
This transaction searches for all suspect parties of a given party, and creates a suspect relationship between the given party and each suspect party.
Web Services
Operation name: createSuspects
Service name: PartyService
Not applicable
Usage information
Use this transaction to identify or reidentify all suspected duplicates of a given party based on party critical data (that is, the key elements of a party that are used for determining if two parties may be the same party). This may be necessary if suspected duplicate processing was turned off while new parties were added to the database.

The suspect status set by this transaction is controlled through the system properties.

If the InfoSphere® MDM deterministic matching is configured, this transaction causes the match and non-match relevancy scores to be determined. Match relevancy scores indicate how closely two parties match based on the critical data elements that match. Non-match relevancy scores indicate why two parties are not perfect matches based on the critical data elements that do not match.

If IBM® InfoSphere MDM Probabilistic Matching Engine is configured, this transaction uses the probabilistic matching engine to determine the match weight and suspect category between the given party and each suspect party.

If the Acxiom AbiliTec Integration feature is used and both source Party and suspect Party have AbiliTec Maintained Links, an adjusted matching category is determined.

If the IBM InfoSphere QualityStage® Matching feature is used, this transaction instantiates the InfoSphere QualityStage Matching process to determine the match weight and suspect category of the given parties.

Additionally, this transaction sets the source code (also controlled by the system properties). The source code specifies that the suspected duplicates are system marked through this transaction rather than manually user marked using the markPartiesAsSuspect transaction.

Do not include a value for the PartyActiveIndicator in the request. This value is determined by the MDM operational server and will be included in the transaction return. This sets the PartyActiveIndicator apart from other indicators such as AlertIndicator, SolicitationIndicator, and ConfidentialIndicator.

The given party must exist.
Mandatory input
  • PartyId
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
This transaction identifies or reidentifies all suspected duplicates of a given party. Provided with a party ID, this transaction performs the following steps:
  • Delete all existing suspect entries for the given party in which suspect status is 1 (Parties are Suspected Duplicates).
  • Search for suspected duplicate parties.
  • Calculate match or non-match relevancy scores for all suspected duplicate parties if the InfoSphere MDM deterministic matching is used. If IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Matching is used, a match weight for all suspected duplicate parties will be determined by the InfoSphere QualityStage Matching process. Similarly, if InfoSphere MDM Probabilistic Matching Engine is used, a match weight for each suspected duplicate party will be determined by the probabilistic matching engine.
  • Determine the suspect augmentation if the ACXIOM Integration feature is used and both source and suspect parties have AbiliTec Maintained Links.
  • Create suspect entries in the database.
Request message
<TCRMTxType> createSuspects

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMPartyBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMPartyBObj

Response objects
TCRMSuspectPersonBObj or TCRMOrganizationBObj depending on the party type of the given party, containing zero or more TCRMSuspectBObj instances.
Special note
Not applicable