Starting Datacap Server Service

The Datacap Server Service must be running before you start an application or a Datacap component. You can check the status of the service and start the service in the Datacap Server Manager.

About this task

All configurations of Datacap require that the Datacap Server Service must be running before you can successfully start an application or Datacap component. This requirement applies whether the Datacap Server Service is started on the Workstation in a single computer configuration or on the Datacap Server for client/server configurations.

In a single computer configuration, the Datacap Server Service runs by using the LocalSystem account.

In a client/server configuration, the Datacap Server Service runs by using the account that you set up for it.

You start the Datacap Server Service by using the Datacap Server Manager. You can also ensure that the Datacap Server Service is started by checking the status message that is displayed by the Datacap Server Manager.


To start the Datacap Server Service:

  1. From Start, select IBM Datacap Services > Datacap Server Manager.
    When User Access Control (UAC) is enabled, the User Account Control window is displayed. Click Yes.
  2. Check the Status message and start the service if it is stopped.
    Tip: If a Datacap Service error displays when you start the service in a client/server environment, the Service does not have adequate rights to log on to the server. For more information, see Granting Datacap Server Service the Log On as a Service Privilege.
  3. Close the Datacap Server Manager window.