Adding a SmartCloud Notes subscription to a user account

Perform the steps in this procedure to add a IBM SmartCloud® Notes® subscription to a user account. Adding a subscription is also referred to as provisioning.

Before you begin

About this task

If you want to add subscriptions for many users at once, you can instead use provisioning change files and the Connections Cloud integration server.

Note: In the Account Login section described in this procedure, if you do not provide a distinguished name when you create an account, a system-generated one is created. It is recommended that you allow the system to create this name for you. Doing so ensures that the formula is applied correctly. Note, however, that when the system generates the distinguished name, it does not display in the Distinguished Name field. The distinguished name for each user must be unique. If the system-generated name is already in use, then you are prompted to create one manually. To determine the text to add to the user's name to form the Distinguished Name, complete the task Forming a distinguished name.


  1. Log on to the service as an administrator.
  2. If your account also has the User role, click Admin > Manage Organization.
  3. In the navigation pane, click User Accounts.
  4. If your organization uses partitions, select the partition.
    Tip: If you do not know the user's partition, click User Accounts in the navigation pane to locate the user and view the partition assignment. Alternatively, if you have the Administrator role, select All to view the names of users in all partitions.
  5. Perform one of the following steps:
    • If the user already has an account, select the user name and click Edit User Account.
    • If the user does not have account yet, click Add User Account.
  6. If this is a new account, complete the User Information fields. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
    Table 1. User Information
    Field Steps
    Given Type the users' given name, which is sometimes referred to as the first name.
    Surname Type the user's surname, which is sometimes referred to as the last name.
    Language Select a language. The language you select here must be the same language as the user's mail file template.
    Department Optionally provide information such as a department name or organizational code.
    Role Select one or more of the following roles:
    • AppDeveloper -- Select this role to give developers sufficient access to create extensions or add internal applications.
    • User -- This role is required for subscriptions.
    • Administrator -- Select this role if the user will perform administrative tasks. If you also want to the administrator to have subscriptions, select the User role as well.
    • Admin Assistant -- An admin assistant can reset logon passwords for a user. If you also want to the admin assistant to have subscriptions, select the User role as well.
      Important: You cannot assign both the Administrator and the Admin Assistant role to a user.
    • e-Discovery administrator -- If your company purchased an IBM Connections Compliance for Mail subscription, select this role to enable the user to perform e-Discovery administrator tasks.
    • e-Discovery user -- If your company purchased an IBM Connections Compliance for Mail subscription, select this role to enable the user to perform e-Discovery user tasks, such as working with searches.
  7. Click Next and in the Subscriptions page select IBM SmartCloud Notes as the mail subscription. Select any other subscriptions that are available that you want to assign to the user.
  8. Click Next and complete the Account Login fields:
    Table 2. Account Login
    Field Steps
    Notes email or Email Complete the following steps to specify the user's Internet mail address.
    1. Determine the correct field to use:
      • If the user account is new, enter the address in the Email field. The value of this field is used as the user's Internet mail address and as the web client login identity.
      • If the user account already existed, enter the address in the Notes email field. In this case, the value of the Notes email field is used for the user's Internet mail address and the value of the Email field is used as the web client login identity.
    2. Enter the first part of the user's SmartCloud Notes Internet email address, typically based on the user's name. For example, for Samantha Daryn you might enter sdaryn.
    3. If your company uses more than one Internet domain, select the domain in which the user resides, for example,
    Distinguished Name Leave this field blank so the system generates a Notes distinguished name. If the system-generated name is in use, you see a prompt. In this case, you must provide a different distinguished name manually, following the rules described in the topic Forming a distinguished name.
    Initial password for user If this is a new user account, create and confirm a temporary password. This is the password users will use when they log on to the service with the web client for the first time.
    Important: Make a note of this password to provide to the user.
  9. Click Finish.

What to do next

Check user provisioning status to determine when provisioning is complete or if any provisioning errors occur.