directory for working files

Specifies the name of an existing directory into which CPLEX may store temporary working files.


Directory for working files

API Parameter Name Name prior to V12.6.0
C++ IloCplex::Param::WorkDir WorkDir (string)
Java IloCplex.Param.WorkDir WorkDir (string)
.NET Cplex.Param.WorkDir WorkDir (string)
OPL workdir workdir
Python parameters.workdir workdir
MATLAB Cplex.Param.workdir workdir
Interactive workdir workdir
Identifier 1064 1064


Specifies the name of an existing directory into which CPLEX may store temporary working files, such as for MIP node files or for out-of-core barrier files. The default is the current working directory.

This parameter accepts a string as its value. If you change either the API string encoding switch or the file encoding switch from their default value to a multi-byte encoding where a NULL byte can occur within the encoding of a character, you must take into account the issues documented in the topic Selecting an encoding in the CPLEX User's Manual. Especially consider the possibility that a NULL byte occurring in the encoding of a character can inadvertently signal the termination of a string, such as a filename or directory path, and thus provoke surprising or incorrect results.

Tip: If the string designating the path to the target directory includes one or more spaces, be sure to include the entire string in double quotation marks.


Any existing directory; default: ‘.’