Validate the data

Datacap completes validation by using rules that you create and attach to specific items in the document hierarchy.

The purpose of validation is to determine whether captured data conforms to specified business rules. For example:

  • Does an expense lie within permitted limits?
  • Are dates valid and within a permitted range?
  • Is the total cost calculated correctly?
  • Does the vendor information match the information that is stored in a database of approved vendors?
  • Does a field value match one of a set of permitted values?

To check whether an expense lies within permitted limits, you might first create a rule that does the following actions.

  • Ensures that the expense field contains numbers in a valid currency format
  • Determines whether the value is less than or equal to the maximum permitted limit
  • Does exception handling if the value is invalid or above the permitted limit

You can then attach the rule to the expense field in the document hierarchy.