Storage requirements

To install IBM Cloud Pak® for Security, you must configure a suitable storage class in the cluster. The configuration must be supported by one or more persistent volumes of suitable size.

The integration capabilities that are provided in IBM Cloud Pak® for Security use persistent storage to provide reliable and resilient storage of state data. The cluster administrator must provide appropriate storage classes that meet the requirements of the OpenShift environment.

Persistence is enabled by default in IBM Cloud Pak for Security, so persistent volumes are required; you must have physical volumes available, backed up by a suitable file system.

By definition, block storage implies RWO (ReadWriteOnce) access mode and does not support RWX (ReadWriteMany) or ROX (ReadOnlyMany). Block storage provides the best performance for storage, but it forces RWO access mode in the node.

IBM Cloud Pak for Security does not support Network File System (NFS). Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform and IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services do not have a nfs-dynamic provisioner.

IBM Cloud Pak foundational services requires block or file storage.

Note: IBM Cloud Pak for Security is validated only with dynamic provisioning.

For Linux on x86 hardware, the following recommended storage providers have been validated across all the capabilities of IBM Cloud Pak for Security:

For more information, see IBM Storage Suite for IBM Cloud Paks documentation Opens in a new tab.


Validated storage options

For each of the cloud environment providers that are supported by Cloud Pak for Security, the storage options that are validated for Cloud Pak for Security are detailed in Table 1.

Table 1. Validated block storage options

Cloud provider Storage type Access mode Storage provider Recommended reclaim policy Min. IOPS Storage class validated on Cloud Pak for Security Encryption supported on the supported storage class*
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Block RWO AWS Retain 10 IOPS/GB gp2, gp2-csi, ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd Yes
IBM Cloud® (Classic) Block RWO IBM Cloud Retain 10 IOPS/GB ibmc-block-gold Yes
IBM Cloud® (VPC2) Block RWO IBM Cloud Retain 10 IOPS/GB ibmc-vpc-block-10iops-tier, portworx-shared-sc Yes
Microsoft Azure Block RWO Azure Disk Retain 10 IOPS/GB managed-premium Yes
VMware Block RWO RHOCS 4.7,
VSphere Volume
Retain 10 IOPS/GB ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd,

Table 2. Validated file storage options

Cloud provider Storage type Access mode Storage provider Recommended reclaim policy Min. IOPS Storage class validated on Cloud Pak for Security Encryption supported on the supported storage class*
Amazon Web Services (AWS) File RWO AWS Retain 10 IOPS/GB ocs-storagecluster-cephfs Yes
IBM Cloud® File RWO IBM Cloud Retain 10 IOPS/GB ibmc-file-gold-gid, portworx-fs Yes

Note: On IBM Cloud (ROKS), you can use the gid storage classes: ibmc-file-bronze-gid, ibmc-file-silver-gid, and ibmc-file-gold-gid. For more information about gold, silver, and bronze storage, see Storage class reference.

*If your disks are not encrypted by default by your cloud provider, you can ensure that your data within Cloud Pak for Security is stored securely by encrypting your disks. If you use Linux® Unified Key Setup-on-disk-format (LUKS) for this purpose, before you install Cloud Pak for Security, enable LUKS and format the disks with the XFS file system.

1:1 mapping exists between deployment replicas and the underlying Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). For example, a CouchDB deployment that has three replicas has three underlying PVCs.

For more information about Kubernetes persistent volumes, see Persistent Volumes Opens in a new tab.

Retrieving default block storage class in your environment

Run the following command to confirm the default storage class:

 oc get storageclass | grep default

You must set only one default storage class in the Red Hat OpenShift environment. If you have more than one default storage class set, to unset one of the storage classes, run the following command:

 oc patch storageclass <storage-class-name> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"": "false"}}}'

When you update the values.conf file to install Cloud Pak for Security, set the default storage class as the value for the storageClass parameter.

IBM Cloud environment storage sizing

In an IBM Cloud environment, the minimal PVC size that is enforced is 20 GB for the standard storage class ibmc-block-gold. For more information, see IBM Cloud documentation Opens in a new tab.

In IBM Cloud environments, IBM Cloud Pak for Security requires one or more persistent volumes of suitable size as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Recommended storage sizing for IBM Cloud

Storage capability Storage type Access mode Deployment replicasxStorage per replica Recommended storage
Arango Block RWO 5x20 GB 100 GB
Backup and restore Block RWO 1x100 GB 100 GB*
CouchDB Block RWO 3x60 GB 180 GB
Elastic Block RWO 4x20 GB 80 GB
etcd Block RWO 3x20 GB 60 GB
MinIO Block RWO 4x20 GB 80 GB
Postgres Block RWO 150 GB (Case Management),
150 GB (Risk Manager),
20 GB (Threat Investigator(Beta)),
100 GB (CAR),
100 GB (ATK)
520 GB
RabbitMQ Block RWO 3x20 GB 60 GB

*For the Backup and Restore pod, instead of using the defaults specified in the table, you can provision your own storage. For more information, see Creating the backup and restore PVC.

Unmanaged Red Hat OpenShift environment storage sizing

In a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment where you do not have a managed cluster from a cloud provider, Cloud Pak for Security requires one or more persistent volumes of suitable size as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Recommended storage sizing for unmanaged Red Hat OpenShift environments

Storage capability Storage type Access mode Deployment replicasxStorage required per replica Recommended storage
Arango Block RWO 5x20 GB 100 GB
Backup and Restore Block RWO 1x100 GB 100 GB*
CouchDB Block RWO 3x60 GB 180 GB
Elastic Block RWO 4x20 GB 80 GB
etcd Block RWO 3x1 GB 3 GB
MinIO Block RWO 4x10 GB 40 GB
Postgres Block RWO 150 GB (Case Management),
150 GB (Risk Manager),
20 GB (Threat Investigator(Beta)),
100 GB (CAR),
100 GB (ATK)
520 GB
RabbitMQ Block RWO 3x5 GB 15 GB

*For the backup and Restore pod, instead of using the defaults specified in the table, you can provision your own storage. For more information, see Creating the backup and restore PVC.