Using the ORB

To use the Object Request Broker (ORB) effectively, you must understand the properties that control the behavior of the ORB.

The following table lists the property values that you can use to customize the behavior of the ORB. All property values are specified as strings. Click on the links for more information about each property.
Table 1. IBM ORB system properties
System property Usage Set a timeout value for an accept() call. Allow an interrupt to a remote method call. Set the number of bytes to read of a GIOP message. Manage the number of concurrent socket connections. Set a timeout value for opening a remote ORB connection. Configure ORB to send a LocateRequest before a Request Control GIOP 1.2 fragmentation. Set a timeout value for receiving GIOP message fragments. Set the GIOP address disposition. Configure ORB to use a server based URL instead of the bootstrap approach.
Note: This property is deprecated. Set the server listening port. Set the hostname of the system on which the ORB is running. Set a timeout value for LocateRequest messages. Set the maximum number of in-use connections in the connection cache table. Set the minimum number of in-use connections in the connection cache table. Define whether local portable interceptors are used. Specify the native encoding set. Specify the wchar code set. Specify the number of retries when certain exceptions are received. Specify the delay between retries. Set the timeout value for a Request message. Control the CodeBase SendingContext RunTime service. Determine the partner version of ORB. Set the maximum queue length for incoming connection requests. Control the output from a SystemException reply. Set the rmic tool to map fully qualified class names to short names. Set the rmic tool to generate classes with fully qualified names only.
-Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBid Set a unique identifier for the ORB.
-Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBListenEndpoints Identify the set of endpoints on which the ORB listens for requests.
-Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBServerId Set the same value for all ORB instances that are running in the same server. This property is deprecated. It is replaced by -ORBInitRef and -ORBDefaultInitRef. This property is deprecated. It is replaced by -ORBInitRef and -ORBDefaultInitRef.
This table shows the Java™ properties defined by Oracle Corporation that are now deprecated, and the IBM® properties that have replaced them. These properties are not OMG standard properties, despite their names:
Oracle Corporation property IBM property