy">TM000001</V> to the cloned version.
Tip: You can move between thumbnails by using TAB/SHIFT+TAB. You can display a full page image by clicking the thumbnail or pressing ENTER. For more information, see Configuring the ProtoID web client.