Highlights of IBM Datacap Version 9.1.3

IBM Datacap Version 9.1.3 provides new features and enhancements.

Datacap Navigator enhancements

  • Datacap Navigator Job Monitor - Search by date

    You can search batches by date in Datacap Navigator Job Monitor. Your searches are not limited to the existing pages that are loaded. The Date queries support equal, before, after, and range. Learn more...

  • Transactional scanning supports the Daeja virtual viewer when scanning from Navigator or IBM Case Manager.
  • The following features are added in Datacap Navigator:
    • Speed Scan client
    • Batch Prep client
    • Speed Index client
    • Improved upload performance by parallel uploading pages
    • Support for asynchronous upload

      Learn more...

    Usability enhancements
    Datacap Navigator provides the following usability enhancements, so you can:
    • update the page and document counts after scan is complete.
    • view the page and document counts updated immediately on completing scanning.
    • configure lookup buttons in the field pane of verify client.
    • delete all pages in viewer thumbnail with a single click. This is supported only in the Speed Scan client.
    • view the meaningful labels in the Batch Tree of Scan, Fixup, and Verify clients, after scanning documents from scanner or local folder or after copying pages or splitting documents.
    • view the Scroll bar in Virtual Viewer when using thumbnail view.
    • return a batch to pending status in clients, such as Speed Scan and Speed Index.
    • sort the filtered batch list in Job Monitor by selecting the column heading.
    • copy and paste fields values by using right-click menus.
    • view the read-only field that is highlighted in Image Viewer: In Datacap Navigator, when you frame the read-only field, the respective area is highlighted in image viewer.
  • Disabling the close icon on the tab page: With additional setting in the Datacap Main Feature of the desktop, you can enable or disable the close icon of tab (Job Monitor, SpeedScan). By default, the close icon is enabled.
  • Performance optimization: The performance of Verify and Classify user interface page refresh response time is optimized, when using LLLDAP authentication.

New actions in the Datacap Action Libraries

  • rrCompareNumeric action

    The rrCompareNumeric action allows for comparison of numeric values with Less Than and Greater Than parameters. Learn more...

  • SaveImageInformation action

    The SaveImageInformation action obtains image information and stores it in the DCO. Learn more...

  • Visual Recognition Classifier action

    New action for training for the Visual Recognition Classifier is added. This action is similar to the action for training for Natural Language Classifier. Also the classify action is changed for both the IBM Watson Natural Language Classifier and VisualAge, so that it takes the classifier name as a parameter. Learn more...

  • Natural Language Classifier action

    The new actions are added that classify text by using IBM Watson Natural Language Classifier. Learn more...

  • New IBM Content Manager actions

    These actions help for searching and downloading the IBM Content Manager documents successfully. See other actions

  • New FileNet P8 actions

    These actions help for searching and downloading documents successfully. See other actions

  • rrContains action

    The rrContains action enables manipulation on a part of a string in a variable or in a field. This uses the Smart Parameters that you enter as the parameter to locate and compare the values of two objects' variables. Learn more...

  • CreateVirtualZone action

    This action creates a field zone at runtime based on the identified text locations. Learn more...

  • New action to set batch filter group key

    Added a new action that enables application developers to set the new batch filter group key in the tmbatch table. The action takes one or more group names and stores either the string or preferably the mapped integer value (computed based on the mode). When the batch is released, the client (Rulerunner, FastDoc, DcDesktop, or Navigator) transmits this information to aTM.

  • RefreshFields action

    The RefreshFields action creates fields but preserves existing data. This action is similar to CreateFields action except that if a data file exists for a page then it does not erase the previously created fields and add new fields to the page.

  • AddDcoNode actions

    Action AddDcoNode creates a DCO node of the type that is indicated by a Field, Page or Document. You can add the new nodes at all the levels (that is Document, Page, and Field). If the node of the same type and ID exists, then no new node is created and the action returns True.

  • rrSet_ID actions

    Action rrSet_ID renames the target DCO node with the source value. It sets the target's ID (dco.id) with the value from the source. The action returns False, only when it cannot locate the target object, otherwise it returns True.

General enhancements

  • Role or group-based batch filtering in DcDesktop and FastDoc

    Role or group-based batch filtering in DcDesktop and FastDoc is supported.

  • Downloading FileNet P8 content in bulk by using a FileNet Sweep Job.

    You can use the FileNet sweep framework to download FileNet P8 content in bulk. Learn more...

  • Datacap Application Manager enhancement

    Datacap Application Manager is enhanced that allows selecting {default} for some app settings so the server-side settings take effect and add ADLDS to the list of authenticators.

  • Smart Parameter Builder Control to Datacap Studio

    The new smart parameter builder control is added for Datacap Studio when setting action parameters. Learn more...

Other supports

  • Support for scanning with Apple Macintosh

    You can scan by using Apple Macintosh.

  • Support for Datacap queuing to provide configurable prioritization criteria

    The Datacap queue by proximity to due date/time is supported. This is in addition to Queue by job start time and Queue by task start time. When a custom batch is updated with due date/time, the server can sort by using that column.

More features

See more features in Release notes.


  • OCR/S action library is removed from Datacap.
  • Bar code and Handwriting selections are removed from OCR/S tab in Datacap Studio.

Datacap 9.1.2 Knowledge Center is deleted

With the exception of those items that are changed for Datacap 9.1.3, Datacap 9.1.2 Knowledge Center contained the same information as Datacap 9.1.3 Knowledge Center. Datacap 9.1.2 Knowledge Center is deleted to remove redundant information and make information searches easier. Datacap 9.1.2 customers can use appropriate information from the Datacap 9.1.3 Knowledge Center.