Registering applications with the Jazz Team Server

You can register additional applications with the Jazz® Team Server.

Before you begin

If you have not yet configured the Jazz Team Server application, the setup wizard includes a step for registering applications while you are initially configuring the Jazz Team Server. For more information, see Running the setup wizard.

You must have administrative access to the Jazz Team Server application.

About this task

These steps are primarily for adding applications to an existing Jazz Team Server environment.

If you are upgrading an existing application and you want to add it to an existing Jazz Team Server, there are significant factors to consider. For more information, see Planning the deployment and upgrade.


  1. Log in to the Administration page of the Jazz Team Server. Point your web browser to
  2. Click the Server tab.
  3. In the Configuration section, click Registered Applications.
  4. In the Registered Applications section, click Add.
  5. In the Add Application window, complete the following information about your application.
    Option Description
    Application Name A name for the application. It must be unique among all applications that are registered with the Jazz Team Server

    Discovery URL

    The service contribution resource (SCR) URL for the application. In general, for the Discovery URL, add /scr to the end of the public URL of the application. For example, if the public URL for the Change and Configuration Management application is, the corresponding SCR URL would be

    Application Type After you type the Discovery URL, wait a few moments and the Jazz Team Server will detect the type of application that you are registering.
    Consumer Secret Type a consumer secret for the application that you are registering. Jazz Team Server automatically generates a consumer key.

    Functional User ID

    After you type the Discovery URL, the application suggests a functional user ID.

    Type the user ID of the functional user that will perform background tasks. Jazz Team Server automatically suggests a user ID that you can use, or you can click Browse and search for an existing one. The functional user ID does not have to exist in the external registry; if the user ID does not exist in the repository, it is automatically created.

    Note: When Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on (SSO) is enabled in the Jazz Team Server, the user interface differs.
    • There is not a Consumer Secret field.
    • After you complete the Application Name and Discovery URL fields, several fields are displayed.
      • If the application also has Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled, an Authorization Server Credentials section is displayed with the following fields: Authorization Server URL (read-only field), Administrator User ID, and Administrator Password. You must complete the latter two fields.
      • If the application does not have Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled, the Consumer Secret and Re-type Secret fields are displayed. You must complete these fields.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. After you register with the Jazz Team Server, configure the application. To do so, in the message that confirms that you registered the application, click Application Setup Wizard. You must provide or confirm the database settings, and finalize the configuration so that all applications registered with the Jazz Team Server can share project areas.
    Complete the following steps for setting up a CCM or QM application:
    1. On the Configure Database page for the application, provide or confirm the database connection. Click Test Connection, and then click Next.
    2. On the Configure Data Warehouse page for the application, confirm the database connection, click Test Connection, and then click Next.
    3. On the Finalize Application page, click Finalize Application Setup. Verify that Finalize completes without error. Click Next.
    4. On the Summary page, verify that there are no errors.

What to do next

For more information about the setup wizard, see Running the setup wizard.

To further manage the applications, see Managing registered applications.

To create and manage lifecycle projects for the applications, see Creating and managing lifecycle projects..