Submitting Singularity jobs

Use the Singularity application profiles or queues to submit Singularity jobs to LSF.

Before you begin

Ensure that you configured the Singularity application profile or queue before submitting Singularity jobs.

About this task

The following job submission (bsub) options are not supported for container jobs: -E, -Ep.


Submit a job to a Singularity application profile or queue.
  • Use the bsub -app option to submit a job to a Singularity application profile (that is, an application profile with a specified value for the CONTAINER parameter).

    For example, if CONTAINER is defined in the singapp application profile, run the following command to submit a Singularity job:

    bsub -app singapp ./

  • Use the bsub -q option to submit a job to a Singularity queue (that is, a queue with a specified value for the CONTAINER parameter).

    For example, if CONTAINER is defined in the singq queue, run the following command to submit a Singularity job:

    bsub -q singq ./

If you specify both the application profile and the queue in the same job submission, the CONTAINER and EXEC_DRIVER parameter settings in the application profile take precedence over the same parameter settings in the queue.

For example, if you submit a job with the following command, the parameters in the singapp application profile override the corresponding parameters in the singq queue:

bsub -app singapp -q singq ./

  • If the CWD is not accessible inside the container, the CWD is automatically set to the root directory in the container.
  • IBM® Spectrum LSF Session Scheduler cannot run in Shifter containers.