Creating custom policies by using the custom policy review API

Use the MyGovernor sample policy governor to practice using the custom policy API. MyGovernor includes sample policies that you can use to get started, including WSIPolicy, which ensures that a WSDL meets certain requirements.

Before you begin

To use the custom policy review API, you must have a policy governor, a policy that performs the review, and an asset to review.

To add a policy governor class to IBM® Rational® Asset Manager on the Configuration page, you must be a repository administrator. If you are not a repository administrator, contact your repository administrator and ask that the policy governor class to be added to your repository configuration.

About this task

The Rational Asset Manager Java™ API includes APIs that you can use to write custom policies in order to validate assets. To get started, you can use the sample policy governor and the sample policies that are included with the product to create custom policies and add them as extensions to your repository. Then, administrators and lifecycle managers can apply the policies to asset lifecycles.

The sample policy governor archive includes the sample custom policies. You can find it in the following location: WebServerPath/extensionExamples/customPolicyGovernor/SampleGovernor.jar, where WebServerPath is the web server path of your Rational Asset Manager repository. You can find the web server path on the Configuration page; in the web client, click Administration > Configuration.

A policy Java archive file is also available: WebServerPath/extensionExamples/customPolicyGovernor/CustomPolicyAPI.jar.
