Use SLM tags to track licensing

Software License Metric (SLM) tag files provide a standardized capability for a product to report its consumption of license metrics (resources that are related to the use of the software asset). After SLM is enabled in a product, a runtime XML file is generated to self-report its license usage. The SLM tag files are based on the ISO/IEC 19770-4 standard draft for Resource Utilization Measurement.

Secure communication via SLM tag

You can secure the communication of the SLM tag by importing the SIDB2.arm certificate that you used earlier in the installation into a keystore for the SLM tag generator utility. For example, use the following command:

keytool -keystore /home/sifsuser/security/SISLMTagClient.jks -alias DB2SLMTag -import -file /home/db2inst1/SIDB2.arm

And then enter the password that you used.

SLM tag files

The SLM tag files are stored in XML format, and new metric records are appended to the end of the file.

The following is a sample SLM tag for the voice component:

        <Name>IBM Voice Surveillance Analytics</Name>
         <Metric logTime="2017-05-17T01:01:41+05:30">

The following is a sample SLM tag for the trade component:

      <Name>IBM Trade Surveillance Analytics</Name>
          <Metric logTime="2017-05-17T01:06:23+05:30">

The following is a sample SLM tag for the e-comm component:

      <Name>IBM Electronic Communication Surveillance Analytics</Name>
  <Metric logTime="2017-05-17T01:07:06+05:30">

When IBM Surveillance Insight for Financial Services is installed, the SLM tag files (*.slmtag) are available on the data node computer in the /var/ibm/common/slm directory.

The SLM scripts are configured to run as cron jobs.