Customizing OpenStack service user UID and GID attributes

Change the OpenStack service user, user ID (UID) and group ID (GID), attributes in your environment file to modify the predefined UID and GID for the OpenStack service user. For example, you can modify the Nova service user attributes on the node systems to which you deploy a topology.

About this task

The following information provides details about supported options.
Table 1. Summary of support details
Support options Details
Supported hypervisor types? All
Support for post-deployment customization? No
Supported topologies? All
IBM® Cloud Manager with OpenStack uses the following default UID and GID settings for OpenStack service users:
Table 2. Default UID and GID attributes for OpenStack service users
OpenStack Service User / Group Name ID Attribute
Bare Metal User ironic 169 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.bare-metal
Group ironic 169 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.bare-metal
Block Storage User cinder 165 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.block-storage
Group cinder 165 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.block-storage
Compute User nova 162 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.compute
Group nova 162 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.compute
Identity User keystone 163 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.identity
Group keystone 163 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.identity
Image User glance 161 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.image
Group glance 161 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.image
Network User neutron 167
Group neutron 167
Object Storage User swift 160 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.object-storage
Group swift 160 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.object-storage
Orchestration User heat 187 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.orchestration
Group heat 187 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.orchestration
Telemetry User ceilometer 166 ibm-openstack.users.service.uid.telemetry
Group ceilometer 166 ibm-openstack.users.service.gid.telemetry
PowerVC Driver User powervc 291
  Group powervc 291
If your systems have a UID and GID conflict, you can complete the following steps to customize your OpenStack deployment with new UID and GID settings in your environment.
Note: You must have the latest fix pack installed to use this customization.


  1. Add the corresponding attributes, which are listed in the Attribute column of table 2, to the override_attributes section of your environment file. Place the new value, as an integer, in the environment file.
  2. Ensure that the new UID and GID value does not conflict with other users and groups on the other nodes in your topology. You must ensure all the nodes have the same UID and GID set for OpenStack service users to support some advanced features (such as live migration with NFS).
  3. Return to the relevant topology deployment and complete the remaining steps.
    Note: This UID and GID customization does not support the topology update process. You can customize them only before a new deployment. The topology update process is described in Updating a deployed topology.