Configuring Process Designer to run from IBM Content Navigator

You enable Process Designer to be run from IBM Content Navigator by configuring the appropriate desktops and menus.

Before you begin

Verify that you have the appropriate privileges for the isolated region. The following groups control who can change the workflow system configuration with Process Designer:
  • The workflow system administration group
  • The workflow system configuration group

For more information, see Assigning workflow security levels.

About this task

The configuration for Process Designer affects the following menu actions:
  • For workflow definition documents, the Open menu action is changed to run Process Designer.
  • For object store menus, the Open Process Designer menu action is added.

Use the IBM Content Navigator administration client to complete this procedure. The exact steps depend on the version of IBM Content Navigator that you use.


To configure the menu actions for Process Designer:

  1. Register the Process applets plug-in. See Registering the Process applets plug-in with IBM Content Navigator.
    For workflow definition documents, the installation of the plug-in causes the Open menu action to run Process Designer.
  2. Add the repository and connection point that is used with the Process Designer tool. For the repository Configuration parameters, be sure to choose Yes for the option Display workflow definition class.
    • When the Process Designer tool is opened, it automatically works with the isolated region that is specified by the connection point for the repository that is in use at the time. The IBM Content Navigator administration client does not require that the connection point that is specified for a repository to be a connection point that is associated with the object store that is specified for the repository. This allows the workflow definition documents to be stored in different object store than the one that contains the workflow system.
    • If the FileNet® developer works with multiple isolated regions, you must define a distinct repository for each connection point. Later, you can assign multiple repositories to the desktop that you create to use the Process Designer tool. When desktops are assigned to multiple repositories, a customized menu that you create is synchronized with the repository that is being used. For example, if you browse to a folder in a repository and open a workflow definition document, Process Designer automatically works with the connection point that is specified for that repository.
    • If you need to configure access to a legacy workflow system, define a repository by using the object store that holds the workflow definition documents and specify the connection point for the legacy workflow system.
  3. Create a desktop for use by the workflow author.
    1. Name the desktop.
      For example, name the desktop My Desktop.
    2. On the Repositories tab, add the repositories that you want to access.
    3. You can assign specific users who can access the desktop. By restricting access to the desktop, an administrator can control which users in the organization can use the Process Designer tool.

    For more information, see Defining desktops.

  4. Add the Open Process Designer menu action to a menu and associate the menu with a menu type on the created desktop (such as My Desktop):
    1. On the Menus tab, copy the Default repository folder context menu menu and name it.
      For example, name the menu My menu.
      The remaining steps assume that My menu is the name of the new menu.
    2. Select My Menu and click Edit.
    3. Add the Open Process Designer menu action to the Selected Actions list. Save your changes.
    4. On the Desktops tab, select My desktop and click Edit.
    5. On the Menus tab, change the Repository folder context menu menu to My Menu. Save your changes.
  5. Verify that Process Designer opens.
    For more information, see Running Process Designer.