Network Graph view

The Network Graph view provides a network visualization of the relationships between objects and timeline of objects that are associated with a single investigation.

The Network Graph view is available on the Details page. Use the Filter icon Filter to control the types of data that you want to display in this view. For example, you can show and hide business object containers, such as accounts, events, and transactions. If the investigation does not have data of a particular type, the filter for that type is not displayed.

Important: To adjust the size of the network graph and to display labels and text associated with related objects, click Collapse Section icon Collapse Section on the horizontal bars to maximize space.
Network graph example
Network Graph view on the Details page
For illustration purposes, this image shows the Network Graph view with the upper Details pane collapsed Collapse/Restore icon (Collapse/Restore Section)

 1  Switch views to change how business objects are displayed. The default views are Card, Map, Network Graph, and Relationships. If the selected investigation has no relationships, the Relationships link is disabled.

 2  Click a business object icon in the network graph to display its related objects in the graph, or to display the object property details in the Details flyout pane. Notice that the timeline shown in callout  4  scrolls to display the time frame that is associated with the selected object. When you select Show Related, related items are added to the graph and the graph is resized in the pane. To restore the network graph to its original view, click the folder icon at the center of the network graph.
Note: You can click and drag the network graph to pan the view.

 3  The taskbar contains actions that you can perform, including Create Investigation iconCreate Investigation, Tasks icon Tasks, Details icon Details, and Filter icon Filter icons. You can display items in the Detail flyout pane by clicking an object in the timeline, or by clicking an object icon in the network graph. For information about these tasks, see Related tasks at the end of this topic.

 4  Click an entry in the timeline to display property details. The timeline shows a bar when time that is associated with an object is more than a single point in time. Note that timeline objects are stacked in the view. Click and slide the view to see objects out of the view range. You can also click an object on the timeline to open the Details flyout pane for that object.

 5  If you have the Group business object type displayed, groups associated with the investigation are displayed on the right side of the timeline.