Configuring a scope

You can use the Discovery Management Console to configure a scope set.

Important: Creating very large scopes can lead to performance issues, including a server crash.
To configure a scope set and scope, complete the following steps from the Discovery Management Console:

  1. On the menu bar, click Discovery > Scope.
    The Scope pane is displayed.
  2. To define a new discovery scope set, click Add Set.
    The Scope Set Name window is displayed.
  3. In the Name field, type the name for the new scope set.
    Important: The scope set names cannot contain the following characters:
    • '
    • .
    • /
    Note: If you are managing multiple domains with a synchronization server, make sure each scope set name is unique within all domains managed by the same server. Using the same scope set name in more than one domain can cause problems when generating reports.
  4. Click OK. The new scope set is displayed in the Scope Sets list.
  5. To add the scope and contents to the scope set, select the scope set that you just created and click Add.
    The Add Scope window is displayed.
  6. To add the settings for the scope, complete one of the following steps:
    • Select Subnet from the IP Type list and type the IP address of the subnet mask in the IP Address field. This must be a unique value within the scope set.
    • Select Range from the IP Type list and type the start and the end IP addresses in the IP Addresses field. This must be a unique value within the scope set.
    • Select Host from the IP Type list and type the IP address of the host in the IP Address field, or type the host name in the Hostname field. This must be a unique value that exists within the scope set.
      Important: If both the IP and host name are defined and do not correspond to each other, the IP takes precedence. The host name is only treated as a "description".
  7. To exclude devices and hosts from your scope, click Add Exclusion and complete one of the following steps:
    • From the IP Type list, select Subnet and type the IP address of the subnet in the IP Address field.
    • From the IP Type list, select Range and type the start and end IP addresses in the IP Address field.
    • From the IP Type list, select Host and type the start and end IP addresses in the IP Address field.
  8. To save the scope, click OK. The new scope is displayed in the list.