IDMS support

Migration Utility provides an IDMS interface supported by Easytrieve Plus. The functions described in IDMS statement syntax are compatible with Easytrieve Plus, except as otherwise noted.

There are four basic statements that facilitate the IDMS interface:
IDD statement
Acts as an interface between Easytrieve Plus and the IDMS Data Dictionary.
FILE statement
Defines the IDMS files. A FILE statement is required for each database to be processed. It defines the database records (segments) and the parent/child relationships.
RETRIEVE statement
Used for the Automated Job inputs. The RETRIEVE statement is required when you want to sweep an area automatically by means of a JOB statement. It must be coded immediately after the JOB statement. The RETRIEVE statement is not supported by Migration Utility.
Note: The file name used in the RETRIEVE statement must be the same file named on the JOB statement.
IDMS statement
Performs the IDMS I/Os in a controlled environment. The IDMS statement can be used as needed in your program logic. Its syntax closely resembles the imbedded IDMS statements in COBOL.

An in-depth description of IDMS database concepts is beyond the scope of this document. However, you should be aware that:

  • The IDMS database is defined by a system administrator using the IDMS supplied utilities.
  • The administrator defines the databases required by application programs as well as all records, field definitions, and the dependencies on each other. These definitions are known as the Integrated Data Dictionary (IDD).
  • The database access and the IDD for the data base are controlled by the schema and subschema hierarchy. Typically, one or more subschemas exist within a schema name.