Task profiles and rulesets

Each task is linked to a task profile that includes one or more rulesets. The default rulesets generated by the Application Wizard are displayed in the Task Profiles pane on the Datacap Studio Rulemanager tab.

The default Main Job workflow uses all of these task profiles, in the order as shown.
  • VScan
  • PageID
  • Profiler
  • Verify
  • Export
  • FingerprintAdd
  • ImageFix

The FingerprintAdd profile runs when you add a new fingerprint to the application from the Zones tab.

The Imagefix profile runs when you enhance a fingerprint image by using the Image Processing window from the Zones tab.

Each ruleset defines one or more rules that you can run on specific documents, pages, or fields, or on the entire batch. The task profile specifies only that certain rulesets are associated with that profile. Nothing runs until you actually associate a specific rule with specific document, page, or field, or with the batch, as described in Rule Execution.

Within each task profile, rulesets run in the order, although a ruleset will not do anything if the rules in it are not associated with any objects in the document hierarchy.

Attention: The order of the rulesets within the task profile is important, because it defines the order in which Datacap runs rules. For example, you cannot check the integrity of a document before you create the document. So, the CreateDocs ruleset must come before the Document Integrity ruleset.

Multiple task profiles can reference the same ruleset. For example, the Profiler and Verify profiles both reference the Validate ruleset because you typically run validation rules after data recognition, and run the same rules again after verification by the operator.