Exporting application artifacts from IBM Connections 5.0 or 5.5

Export application artifacts, such as configuration data, from your IBM Connections™ 5.0 or 5.5 deployment.

About this task

To export application data, complete the following steps:


  1. Fully synchronize of all the nodes in the Connections cluster.
    Note: The migration tool does not migrate custom fields in Connections configuration files. Nor does it migrate the validation.xml file. This file is needed by the Struts validation framework and is accessed when Connections starts. To ensure that your custom fields and files are usable after the upgrade is complete, see the Saving your customizations and Post-migration tasks topics.
  2. Open a command line on the Connections 5.0 or 5.5 system, change to the connections_root/migration directory and run the following command:
    Note: The migration tool does not migrate the content stores. For more information, see Content store migration.
    • AIX® or Linux:

      ./migration.sh lc-export

    • Windows:

      migration.bat lc-export

    • The lc-export command exports the following data:
      • Configuration files in the LotusConnections-config directory. You can find this directory in the following location:
        • profile_root/config/cells/DM_cell_name/LotusConnections-config
      • Properties files in the connections_root directory
    • The exported data is stored in the /work directory. Check the log file to validate the export. The log file is stored in the system user's home directory and uses the following naming format:


      For example:
      • AIX or Linux:


      • Windows:

        C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\lc-migration-20101215_1534_26.log

    • You can reuse the Connections 5.0 or 5.5 content stores or copy them to your new content store. For more information, see Content store migration.
    • The properties that you export may no longer used in Connections 6.0 due to a change in technology used in the product. Therefore, if you do not see these properties when you import application artifacts after you migrate to Connections 6.0, this is expected behavior.
  3. Back up the /work directory to a location outside yourConnections deployment.

What to do next

Continue with the next task in the migration process.