Running the Transformation Advisor tool

Before you complete your migration tasks, collect data about what was deployed to your IBM® Integration Bus Version 10.0 integration node, or your IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 integration node. If you plan to move your architecture to adopt containers, analyze the data that you collected for potential issues.

Before you begin

To plan your migration strategy, read Preparing for migration.

About this task

Analyze the data that you collected about your IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 integration node, or your IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 integration node by completing the following steps.


  1. Back up the resource that you want to migrate by completing one of the following steps:
    • Create a backup file of your IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 integration node, or your IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 integration node by running the mqsibackupbroker command:
      mqsibackupbroker node10 -d C:\temp -a
    • Add the resources that you want to migrate to a deployable BAR file by running the mqsipackagebar command:
      mqsipackagebar -w C:\Workspace -a -c -i -k Application1 -y Shlib1 -v tracefile
  2. Optional: Create an output directory where the logs from the TADataCollector command are written, and set the value of the environment variable TADataCollectorDirectory to refer to it. If you choose not to complete this step, the logs are written to a temporary folder in the home directory of the user who runs the command.
    1. Create an output directory where the logs from the TADataCollector command are written.
      mkdir C:\TADemo
    2. Set the value of the environment variable TADataCollectorDirectory to the path of the output directory you created at step 2.a.
      set TADataCollectorDirectory=C:\TADemo
  3. Required: Run the TADataCollector command with one of the following options:
    1. Optional: To collect data:
      TADataCollector ace collect C:\temp\
    2. Optional: To collect and assess data:
      TADataCollector ace assess C:\temp\
    3. Optional: To generate reports on data that is collected at step 3.a and assessed at step 3.b:
      TADataCollector ace report
    4. Optional: To collect and assess data, and generate reports:
      TADataCollector ace run C:\temp\
    For more information about the TADataCollector command, see TADataCollector command.
  4. Go to the output directory where the output from the TADataCollector command is written.
    If you completed step 2.a and step 2.b, the output is written to the directory referenced by the environment variable TADataCollectorDirectory, in this example, C:\TADemo. Otherwise, the output is written to a temporary folder in the home directory of the user who runs the command. For example, C:\Users\KEVINM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\TADataCollector.
    The following subdirectories are created in the output directory:
    • logs This folder contains the log ta_util.log that you can use to check for errors in the process.
    • output This folder contains
      • The file environment.json, showing the details of the environment where the integration node was created.
      • A sub folder for each integration server, for example node10/server10, containing a .json file. The .json file contains details of what is deployed to the integration server. It also contains configuration details that were generated when you ran the command at step 3.
  5. Go to the output folder for the IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 that you want to review. For example, C:\TADemo\output\node10.
    If you ran the TADataCollector command with the run parameter, a static HTML report, C:\TADemo\output\node10\recommendations.html is produced. The report lists any issues that are found for each integration server under the integration node.

    Follow the links in the summary table, or scroll down the page, to view more detailed information about the issues that are found in each integration server. The Overall Complexity Score is assessed as either Simple, Moderate, or Complex and the following guidelines apply:

    Table 1. Overall Complexity
    Complexity Action
    Simple Admin change is required.
    Moderate Development change is required.
    Complex Difficult development task or an alternative strategy is required.

    The Transformation Advisor tool also provides a severity classification for each issue it uncovers:

    Table 2. Severity Classification
    Severity Classification Action
    GREEN (INFO) No immediate action is required, but you might want to be aware.
    YELLOW (WARNING) Immediate action is probably required or advised before you proceed.
    RED (ERROR) You cannot proceed without taking remedial action.

    The following example shows a Complex issue with a severity classification of RED that was identified when the tool was run against the IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 integration node, node10 with one integration server, server10.

    Table 3. Recommendation report for assessment: node10
    Assessment unit Overall complexity score Issues Total effort (days)
    server10 COMPLEX 1 10
    Table 4. Recommendation report for assessment unit: server10
    Product name Product version Runtime Platform Location
    ACE 11.0 ACE Docker Private
    Table 5. Overall complexity score: COMPLEX
    RED issues: 1 Yellow issues: 0 Green issues: 0
    Table 6. Issues with a COMPLEX complexity rating can be resolved by making significant development changes or by choosing an alternate technology:
    ID Title Cost Severity Solution
    IIB01 Consider a different transformation mechanism in place of .NET 10 RED

    The message flow has been found to contain an instance of a .NETInput or .NETCompute message flow node.

    Whilst App Connect Enterprise v11 software continues to support .NET, there is no support for running the .NET CLR when deploying to Linux Docker containers on App Connect Enterprise Certified Containers.

    Other message flow nodes are available for transformation such as Compute nodes, JavaCompute nodes, and Mapping nodes.

    For more information about the rules that apply to the Transformation Advisor tool, see Rules for the Transformation Advisor tool.

  6. Complete any actions that are advised by the report in step 5 and run the Transformation Advisor tool again to confirm that all issues are resolved.

What to do next

Complete any remaining pre-migration tasks; see Performing pre-migration tasks.

Complete the migration tasks by following the instructions in Migrating to IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0.