
Use the DisableDerbyReplicationTaskCommand command to disable replication between members.

Use the DisableDerbyReplicationTaskCommand task command via REST API to disable pre-configured replication on a cache member group. You might need to run this task if you have replication that is previously set-up on a member, but you decided to reduce the number of members in the cache member group.

In this scenario, the derby replication needs to be disabled on the member before you can disjoin that member from the cache member group. Otherwise, the DisjoinMemberTaskCommand fails and indicates that you cannot disjoin that member since it is still enabled for replication on this member.

Since derby database supports only one replica data store, then only one primary derby is running as the primary member in this data cache member. After you run this task command, replication is no longer configured on this cache member group. However, you can join other members to this cache member group and run the SetupDerbyReplicationTaskCommand to set up a replication on new members in this cache member group.

Example Task API:

The following example shows how to disable derby replication on a cache member group located at https://jsmith.abc.com

curl -k -u "xsadmin:xsadmin4Me!" 
-H "Content-Type:application/json" 
  • "xsadmin:xsadmin4Me!" is your administrator user ID and password
  • https://jsmith.abc.com:9445/wxsadmin/v1/task is the fully qualified host name and port number of the cache member group where you want to disable a data store
  • The "inputdata.json" file must be created and included in the following JSON content as part of the REST payroll to run this task command:
        "command": "DisableDerbyReplicationTaskCommand",
        "description": "disable replication"


The output from this REST API is the task ID that is being run for this task command:
Output: {"taskid":3}
You can check the running task progress and task status by calling the following REST API with cURL:
  • curl -k -u "xsadmin:xsadmin4Me!" 
    curl -k -u "xsadmin:xsadmin4Me!" 
    • "xsadmin:xsadmin4Me!" is your administrator user ID and password
    • https://jsmith.abc.com:9445/wxsadmin/v1/task/3/status is the fully qualified host name and port number of the cache member group you want to disable. 3 is the task ID returned from the running task command.