Creating discovery profiles

When creating discovery profiles, default profiles, default sensors, and default sensor configurations are not editable.

When you run a discovery, you must select a profile. If no profile is selected, the discovery runs against the default profile, which is Level 3 discovery. To change the default profile, click Edit > Preferences and select another profile.

To create discovery profiles, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Discovery drawer of the Discovery Management Console, click Discovery Profiles.
  2. In the Discovery Profiles window, click New.
  3. Type the profile name.
    The profile name must be unique.
  4. Type a description for the new profile. The description is displayed on the user interface with the Sensor Configuration, Access Control and Platform Properties pages.
  5. When you create a new profile, you can use an existing profile as a basis for the new profile. From the Clone existing profile list, select an existing profile or select None. Cloning an existing profile includes the agent configuration, access list, and platform configuration.
    There are three levels of discovery profiles to choose from:
    Level 1 Discovery
    This profile can be used to perform credential-less discovery. It can be used to discover active computer systems in the runtime environment.
    Level 2 Discovery
    This profile can be used to discover detailed information about the active computer systems in the runtime environment.
    Level 3 Discovery
    This profile can be used to discover the entire application infrastructure, deployed software components, physical servers, network devices, virtual LAN, and host data used in a runtime environment. If you are running a discovery using any of the Level 3 layer (application) sensors, computer system sensors from corresponding platforms must be enabled. For example, the Microsoft SQL Server sensor or Citrix Server sensor require the Windows computer system sensor to be enabled during discovery. If you run the application sensor without enabling the computer system sensor, this can cause an application sensor storage error.
  6. Click OK.
    The discovery profile is created and listed with the other existing profiles. The profiles are listed beside the Sensor Configuration, Access Control, and Platform Properties pages. If you cannot see the profiles, look for a splitter bar beside Sensor Configuration page. Use your mouse to move the splitter bar to see the list of profiles.
    When you select a profile, the details for the profile are displayed on the Sensor Configuration, Access Control, and Platform Properties pages.
  7. On the Sensor Configuration page, select a sensor and you can create, enable, and configure sensors.
    When you configure a sensor, you must first make a copy of the default sensor that is part of the TADDM product. Then, modify that copy. To make a copy of the default sensor, complete the following steps:
    1. Highlight the sensor that you want to modify, and click New. The Create Configuration dialog is displayed.
    2. Name your new sensor.
      Note: When TADDM uses the specified name for file system access, for example logs, static scripts contexts, and so on, all special and whitespace characters are removed from the name.
    3. To enable your configuration and disable the default configuration, click the radio button. Now, you can modify the configuration of the sensor.

    You can add scope restrictions to a sensor. A scope restriction means that when a discovery is performed using a profile, the sensor runs only on the scope configured with this scope restriction, that is selected scope sets and scope groups. For example, if you want the WebSphereSensor for the ProfileTest profile to run on the WebSphereDiscovery scope set, create a new sensor configuration based on the WebSphere® cell sensor and configure a scope restriction of WebSphereDiscovery. When you run the discovery using the ProfileTest profile, select the appropriate scope sets (including WebSphereDiscovery) and the WebSphere cell sensor runs only on the WebSphere discovery scope set.

  8. On the Access Control page, you can add, edit, or delete access control entries for the discovery profile.
    Any access controls you set in the Access Control page override the access controls in the main access list.
  9. On the Platform Properties page, you can add, edit, or delete properties for a platform.
  10. Click Save.