The application framework

You can create an application, copy an application, or covert an application format from a previous version by using the Datacap application wizard in Datacap Studio.

You can create or copy an application, including a CMIS-based application, when you run the application wizard in Datacap Studio. You can also convert an 8.0.1 application to a 9.0 format. You do not need to convert an 8.1 application to a 9.0 format.

Select the Forms or Learning application template.
  • Select the Forms application template for structured images. When you know the types of data that you want to capture and where that data is on each image, select the Forms application template. For example, a 1040EZ tax form and the types of data on the form, such as name and address, are in the same location on every 1040EZ form. The Forms application template sets up a workflow that you can match against your fingerprints.
  • Select the Learning application template for unstructured images. When you know the types of data that you want to capture but you do not know where that data is contained in the image because the location of the data is different on each image, select the Learning application template. For example, if you want to capture the date, amount, and tax for expenses from different hotels, the receipt images from each hotel are unique. The location of the data you want to capture differs for each hotel receipt image so the data cannot be identified with Datacap fingerprints. The Learning application template sets up a workflow where you can add rules, such as Locate rules, for Datacap to learn the different hotel receipt formats as they are encountered.
    • For images where the data is not found, the verifier is prompted to click the image and identify where the data is located. This Click N Key process populates the data into the data set so that the Learning application can automatically find the data the next time that type of image is encountered. After the unstructured hotel bill is processed, the zones are saved to capture data directly. Then, each time an unstructured image with the same format is encountered, the data is captured directly in the same way that data is captured from structured images with Forms applications.