Configuring the Docker plug-in for patterns

If you created and deployed a Docker registry, provide details for the Docker registry so that it can be referenced by patterns. If needed, upload Docker Community Edition (CE) or Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) installation packages to install a different version of Docker CE or Docker EE when you deploy the Docker pattern.

Before you begin

If your system has external network access, no extra configuration is needed to reference images on Docker Hub. If the system has external network access and no private Docker registry is referenced in the Docker system plug-in, the system connects to Docker Hub automatically.

Complete these steps only if you configured and deployed a private Docker registry. Be sure that the registry instance is in a Running state before you complete this task.

To configure the Docker registry, you must be assigned the Workload resources administration role with permission to Manage workload resources (Full permission). If this permission is View only, you can view the configuration but you cannot edit it. If you do not have this permission, the Catalog > Docker Configuration menu option is not available.


Configure the Docker registry

  1. Click Catalog > Docker Configuration.
    Note: This menu option is available only when the Docker Pattern Type is installed and enabled.
  2. Set the Registry URL to the fully qualified host name and port for your private Docker registry or Docker Trusted Registry. For example,
    Note: PureApplication® Software uses HTTPS to connect to the Docker registry or Docker Trusted Registry. The port number is 443 by default. Therefore, if you are configuring PureApplication Software to connect a Docker registry or Docker Trusted Registry that you started, that registry must run with HTTPS.
  3. Set the Internal registry URL. Specify the URL for the private registry that is bound to the management network (usually an IPv6 IP address). The management network and data network on the system cannot access each other unless this URL is specified.
  4. Set the Registry type for the registry, either Docker Registry or Docker Trusted Registry.
  5. Specify the security information in the Registry CA certificate, Registry user name, and Registry password fields.
    Note: By default, no security is enabled for the private Docker registry.
  6. Specify the network address of the docker0 Ethernet bridge. Use standard CIDR notation. For example,
  7. Optional: Click Test Connection to verify the connection to the registry.

Upload Docker CE installation packages

  1. Optional: Upload the Docker CE or Docker EE installation .rpm files in the Docker Engine install package and Docker Engine SElinux install package fields to install a different version of Docker CE or Docker EE when you deploy a pattern that includes Docker containers.

    If no files are uploaded to these fields, Docker CE 17.09.1 is installed when you deploy a pattern that includes Docker containers.

  2. Click Save.


The Docker system plug-in, which is accessed by clicking Catalog > System Plug-ins is configured with the specified settings. If more than one version of this plug-in is installed on the system, only the latest version of the plug-in is configured.

Images that you add to the specified Docker registry are available for use by Docker containers that you add to patterns.

If you uploaded Docker CE or Docker EE installation files, those files are used to install the Docker CE or Docker EE when you deploy a pattern that includes Docker containers.